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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The Mandela Effect is redefining the way people think about how reality works and their place in it. The Mandela Effect redefines how people think about time. It makes them rethink their purpose in the world. Are these the building bricks of a budding spiritual movement? A religion?



We Died in 2012 | The Mandela Effect: Our Religion, Our Sermon on Truth




That pic is for ants. I am not an ant. Therefore I cannot view your picture. Please refrain using such images when targeting human audiences


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~Epyc Wynn



Technically we never actually die. This reality is an artificial construct held together by our consciousness.

Everything around you, including your body, is just a probability wave.

Time isn't real. Isn't actually linear. It's just your consciousness interpreting it as such to give you the illusion of continuity.

Your in a Disneyland, riding the rides. Suspending disbelief.

Your timeline is connected to which ever collective conscious group you most closely match.

Mandela effect is just a large divergence in a stream of contiguous small divergences.




>Mandela effect is just a large divergence in a stream of contiguous small divergences.

Actually the mandela effect is much simpler than you think it is. It's a spiritual play-game of lies to make people start believing in the truth of the cosmos.

Berenstein/Berenstain = simple typo that got blown out of proportion thanks to bureaucracy and ignorance.

Mandela's death = …probably a 1980s cover up for the sake of keeping mandela alive in the back scenes, until 2013, where he actually died for real. Alternatively, the news ran with a badly-sourced story and they weren't smart enough to go back and correct their mistakes before the damage was done.

(Oscar) Mayer/Meyer = memetic corruption of speech in the vein of "Beam me up Scotty" vs "Beam me up Mr. Scott" and "Saint Nicholas"/"Sant Nicklaus"/"Santa Claus".

It's amazing how one simple little "poke" in reality that amounts to nothing can cause such a reaction into believing in the otherworldly.

>Technically we never actually die. This reality is an artificial construct held together by our consciousness.

You're not far from the truth. The mortal world is bound by our consciousness, the consciousness is immortal, but the mortal body 'is bound to death. Bodies die, memories are released, and the consciousness reincarnates if they wish.

>Everything around you, including your body, is just a probability wave.

probability waves are just one little piece of reality's puzzle. Why discount flesh and blood?

>Time isn't real. Isn't actually linear. It's just your consciousness interpreting it as such to give you the illusion of continuity.

True, time is a mortal invention, and beyond mortal dimensions, time doesn't exist. However, If time is just a mortal invention, then does it need to matter if it's linear or not?

>Your timeline is connected to which ever collective conscious group you most closely match.

I feel that "worldspace" would be a more accurate term for this than "timeline".


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True mandela effect goes far beyond semantics.

Go far enough and all matter is reduced to nothing but probability waves that become/behave like particles only when consciously observed. Basic physics.

Time really isn't real. UFO's are real. Grey aliens are real. Owls are real. Mothman is real. Men in black are real. But time is a conscious construct to create continuity of experience. Meditation can help with understanding this. Meditate, remote view, explore shamanistic ritual. Conscious expansion. Silva mind control. etc.

Timeline is accurate. Your living simultaneous lives in different timelines, different epochs.


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View and perception


Disband Dispel


subtle regression

We, She, They, I,

wept through the night

across a tapestry of dream

[sigil end]


I don't remember dying. Just society dipped its head under water for a moment

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