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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


>In a manuscript he wrote in 1704 in which he describes his attempts to extract scientific information from the Bible, Newton estimated that the world would end no earlier than 2060. In predicting this he said, "This I mention not to assert when the time of the end shall be, but to put a stop to the rash conjectures of fanciful men who are frequently predicting the time of the end, and by doing so bring the sacred prophesies into discredit as often as their predictions fail."[

Who here ready for the 2060 apocalypse?


I'm ready. There's no place left to go but Hell. Sometime after 2060 should be enough time to weed out all but the most hardcore survivors.


Way too far in the future so I don't give a fuck. I might be dead by then. It would be better if it happened by 2020 so we all can enjoy it while we are still young and alive.



Heh, my first thought was "Glad I'm young enough to experience it"



There's no guarantee even it'll start at 2060. He is only saying that it won't happen any earlier than that time.


the 13th baktun of the mayan calendar actually ends in 2040, not 2012. Also, Graham Hancock calculated the end of the Kali Yuga to 2025.


Pretty sure it's going to be around 2020-2030. That's what my dreams have been telling me, and I've been doing very strange things in my dreams.



OP, you're still the same faggot you've always been. Newton is a fraud. If he were any better of a prophet, he would not have lost the equivalent of three million quid on an emotionally charged stock market gamble- AFTER he had already lost money on it and said how stupid it is to predict the market.

Besides, every year someone makes an excuse to say the world is gonna either blow up in a fiery ball of god's wrath, or through mankind's endless list of perceived sins against nature.



I bet you are right. Tell me about your dreams and I tell you what I can make of it in relation to the apocalypse.



I'll give you a short description since I'm not in the mood to make a long post about my dreams. The most telling one was where I was a guard for a bunch of toddlers/adults. I lived in a city, and everyone was talking about how the moon was going to bleed. All I knew is that the moon was going to destroy this earth, the blood moon the sign of it's wrath. That's not literal, but that's how the logic in the dreamed worked. I was in a city, walking through a bunch of malls and theaters, talking to people and doing normal guard stuff. Everyone was supposed to evacuate to the ark, a massive ship with it's own theaters and people, but most were killed, killed themselves, or didn't want to leave. I didn't care about leaving, I still had things to do regardless of where I was, so I walked around talking to those who were choosing to stay. I also walked around and watched the general mood of the atmosphere inside the ship. It sounds mundane when I write this, but a lot of it was surreal. The real important messages was with those who I talked to. Some occultists who've given up on this life and were waiting for the next, kids and neets who weren't adapted to live in this world of degeneracy, moms and fathers who were choosing to stay for very strange and unspeakable reasons. Unspeakable meaning that I can't explain why, it's more of an emotional thing.

Those who were on the ship weren't going somewhere better. The air rang of lust and provocative notions, of heaven away from earth, but the people inside were delusioned into believing that they've been saved. Perhaps, those who were left behind were meant to be the saviors, but were abandoned by the populace for their wrong-think. I can't really say anything about that, other than those who were left behind felt more real than those who weren't. Perhaps the place they went wasn't better or worse, certainly worse for some, but the same.



I'm not >>126647, but I do work with dream interpretation, I'll give it a shot. As a note, dreams are usually more symbolic of a person and their life's state, than they are of reality itself.

>Bleeding moon, Blood moon, red wrath, end of the world.

Have you been having some stress in your life anon? Most information I've gotten from dream dictionaries states that the blood moon signifies either an end, or beginning of hardships. furthermore, when most people think of the end of the world, they think chaos, world without rules, people being assholes because they either need to survive or because they can be assholes.

>Working as a guard for families and those who chose to stay on earth.

given that you're defending those who have little means to defend themselves, you have a sense of integrity and honor, you're wishing to stick something out despite what everyone else says is eminent catastrophe. furthermore, despite all this rumor, there hasn't been (at least you haven't told me of) any concrete evidence that human civilization is going die.

>The ark, the depressive occultists, neets, hysteria, death, and families who choose to stay for sentiment.

I wish I could know the atmosphere and people's attitudes of the ark vs those who chose to stay on earth. People in dreams is indicative of environment and activity.

The fact that you feel like you still have things to do despite the fear, the uncertainty, and the doubt makes me think that you still have a head on your shoulders despite the chaos. There still is time in this world despite what people say otherwise.

>Delusions of the ark, falsities and loveless lust, a gilded cage of debauchery.

this sounds like the attitudes of (((those in authority))), they act like they are above disaster and full of hubris. At the very least, it seems to be representative of the useful idiots in (((the media))), but it could certainly apply to (((head honchos))).

The threat of the end of the world with the promises of salvation is a very common cult tactic. It was what both Scientology, the Jonestown-suicide cult and many others use. Despite all these so-called (((prophecies of doom and gloom))). we are still here.

How did I do?



The blood moon is menstruation and you're a dude so you can't get rid of the excess iron/blood you have, thus you should go donate blood to your local vampire bank.

Perhaps you can get rid of blood by exercising if you're too lazy to go donate. Try gymnastic moves in high volume, lower reps, slow eccentrics. Mass gainer. Home workout. 2018. 6 pack abs in 6 weeks, 6 minutes a day.

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