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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


Another unknown occultist. He also explained how this makes their eyes tense. Here is the quote:

Those who practice hypnotism, mesmerism, magnetism, or things like this, will have very tense eyes - obviously, because they are trying to move their energy through the eyes forcibly. They are bringing their total energy near the eyes just to influence, impress or dominate someone. Their eyes will become tense because then their eyes are flooded with energy, more than they can tolerate.

Their eyes will be red, tense, and if you look at them you will feel a sudden shivering: they are using their eyes in a very political way. If they look at you, they are sending their energy to dominate you.

And through eyes, domination is very easy.

This was the case with Rasputin, who dominated Russia, before Lenin, just through his eyes. He was an ordinary peasant, uneducated, but with very magnetic eyes, and he came to know how to use this. The moment he would look at you, you would forget yourself, and in that moment he could send any suggestion to you telepathically and you would follow it. That is how he dominated the Czar and the Czarina, the royal family, and through them, the whole Russia. Nothing could be done without his will.

You can have those eyes also; it is not difficult. You have just to learn how to bring your total body energy to the eyes. They become flooded, and then, whenever you look at someone your energy starts flowing toward him. It envelopes the person, penetrates his mind, and in this flooded shock his thinking stops. And this is not a very rare thing that happens just with man, it happens all over the animal kingdom. There are many animals who will just look at their prey, and if the prey looks at them he is done for. Then the prey's eyes become fixed; he cannot move, he cannot escape.Then this is what has been done always: the hunter can stare into the eyes of the lion, and now it will depend on whether he has more magnetic eyes or the lion. If the lion is less magnetic and the hunter can bring his total energy to his eyes… And it is easy, he can do this, because when death is there one can do anything. When death is there the hunter can put his total energy at stake. If the hunter can look directly into the eyes of the lion and forget everything and just look, if he can just become the look, then the whole energy will move from his eyes and the lion will escape. He will be trembling with fear.

What do you guys think? How can it be done?


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I shit you not OP, I was just looking up and researching this very same thing before I happened to open the catalog and found your thread. To answer your question, I believe it is true you can intimidate or “draw in” people with just eye contact alone. The human brain is specifically designed to pick up subtle facial cues and expressions, so putting a lot of intense emotion behind a stare could facilitate this.

I’ve tried it once and have had results, the trick is to shift into a dead almost uninterested stare with a blank face, then tilt your head ever so slightly down so that your eyebrows slightly furrow and you’re looking “up” into them. I’ve been told that when doing this, the person I’m talking to becomes extremely uncomfortable and feels as if I could see right through them in an almost predatory glance.

Bonus points for staring at their forehead for a bit, then shifting your intense gaze up and down their body. It gets even more powerful if you abruptly “shift” your body and facial expression from normal expression to that predatory glare I explained. Hope this helps!

Pic related is a perfect example of this, except with more contempt than a pure glare of a predator.


thanks. can you knock someone unconcious or send them mental suggestions with your gaze?



W-what if you were born with this and did this since you were a kid?


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Probably not, using mental tricks via subtle body language and choice words can only "guide" someone to a decision, not make then do it like a slave. On that note, some people are more susceptible to suggestibility of these tactics than others, so your mileage may very. It can also horribly backfire on you by creating a negative air of danger around you, meaning that people will instinctively pick up on your demeanor and avoid you or outright confront you. I tend to stay away from this ability because of it's risks vs rewards, as it mostly works on weak willed and "meek" heart-ed people.

Use it at your discretion and be prepared to accept the risks and consequences should you attempt to give off this sort of aura. There is a lighter version of this by simply being a likeable person via positive demeanor and a reasonably friendly attitude, but once again your entire goal is to manipulate someone, which is in itself on the "negative" side of things, people don't like being used when they know it or find out about it.

Mental Alchemy extents past the user, and can project their will unto others at varying degrees. This sort of mental combat can be considered a "shadow" ability, meaning it is inherently rooted in base negative motivations, regardless of end goal. Messing with free will is something to be generally avoided as like i said, risks and consequences.




Part 2

On the note of "knocking someone unconscious", there is something similar to this but not to the degree you're thinking of. If someone is on autopilot in a conversation, they are not really consciously thinking unless they're hyper aware, chronically anxious, or strong willed. Taking advantage of this by apparently and temporally "disrupt" the flow of a conversation can kind of "short circuit" their autopilot as they try to compute what just happened, they will look for reasons why it happened and will be open to suggestion as the brain is looking for answers. However it once again has draw backs as doing this can make you look fucking crazy and trip the persons "nutjob" radar, shutting you out from suggestibility.

All forms of mental combat are slow, subtle and require patience+knowing when to strike at full force and when to back off.



im intrigued. can you tell me more about how to do it?



Thats pretty surface level stuff, you can find more about it by both feeling out situations and using your intuition. I suggest you read more into psychology and what makes people tick, do some introspection and see how these methods might affect you. Additionally, there are tons of spook made manuals and other sources out there that specifically detail how to do mental warfare and psyops shit. Just do a little research if you really want to achieve the aforementioned in my posts, good luck friend.



> move their energy through the eyes



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Skilled hypnotists do it trough the phone.

It's via voice tough, so that's that.



G. I. Gurdjieff talks about it. Affecting the decision making of others by maintaining a clear image of the outcome you want while talking to them.

You can find some stuff in martial arts about it. Some charismatic and pentecostal preachers develop the skill to an extent.

There's already a lot of good info in the thread.

One commonly used exercise is summoning someone. Usually someone in another room, or to get them to contact you. Think about the person intently, call to them with your mind.

Intent is a big part of what your doing. Having ill will towards someone is going to be sending negative energy to them, even if unintentional. They can refuse it/reflect it back causing negative consequences to you.

Hypnotic suggestion in general is just putting someone into a passive state. Tell them a story or ask about a memory. Layered stories are the best.


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Check out this book. It deals with techniques involving manipulation of people through 'occult' means. Like most magickal operations, the techniques involve concentration, intent, imagination, etc. Nothing ground-breaking, but I think it's worth a read.



thanks! im looking into it now



have you heard about how gurdijeff killed animals with his gaze?

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