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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 27a6e05028c024c⋯.jpg (133.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, david-berkowitz-9209372-1-….jpg)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMF-06Fj8yg [Embed]

thoughts on this?

Son of Sam says he contacted a druidic demon during lsd ceremonial sessions, that demanded human sacrifice. he also says he thinks he might have developed schizophrenia from these ceremonies

he talks about a druidic entity called Samhain or something


File: 0b067563c88625b⋯.jpg (88 KB, 714x710, 357:355, OoKourT.jpg)

This dude is a kike. So much for credibility.


Glow in the dark schizo





Well either he was crazy.

Or the Gods really do like blood and people need to stop buying woo woo Wicca faggot shit and pretending it has anything to do with the literal fucking gods.

Yea maybe the Elderitch horrors that pre-dae man like a little blood in their diet or a snack of immense psychic pain. Why do people act so shocked that something like that exists?



100% of people who contacted "demons" were either drugged or psychotic



Samhain is a celtic holiday and probably not a druidic entity.


Channeled entities can, and do lie. furthermore, it's much easier for an entity to get loosh from a crazy by pushing his thoughts towards emotional overdrive rather than wasting energy making voices. Crazy is the gift that keeps on giving.

Human sacrifice is the metaphysical equivalent of slaughtering a cow, eating its flesh & assimilating all the protein and nutrients at once. The end problem being, you no longer have a cow to milk. Unless you were given a cow to slaughter, in which case it's not your problem.


100% of drugged people who contacted "demons" were psychotic



>100% of drugged people who contacted "demons" were psychotic

not necessarily

there are things in psychiatry like altered consciousness states and religious experiences

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