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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


The problem with magic is that it's definition and what it can do for you is constantly changing. One book will say this and another book will say its that. But ultimately its up to the magician what it is and what he can do with it. Alot books will try to claim a false sense of authority by saying shit like "everyone has it it wrong but me and this book will teach you (REAL) magic." Or they say the studied under some guru. which is fine they could have some valuable information but it should only refine what you know about magic and give you a a different perspective, not make you start from scratch. it's a hobby not a job.



So everything one can conceive of is as true as anything else under the thumb of consciousness?


""Wizard level 1""

For a long time being a wizard was and still is like pic related. Before you had modern medicine you had medicine men who used various plants and remedies to help overcome common illness that would plague people. It wasn't glamours and most of the time you didn't get paid unless you asked for it. But with the advancement of information alot of the old remedies left by various healers are now accessible to people. In between a herbal based medicines, yoga, and meditation (learning to relax and focus) you can live a very long life and help people along the way.


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try uploading this again



Yes but your personal truth might not be applicable to other people especial when it comes to magic. Best example I can think of are those guys who say all women are whores. Just because they have one bad experience doesn't make it universal true for everyone else, no different with good experiences.


Wizard level 2

This one is seen alot in modern today society. Essentially wise men became semi psychologist. They would use symbols,metaphors, and allegories to decipher conciseness and help people with issues they may failed to address in there daily lives because of kids, jobs, and other mundane things. These issues aren't always spiritual but can come from things that society as a whole hasn't taken a closer look at. Think plato, alan watts. The goal for these wise men was to help people have a better understanding of themselves and what it means to be happy. Socrates would go around asking people ambiguous questions like do you know what love is or justice. People would reply of course and give there answer. Socrates would then scrutinize there answer and refute it. Essentially showing that the individual didn't really know what justice was or just that there idea of justice was flawed.


Wizard level 3

This is where spirituality is involved. What happens after you die and where do you go? Depending on where you grew up and your traditions there are multiple answers. For a long time this was the job of priests, shamans,witch doctors who would use various of methods in order to "lift the veil" so to speak. Then whatever they experienced would be passed on through oral traditions. They would help people come to terms with death and that it wasn't the end of all things. I believe this is where the "occult" steps in. The Egyptians believed in an after life and had a instruction manual called the book of the dead but I don't know if this was reserved for the nobles, anyone with enough money, or if it was for everybody. If we view the after life as something only rich nobles could afford then it makes sense why prophets like Jesus Mohammed, Moses, Buddha, were a big deal. Because now the after life was something for everybody not just something for an elite class of people.


Wizard level 4

so with some of these wizards they wouldn't necessarily go it alone when lifting the veil astral projecting what have you. They would encounter there spirit guide, guardian angel,daemon who would give them valuable info on the after life protect them and help them in whatever magical endeavors and offer guidance. The problem being if someone suffered from an illness they could just as easily blame these other wordily beings for bad shit happening. Best example I can think of is with Lilith killing hebrew babies because the parents didn't inscribed names of angels on there house. The babies could have just died from the poor living conditions. I think this why a lot wizards encourage others to keep silent about there works. If the locals found out your talking to sprites and then bad things like drought, disease and famine starting plaguing them it wouldn't be hard for them to blame the local wizard. Think about witch trials and the rampant paranoia that was going on back then. God wouldn't allow for this to happen to his people so it has to be the wizard/witch doing.


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But can't you fake an afterlife manual?

How do you tell the difference between true afterlife information and false afterlife information? For that matter, how would anyone discern the nature of an afterlife while alive in the first place?

~Epyc Wynn


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sure case and point

When you die you will encounter the flying spaghetti monster. When he ask's if you ever eaten pasta you say no and you will be granted passage into heaven. What makes any after life more believable is dependent on how much it resonates with you. As for how to tell if the guy is a fraud or not it would be up to the person to test if the wizard.


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You can say more viable fictional stuff than that and still have it not be true. Of course nobody would feel something that ultra-specific and based on something so non-transcendant would be true; it wouldn't make sense.

However, I can just as easily claim the afterlife is all just 10-dimensional beings made of astral light and and that'd be more believable while still being something I just made up. It's not hard to bullshit if you just use vaguely meaningful broad terms related to occult/metaphysical/afterlife stuff to convince people.

So there's no way to discern that truth, and there's no way anyone can experience it firsthand, which would indicate Wizard Level 3 is in itself a fictional level due to the inability for anyone to achieve it.

