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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 3e9d58b8dd845ea⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 830x588, 415:294, eckhart-tolle-full-size.jpg)


Hay Fringe

ITT let's talk about presence. In case you are not familiar it is the attempt to describe a state of mind/ a possible way of life. Experiments with presence have enriched and changed my life greatly and i consider it the most valueable knowlege i stumbled upon.

Presence is something i learned from the (audio-)books of Eckhart Tolle. The books try to communicate that beneath the stressfull daily struggle most people embody lies a state of complete satisfation. Apparently there is happiness already inside every person, readily available to enjoy; which i found to be true.

There are several concepts Tolle has put into words to describe what is preventing from this natural happy human state. These concepts seemd far out when i first heard them, now i think they are great signposts for a person to question and improve the way they live their life.

One of these concepts is what he calls the "pain body". A unconcious desire for pain, conflict and violence most people are taken over by. The pain body can only live in unconciousness, so understanding and observing the painbody will disolve it.

Another concept he calls "ego". Ego can be thought of as a voice every unconcious person hears in their head that makes sure their life remains shit. The goal of the ego is to convince the person to identify with the ego so the person believes they are the ego.

Involuntary thoughts are considered a hinderance. Most thoughts are involuntary and repetetive. Goal of the practise is to redistribute the attention away from useless thoughts. Most thoughts anchor the person in time; either future or past. Experiencing freedom from conditioned thought by quieting the mind disolves time. This he calls presence; being in the present moment instead of lost in thoughts that concern themselves with past or future. This is enough for the underlying feeling of bliss to be noticable.

Yet another concept he calls "feeling the inner body". Through a process not unlike meditation parts of the body (starting with hands, then the feet, then the legs,…) are "flooded" with attention which soon after results in a pleasant feeling in all parts that are flooded. This was the first of the concepts i was able to feel and verify for myself. I thought it was fascinating that i could generate a good feeling of contentment in myself in this systematic manner. I summarized it like this: How to feel good? Take a small part of the body and make it feel good, then take the next part until the whole body feels good.

The concepts are not unique to the teaching of Eckhart Tolle, he points out a few similarities in old religious texts and spiritual traditions across cultures, which helped me to appreciate old teaching i considered obsolete.

One last aspect i thought was interesting is how he tells the story how he found about about this feeling of presence. Once he found it he spend 2 years sitting on park benches, just smiling. I though this was hilarious when i first heard it. Then i experienced this feeling of pure bliss myself. I'd summarize it like this: 'being happy for no reason'. I like to describe it like that because most of the time happiness is thought of to be dependant on circumstances. Presence is not dependant on anything.


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He is the hipster Jordan Peterson psy-op. I don't know where to begin, or even want to. You already grasp the full extent of his teachings that were lifted from all over the place, so you should get bored with him pretty quick anyway.



Right you are Anon.

Even looking at his face makes me want to vomit. Sadly in my earlier years I used to follow his "teachings" and those from other faggots like him and I still hate myself for being so bluepilled and cucked. Wasted a couple of years on this crap but thankfully made it out somehow with my mind and soul still intact.

That's what happens man, if you cannot think for yourself some bastard like this asshole will come and think for you. And there are tons of those "gurus", "coaches", "masters" etc etc out there ready to fuck you up and take your soul.




What else is so bad about him? How is he a psyop? I don't doubt you at all but I'm just curious.


>One of these concepts is what he calls the "pain body". A unconcious desire for pain, conflict and violence most people are taken over by. The pain body can only live in unconciousness, so understanding and observing the painbody will disolve it.

That's a conscious thing for me though.



Maybe not unconcious in the way that you don't know that it is happening and then suddenly wake up from it.

Maybe you are unconciously identified with the belief that you like certain behaviours and benefit from certain behaviors.

Your ego can trick you into assuming mental positions you don't actually believe in. People trick themselves all the time.

A person could trick themselves into liking a song for all the wrong reasons and then when the song is playing, they would not really enjoy it even though they say they enjoy it and think they enjoy it.


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He doesn't seem like an agenda-pusher, just more uninformed yet on the crux of actual cosmic insight.

>Pain body

Oh for crying out loud… Humanity doesn't have a so-called "pain body". The pain body is his own symbol of his personal negative energies and experiences. It's just a memetic sigil for him, it's not anything indicative of human nature at all.

>"Ego can be thought of as a voice every unconscious person hears in their head that makes sure their life remains shit."

Harsh and terribly incorrect. The human ego is a singular person's "me sense", it's a natural part of physical being. Learning to disconnect from this is an essential part of developing your spirit, but to demonize it is a silly thing to do, as it still a part of what makes you, you.

>Involuntary thought

Now this is the near-insight we're getting to. This is basically Gnosis/The Zone/Void state that is typical of many occult schools, religions and meditative practices speak of, the fact that you've brought this up shows how linked it all is. It's just another branch of old information, but some people need that branch even if all roads lead to the same highway.

>'being happy for no reason'

You have found something wonderful that far too few people have found and far too many need to find, good on you anon!


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The man in that photograph looks like he is using a pedophile accent to explain to a woman why his religion isn't a cult while fantasizing about ways he'll carve up her body in front of his husband's mostly decomposed corpse that died with a sharpened plastic dildo shoved straight through the front of his throat and out the other side. I also imagined him reading your whole post to me so I'm going to move onto the next thread now.

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You're right. I call it the demon-posessed face.

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>Heard the word "presence" in a thread.

>Though it was going to be about hesychasm and striving to see the Presence of God.

<Turns out it's just another faggot teaching mental masturbation.



Pill me on Hesychasm.


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When I was in prison years ago, one of the other members of the facility Buddhist group gave me his copy of "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle to read. In short it sounded like the ramblings of a neophyte who had touched upon one aspect of truth and then stretches out this single concept into a 200 page book. I could literally summarize the contents of the book in a single sentence-

<you are not the sensations inside your head, you are raw, pure consciousness

An age old idea, repacked and secularized for norcs.


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6:6 wehttam

it's fairly straightforward



You are right indeed, except he goes on and publishes 50 more books on literally the very same petty shallow subject (the only thing his degenerate brain was able to grasp) and holds seminars for which he charges thousands for a ticket. He also mixes a lot of stupid bullshit, lies and disinfo into his teachings and yet he is celebrated by the braindead zombie masses like he is the new Jesus and gets fed with tons of money from his brainwashed victims.

It's overall a very sad and disturbing sight to behold, but that only shows how low the human race and spirituality have fallen.



>touched upon one aspect of truth and then stretches out this single concept into a 200 page book

I see this shit all the time. This is why I hate mundanes. Mundie genocide when?


Scamming mundies is doing God's work.



>Scamming mundies is doing God's work.

I think you might be right

>Mundie genocide when?

It can't come soon enough

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