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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The Powers That Be are pushing anti-semitism in online forums and using it to derail discussion. It all boils down to not wanting people to look into the Qaballah. Discuss.


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It mainly comes from the behavior of Jews.


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There's no hate, just utter disgust. By installing spark free light switches in your house allows your "Jewish" family to switch light switches on a Sabbath in accordance with "no-cook-spark" laws from over 2 000 years ago. In actuality, the laws were to allow individuals to sit in quiet and darkness, contemplating their relationship to god and themselves in what we now call: meditation.

Only a truly ignorant people tries to win over god by playing lawyer with written laws of old wise prophets. Collective conscious ignorance over many years, combined with inbreeding, Satanic rituals, avoiding justice in court in many nations, puts wigs on women to hide the fact that all women are oppressed by the same law that Muslims use, rejected Christ as the messiah, indirectly by Talmud law support pedophilia both male x boy and male x girl, worship Luciferian ideologies supporting the continuous destruction of Earth and man by exploiting the karmic cast system, with the cherry on the top:

Justifying it all because you can prove a blood line to some original neanderthal 15 k years ago prophet (that may not even be real), because your "god" YHVH (in the image of man) "chose" you, because a book written by Satanists said so, because we are oppressed (Holocausters, Shoahs, goyim and by our own god).

The cube is the coal atom, 6 on each side to the power of 3 is 666. Put the cube on your forehead with a little spell that binds you to ignorance in your religion and wrap your left arm with a leather belt. Mutilate children when they are the most pure and defenseless, trick them into believing a false polytheistic sect Satanism and make them believe they can never do anything wrong because there's always a rational logical explanation to support your own justification of these acts.

All this without mentioning Ashkenazis, Cohens and the face Jews going East of Iraq, pretending to be these people written about above. Emphasize on: pretending, since they have no clear blood line and adopted Judaism without proper engagement or permission.

If you want to know what a real Jew is according to the old prophets, it's equal to that of a wise monk. A modern "Jew" is a Satanist engulfed in ignorance. The Kabbalah is lit, but they will never share it to the public. Too bad the Kabbalah isn't just a book in the physical world.

Your move.



>It all boils down to not wanting people to look into the Qaballah.

No definitely not. It comes from them being hideous, foreskin munching, shekel-grabbing, usurers and nationwreckers. I also don't see how calling out the jew on typical jewish behaviour is going to stop anyone from studying the Qaballah anymore than it's going to stop people reading The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion to find out what they are doing.


>The Kabbalah is lit, but they will never share it to the public. Too bad the Kabbalah isn't just a book in the physical world.

In the age of internet where scientology texts and CIA documents are leaked why can't we have kabbalah texts leaked? …and if you want to talk about how it's an astral book, why not do the work of channeling it and giving it form through the use of a keyboard/typewritter?



>why not do the work of channeling it and giving it form through the use of a keyboard/typewritter?

Man knocked on the heaven's gates.

- "Who is it?" asked God.

- "It's me." responded the man.

To which God replied: "There's no me in here, go away!".

The man contemplated the answer and meditated. He came back once again after some time, and repeated the same steps.

"Who is it?" asked God again.

- "It's you." replied the man.

Then the door opened and he discovered he had been knocking from the inside all along.

The Kabbalah is hidden in Kundalini, Buddhism, Hinduism, Gnosticism, Masonry and Taoism. Do the puzzle, you'll get it too.



the correct placement of the little cube is on the reverse of the hand(don't know how to determinate the hand it has to be placed on, but it has to go there), they stopped doing it that way because it the mark of the devil(moloch, saturn, ect.) and we know how fond people are to the bearers of such mark(rightful and justified reaction by the way)



>The Powers That Be are pushing anti-semitism

So, the Jews are pushing anti-semitism?



Yes, so they can play the eternal victim.



That you even needed to ask is a perfect example of how such ideology benefits the powers-that-be. Chalking everything in this vastly complex world up to some inane racial struggle is peak mundie.


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1)He didn't ask, it was meant to be ironic.

2) It's hardly inane, you do it all the time.

3) It's not that we've arbitrarily singled you out among all the peoples to hate. Like it or not, you're not special. I mean, you're a special kind of assholes, but you're not unique. You're not the only people that's chosen this evolutionary strategy, you're just the best at it so far.

It goes back to agrarians vs nomads. Cain vs Abel. We farm and defend the land, build it, make it prosperous, then you move in, take advantage of our high-trust societies, fuck things up. Centuries later when we're finally fed up, you move on to "greener pastures" and dumber goyim .

There's also gypsies. They're hated like the jews, and for the many of the same reasons as the jews. Like I've said, you're not unique. We all know how the story ends for Abel.


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Does the Hebrew on these symbols spell any actual words, or is their use here purely hieroglyphic? Been trying to translate them in many different arrangements to no avail.




Yidish writing is weird:

They write from right to left and omit all vowels. (probably some obscure belief that writing vowels makes the word visible to the spirits, who can hear them).

Anyway, the letters are:

י -ה - ש - ו - ה

h -v - sh - h - y

They're meant to be read in counter-clockwise order (right to left) .

So this gives :

ה - ו - ש - ה - י

y - h - sh - v -h

Adding in the vowels we get:


Which, thanks to google, leads us to this thing:



This push for anti-semitism comes from the same people behind COINTELPRO and every divisive movement in the 20th/21st centuries

It's all a distraction from the real masters who pull the strings and the lowest most empty of individuals take the bait and roll with it, screeching the same shit like apes in a cage.



Also I speak Hebrew and Yiddish is not Hebrew. Yiddish is a Germanic language which uses the Hebrew alphabet. Yiddish actually does write all vowels unlike Hebrew which writes only half of them (it's complicated) but evidently you haven't studied Hebrew so please refrain from giving opinions about gematria or anything related to it until you have a solid foundation in the language


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



My mistake. I think in terms of meanings, not words. The downside is I sometimes confuse words that are similar enough in meaning and category.

<please refrain from giving giving opinions on gematria.

Aside from misnaming yiddish and hebrew, is it wrong tough? I obtained the correct transliteration and meaning for the anon who was asking it.

>also I speak Hebrew

Then it should be easier for you to contribute instead of just critiquing.



Thanks, what about the one on the right?



That was a hard one.

Starting from the bottom letter and reading counter-clockwise, you get:

ן - ת -י - ו- ל

L-v-y - t - n


This is the "Sigil of Baphomet"


"Trademarked and copyrighted by the "Church of Satan" .

First time I've heard of a sigil being copyrighted lol .

I've never understood most occultist's obsession with hebrew. Anyways, sigils would probably work better for you if you put effort into making or understanding them. The 'bond' between caster and sigil is as important as the sigil itself.




>I've never understood most occultist's obsession with hebrew.

My assumption would be that it's because ancient egyptian is an unknown entity, even the names of their gods are conjecture. Hebrew's as old as anyone can get without making shit up.

Thank you for your work, it has been informative.


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I am not going to comment on whether anti-jewish sentiment is justified of not or whether there is validity to it, but I will say that I have noticed it being focused on so much that nothing else gets discussed and I do think anti-jewish posts could be distracting on a board like FRINGE because anti-jewish stuff has a habit of dominating everything and this message board is supposed to be about magic and the occult. I think the danger of anti-jewish stuff said here is the anti-jewish stuff if it started off as small could grow to dominate the board.


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Well said my fellow white anglo saxon person.



Case in point. All dogma is cancer.


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>All dogma is cancer.

Let's not get too dogmatic about that, man.

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