~Epyc Wynn



You can easily prove the existence of an after life by astral projecting or having an out of body experience. The problem lies in people saying shit like I did in >>126863 without having had an experience to back it up. Thats why it's important to test your wizard/shamam. He could be lying but if he doesn't want your money or isn't trying to control you and he has uncanny amount of details then how does lying to you really benefit him? In your case I ask you what did these 10 dimensional beings tell you and how do I contact them? Are they benevolent? What will happen when i do find them? Either way when ever you encounter something of this nature it's best to ask how does this benefit my soul and does it make me happy? In a sense this the challenge of the wizard today. How do you make your personal experience more solid for everyone else so they can experience something similar.



Magic derives from the First Language word MAG meaning greatness.

Don't watch Harry Potter.


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Wizard level 5

Wizards on this level use chi,mana,life force etc to manipulate energy in order to achieve a certain result. The guys who best embedded this are ancient Taoist and martial artist. Depending on the culture you can do anything from heal people to what >>126856 and >>126878 are talking about. From what I can gather it seems asians have been studying this phenomenon for alot longer than westerners and thus think have a better understanding of it. Helena blavatsky didnt come up with her concept of vril until she meet up some eastern sages. This is where you start getting into chakras and kundalini. Now what you can actually do with it seems up for speculation, most would agree it takes a good amount of discipline in order to actually utilize it. But I heard cases of people getting surges of energy and strength when in the flight or fight scenarios. I remember when watching the discovery channel some guy was out mountain hiking when suddenly a giant boulder landed on him. He was essentially sliding down a steep slope and was gonna fall to his death with this giant rock on top of him until he manged to lift it. He was able to react with out thinking and lifting something that would normally be impossible for him to lift and manage to save his life. Downside was by him doing this his arms were broken but it wasn't beyond healing. He could have unconsciously used kundalini energy in order to save his life and I believe when ever people are under extreme conditions like this they mange to tap into it briefly. I think hero academia best represent the idea of controlled kundalini, You can have godly strength but it fucks up your body.



I say do watch harry potter but question why that became the standard for what a wizard is in the majority of peoples mind. I honestly have no clue where the jump from medicine man to guy in robes with star patterns came from. I guess they both wave a stick around and stuff happens?


Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Groupthink is hella way to change the conscious. Hollywood or holy wood of the flashing lights from movies, shows, is what creates the filter on the mind, to create primed context. You can say language is magic. categorize meaning learnt and stored readily available for the user.


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This concept is something quite interesting to me, however there are physical "scientific" explanations to this phenomena. High levels of adrenaline, cortisol and other fight or flight neuro-chemcials can induce this elevated psychical and mental state. Now where wizard shit comes into play is interesting, as the process to "initialize" these chemicals to be created and utilized comes from the subconscious and can be with effort and training brought to conscious control. I believe the whole idea of magick is to bridge the gap between the physical body and it's functions, to those of the spirit and soul using the mind as the bridge itself.

I have been experimenting with this through what I would call "Kinesiological Magick", the process of training the body through simultaneously training the mind. I have had moments were when I needed extra strength or endurance, I called upon my own pure will to complete the physical activity and got a rush of energy and motivation/determination. This mental bridge between body and spirit is probably the closest thing I've gotten to preforming actual, "tangible" magick. It gives more forethought to the idea of the body being sacred and a temple, as it is the vessel that the soul uses to influence the physical world with direct intent. Emotion can be channeled extremely effectively through the use of psychical training, and the best way to manifest physical change is change within yourself via exercise and proper body maintenance. Become a /fit/ magician and you'll learn a lot about your power over yourself and you're environment.


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wizard level 6

Right on this level you start getting into divination Anything from tarot to astrology has always promised a deeper insight into love,business, friendship and whatever else might be on your mind. Almost every culture has some form of it but how accurate it is depends on the wizard. Now this is a little complicated because then you get into the subject of freewill vs destiny. say you get reading saying your gonna run into misfortune and you hit your toe into some furniture. Was that gonna happen regardless of you getting the reading? or did it happen because you got the reading? Divination in it self can be a very useful tool but because it can be inaccurate it can lead to some bad results. Even worse if you let it influence you too much it can lead to paranoia and hysteria. Think about those guys who are constantly living in fear because someone said that the end of the world is today, but if it wasn't today then when is it? Constantly living in fear because of some weirdo on the street said so isn't healthy. In alot of these cases your gonna run into a lot of Nostradamus tier guys. The will be vague and speak in symbols but if one were to look long enough into some of there prophecies they would find they were right about somethings. Trying to predict the future has been apart of human history for a long time but could easily bite you in the ass if your paranoid. So if you weren't ready to hear bad news then don't do it or keep it simple and stick to mundane subjects that are easy to control.


