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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: b6e20c738971570⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 2015x2007, 2015:2007, Pavimento_di_siena,_ermete….jpg)


Reminder that Christianity is a false religion based around mind-control and deception.


Who are you reminding here?


File: 94ab1609489751a⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 500x362, 250:181, 3c51f41b9c199738a83b6b495e….jpg)

File: 65259ee9dd1b64e⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 469x700, 67:100, a4ffe157a3aabfbc9b50b01aab….jpg)

Reminder that the christian god is some sadistic foreskin lover degenerate and not the real god.

Religions are all rubbish and they are against spiritual growth.

Don't be afraid of throwing doctrines out of the window and start seeking the truth yourself.


It does not matter who is reminding you. I guess we are all just people looking for a way out of the everyday lies.


File: 6dbd8d524062310⋯.gif (70.66 KB, 278x340, 139:170, 1482726163615.gif)


>the christian god is some sadistic foreskin lover

Butthurt jew detected.



If hating a fictional faggot who likes to collect cut off foreskins makes me a jew then I should be swimming in money then.

Seems like you are an autist just like that anime character on your pic.


File: 4be0e48e5b824aa⋯.gif (2.46 MB, 400x225, 16:9, 40062395d3fa7b2f67b9e2e59b….gif)


Aha! But a real foreskin lover would not harm them… hence anyone criticising intact penises is a jew.

>Philippians 3:2

>Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised to be saved.



Everyone who ever read the bible knows what I meant.

Nice collection of autistic anime gifs.


Thread labeled "Truth" talks all about this OP.



the religion that's nowadays known as "judaism" is the synagogue of satan. the people of israel had a covenant with God but the jews broke the covenant while christians retained it.



All of this reality is what most humans would call unfair. In reality, it's extremely fair, and all the arguments that the original western theology applies to chrisitanity as well. Christianity is a secularized version of spirituality, but so are all religions. Not wanting to be a sheep is equivalent to wanting to die, since the so called wolves die with age, since they live by death. They do not seek the seeker, they claim dominion over all reality. They have no claim over such.


Exoteric Christianity, of course. But as we all know, what Jesus actually taught and what Jesus’ followers (mostly those who came after the apostles) taught is quite different. Really surprised the Nag Hammadi library or at the very least gnosis.org isn’t on the recommended library list.

“Glory and victory to the Paraclete, our joyous Luminary ,

our sun that has risen for us, the Saviour of spirits,

the Helper of souls, and his holy Elect.

Victory to the soul of the blessed, Mary, Apa Panai, Theona.” - Prophet Mani


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