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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


Conclusion: "God" is evil. Is the "corrupt demiurge".

Satan has yet to prove himself to those who are in need, just as "God" has worked iniquity towards those who are in need.

(Possibility: "Montalk-style" reality of Alien control and Alien 'human/D.N.A. engineering'.

However, Aliens have yet to prove themselves as well or perhaps they can only help in small increments and are unable to fulfill human expectations of God.

"Corrupt demiurge" leads to enlightenment.

Enlightenment, secularism, apathy and "agnosticism" overcome the wickedness of the 'creator' and the wickedness of those external pressures on humanity and upon the self.

'Religion' is mind-control. The "demiurge" is wicked, yet pretends and feigns altruism to acquire cooperation from humans.

All external and unknown influence on humanity and on the self should be avoided without proper evidence.

"Faith" is a liability in this context. "Faith in God" is sort of like "selling your soul".

We should cherish positivity over negativity, and as far as we are able hope for the best concerning such things.


By God what do you mean? The God I know I define very clearly and I worship that which matches my definition. If by "God" you mean the collective psyche of man, or the god of the bible, or some such lesser being than I can see why you speak of "God" being evil.

For me the most high god is not evil. He is absolute, infinite, eternal, all-powerful, everywhere-present, all-knowing, all-loving. This god you just have to center your mind around and seek to know him and he will reveal himself to you. Don't let your mind fall to contemplation of less than him, don't be fooled by that which is not him, seek only him.


>religion is mind control

Mind control is controlling the mind. He who is master of himself is master of all. He who knows himself knows all. A proper religion or philosophy gives you the tools you need to control your own mind. Ignore the cults that would subject you to a man. Subject yourself only to the most perfect god, who does not error, and who by his very definition can only do you good.



first learn english

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