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Wizard level 7

This is where you start getting into esp, mind reading and all the good stuff. As far as I can tell you this is fairly recent and falls under more paranormal than wizardry but there are stories of wisemen talking to animals and plants so we cant rule it out. I know with new agers it falls under reading auras and not necessarily reading your mind but sensing whats going on with a person internally. Psychokinesis is whats its called but what you can actually do with it seems debatable. Anywhere from bending spoons to hypnosis. There are an endless amount of stories of people pulling off these feats but most have been dismissed as pseudo science or hoaxes. The guys who "levitate" are prime example, if you didn't know the trick it would seem like the guy has some type of magical power. I think a lot of modern day magicians fall under this category. If the person doesn't know the trick then it very well could seem like he is magical or psychic. Whether he actually is or is just pulling a trick is debatable most would say it's just some trick of the mind or slight of hand but "A wizard never revels his secrets." and to be fair if I could pull off feats like this I wouldn't tell you how I do it anyways.



how long do you plan on teasing us :)

when will you post all of the wizard levels along with the path to attain each one?


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Wizard level 0 / Infinity - God Consciousness

Unadulterated Vedic literatures translated into English by Srila Prabhupada : https://mega.nz/#F!xNZhAZha!pu7OrPzQqPXUYdyINwJEbg

Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Such a great personality, the son of God. He wanted to deliver God consciousness. And in return, he was crucified. We don’t take Jesus Christ as insignificant. We give him all honor. He is a pure representative of God. Of course, he directed his preaching according to time, place, and circumstance, the era and region and people’s mentality. In any case, he is a pure representative of God.

There is a story :

There are so many siddhis. But those who are after Krishna (God) consciousness, they do not care for all these siddhis. In India some yogis convince people that they can manufacture gold and fly in the sky, and foolish people believe them. Even if a yogi can fly, what is his great achievement? There are many birds flying. What is the difference? An intelligent person can understand this. If a person says that he will walk on water, thousands of fools will come to see him. People will even pay ten rupees just to see a man bark like a dog, not thinking that there are many dogs barking anyway. In any case, people are always hankering and lamenting, but the devotee is fully satisfied in the service of the Lord. He doesn’t hanker for anything, nor does he lament.

There is one story, interesting story, that one person, he was out of home for ten years, and he went to the Himalayas to find out some yogi to get some perfection. Now, after ten years, that particular man came back to his village. That is quite natural, that any person who achieves some success, he wants to show it before his friends and relatives and countrymen. That is quite natural. So he came back to his village, and all the villagers, they assembled, and they were very much anxious to know: “Oh, my dear friend, you have been ten years to learn yoga perfections. So what you have learned, please let us know.” So he said that “I have finished the laghima-siddhi perfection. That means I have learned how to become the lightest.” And what is the result? He said, “Oh, I can walk over the river.” So everyone was very anxious because people are very inquisitive and curious. So all of them requested him, “All right, let us have some demonstration. Please show that you’ll walk over the river.” So there were, all the villagers came and requested him. “All right, I shall show tomorrow morning.”

So there was an old man. He said, “My dear such-and-such, oh, after working for ten years, you have learned something which is two cents worth.” Oh, that man was very angry. “Oh, it is two cent worth, do you think?” “Yes, I think it is two cent worth.” “Why?” “Now because you’ll walk over the river. All right. But I shall pay to the boatman two cents and he will take me over the river.”

So these Yogis, they want to show some magic: “I can walk on the water. I can fly in the air without any airship. I can go this planet, that planet.” Yogis can do that. They have got this magical power. “I can create immediately gold.” And if you can show these magical feats, immediately you get so many followers.

But that kind of yogi also very rare to be found, and now, in your country, yogi means who can show some gymnastics, that’s all. So they are also working hard. Because they have got desires/The yogi, he wants to be very popular by showing magic. Because general people, they cannot walk on the water. But if somebody can walk on the water, oh, millions of people immediately go to the Pacific Ocean to see. So therefore they want siddhi. Actually, there are yogis in Siddhaloka, without any flying machine, they can go from one planet to another. Durvasa Muni, a great yogi who returned within a year visitng Vaikuntha planet .So one need not be after this Siddhis-material perfection. Suppose a yogi can fly in the air. What is so great about that? A rich man can pay some dollars and travel in aeroplane. He can fly from any place to another without any siddhis. Modern science has made everything cheaply available . Any kind of material perfection will not solve our real problem of life. Our real problem is to know, how to get rid of this material entanglement, the threefold miseries, birth after birth. That is perfection of Bhakti Yoga.



I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Magus of Java. I've been strongly recommending it to any of my friends who seems interested in metaphysics ever since. Ive also found some good reads on http://montalk.net and i'm very fond of there disclaimer "Take only what resonates with your inner sense of knowing and correlates with your observations and experience – leave the rest. Enjoy the site!"

