There's no hate, just utter disgust. By installing spark free light switches in your house allows your "Jewish" family to switch light switches on a Sabbath in accordance with "no-cook-spark" laws from over 2 000 years ago. In actuality, the laws were to allow individuals to sit in quiet and darkness, contemplating their relationship to god and themselves in what we now call: meditation.
Only a truly ignorant people tries to win over god by playing lawyer with written laws of old wise prophets. Collective conscious ignorance over many years, combined with inbreeding, Satanic rituals, avoiding justice in court in many nations, puts wigs on women to hide the fact that all women are oppressed by the same law that Muslims use, rejected Christ as the messiah, indirectly by Talmud law support pedophilia both male x boy and male x girl, worship Luciferian ideologies supporting the continuous destruction of Earth and man by exploiting the karmic cast system, with the cherry on the top:
Justifying it all because you can prove a blood line to some original neanderthal 15 k years ago prophet (that may not even be real), because your "god" YHVH (in the image of man) "chose" you, because a book written by Satanists said so, because we are oppressed (Holocausters, Shoahs, goyim and by our own god).
The cube is the coal atom, 6 on each side to the power of 3 is 666. Put the cube on your forehead with a little spell that binds you to ignorance in your religion and wrap your left arm with a leather belt. Mutilate children when they are the most pure and defenseless, trick them into believing a false polytheistic sect Satanism and make them believe they can never do anything wrong because there's always a rational logical explanation to support your own justification of these acts.
All this without mentioning Ashkenazis, Cohens and the face Jews going East of Iraq, pretending to be these people written about above. Emphasize on: pretending, since they have no clear blood line and adopted Judaism without proper engagement or permission.
If you want to know what a real Jew is according to the old prophets, it's equal to that of a wise monk. A modern "Jew" is a Satanist engulfed in ignorance. The Kabbalah is lit, but they will never share it to the public. Too bad the Kabbalah isn't just a book in the physical world.
Your move.