The Magus of Java : https://www.sacred-magick.com/free/files/The%20Magus%20of%20Java.pdf


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Harry Poppins


Indeed, which is why you have to always ridicule it. I don't know, you can remind people about the time Harry gets fucked in the ass:



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Wizard 8

here you get into stories of guys controlling the weather and other major projects . A useful skill back in the olden days but not so much now. Native Americans would dance to bring rain but I don't know if it was a group effort coordinated by a wizard/shaman but I heard a few other stories of people trying to do things of this level. From some Buddhist monks moving boulders by chanting to Edward Leedskalnin making the coral castle. There are a bunch of stories of wizards accomplishing mythical feats. But in most of these cases it seems to be a group effort and not just one individual doing it all


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Wizard level 9

This is the stuff of legends and myths from Moses parting the red sea to Jesus doing miracles and Merlin helping king Arthur. From what I gather you are essentially a god but you only got this power because of a higher purpose or blessed by some god. Keep in mind if you mastered at least 2 of the other levels it wouldn't be long before people starting calling you a god or a chosen one. In jesus case I say it was a combination of level 5 and 2. But honestly don't know and most of these things are just speculation. When it comes to old legends it hard to say whether it was magic or just pumped up stories.



I don't know the paths to attain any of the higher end levels. These levels are just based how believable they are 1 being the most believable to 9 being the least. If you want to do 1 I say be a botanist and look into how plants help cure common illness.



it is but I say treat as a means to an end. You can have harry potter be your ideal of a wizard but you would probably benefit more copying their spells and using them than reading montalk or whatever else is floating around here. Instead of using whatever banishing ritual you wave your wand and say expecto patronum and so on.



dat pic


Guy half the time when I'm looking around here your either talking about god or suicide so maybe give it a rest.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

summoning a god form

When you do successfully summon a god form sometimes it will split into two extremes. Depending on what you asked and what you were trying to do. If its something stupid and little then you have a higher chance of succeeding and your god remaining whole. If it's slightly bigger and more ambitious goals then you risk having your god splitting into two extremes AKA angels and demons. If we look at all major monotheist religions we can get a pretty good idea of what can happen when your god splits into two extremes. But if we look a lot of old stories about gods they always had tempers and huge egos. Now my hypothesis is that as a wizard it's your job to help them find balance. Alot of priest heave been supposedly the voice of whatever deity they worship. problem is if there assholes like with you see with the all powerful god then you will start to lose worshipers. Think of it as vid related . You tell Zeus to stop fucking mortal women and focus on his marriage then he will probably throw a hissy fit. But maybe theirs a reason greeks don't worship him anymore a house divide cant stand.



what about wizard level 10?



Cant think of one, if you can your more than welcome to put it here but I cant really think of anything right now


dreams where thoughts become reality

So part of wizardry is realizing your dreams can help you immensely depending on what your trying to do. say you are stuck on a math problem and you cant figure it out. Then you start to suffer from self doubt and cant break through but if you practice lucid dreaming you dont suffer from this. When your dreaming you are unhindered by the limitations of your consciousness and are a genius. I forget who it was but one greek philosopher wrote down a complicated math problem and ask a slave to solve it. Of course he couldn't but he could imagine himself solving it with ease. Same concept but with lucid dreaming you would solve it and you would be shocked that the way you solved it in a dream was actually how you solved in it in real life. Of course it probably take a couple of times but eventually you would overcome the obstacle you built up in your mind and be able to solve problems with ease. Once you mastered lucid dreaming you can ALMOST do anything. No mattered how many dreams you have of flying I don't think you will ever actually fly in real life. but your more than welcome to prove me wrong.


ego death

So whenever people talk about this they are usually talking about becoming a new person. There a couple of ways of doing this that I am aware of. meditate then initiating a catharsis in order to become closer to your ideal and drugs. Like when people drink they sometimes become a different person so you could say it's a type of mini ego death. I say mini because once you sober up you become normal again. same thing with every other drug. You might become a different person for a little bit but once the effects were off you just go back to who you are. They can help you understand who you want to be but you cant rely on them in the long run.


*One thing I learned*

DO NOT make your deity,tupla,thoughform whatever in charge of your dreams. Lucid dreaming becomes damn near impossible and dreams become harder to decipher. The bright side to this is that it will have pushed the limit and can help you excel your magic to heights you never imagined. Remember it WANTS a reaction the bigger the better. Problem being it will settle for any reaction if its big enough. Anger despair it doesn't matter along as it gets a bigger reaction. Dont make stupid promises you cant keep. Your job if this happens is to become a embodiment of love and ascend into your personal "heaven" with them.


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Think of the books like books and videos on how to paint. After some years, you'll never have to look at most of the books ever again because they are not a divine recipe but just the author's method. You still have some rules and references you'll need a copy of but don't get to caught up with following the techniques of others. Just explore and get creative, you likely won't harm yourself if you keep advice from other magicians in mind as you explore.

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