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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


A comment by franz Bardon. How do you do this?

“Another field very similar to telepathy and suggestion is that of hypnosis, by which a person is sent to sleep forcibly and deprived of the free will. From the magical point of view hypnosis is reprehensible and it would be better not to specialize in this line. This does not mean that the magician is not able to lull people to sleep. The practice is imaginably simple. The magician need only suspend the function of the spirit by means of his will or with the help of the electromagnetic fluid, and the person will fall asleep instantly. Here it is less important whether the magician is using telepathy or suggestion. He can use both of them as a makeshift but he does not depend on them. A master of the powers does not need one or the other, because the very moment he paralyzes the will by way of imagination, sleep or unconsciousness will occur instantly, which will set free the subconscious and make it susceptive of any kind of suggestions. Just this act of violence, i.e, the intervention in the individuality of a human being is not recommended from a magic point of view, and the magician will not revert to it unless to give his subject good and noble suggestions with an extremely strong effect. Even though the test subject should insist on being hypnotized by the magician, he should avoid doing so if possible. The true magician will always keep away from satisfying the curiosity of others by hypnotic experiments. At times of great danger, a well-trained magician may induce a sort of shock-hypnosis by paralyzing the spirit of the opponent with a flash of the electromagnetic fluid, a method that is only to be followed in an emergency which I hope will never happen in the life of any magician. It has been proven scientifically that animals can be hypnotized too. If a magician wants to do so, he will hit the instinctive side of the animal, so that even the biggest and strongest animals are immediately knocked senseless.”

I would appreciate a bit more detail on this, in terms of execution. Especially in the flash of electromagnetic fluid, part.


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Dont know if you're the fellow who made this thread >>>126878 if so, hello again! I answered your questions in the last thread you posted but what Mr.Bardon is tapping on is quite interesting in the psychological point of view. People are highly open to suggestion depending on their mental state, overall personality, and situation at hand. It is not far from the imagination that these methods can and will work, as it has been very much observed in both human and animal behavior, as Mr.Bardon pointed out. Many animals, such as predatory creatures, will utilize a form of "hypnosis" to stun prey animals. An example of this stunning effect can be seen in the Weasel's war dance, which is the use of erratic and confusing movements to effectively disorient their prey. Another example, but not an aggressive one, are mating dances in nature used to entrance the attention of potential mates.

On the topic of ethics, I too believe this form of mental combat is reprehensible, as it temporarily robs the victim's free will, even if for a moment. Additionally many behaviors that we would consider "criminally psychotic" use forms of mental warfare to lure in or hypnotize their victims, hence why many psychopaths have been noted to be charming or alluring. Another interesting aspect of this is the nature of human beings evolving as both predator and prey animals, we have a built in alert system that triggers when predatory techniques like these are used on us. We all get a "feeling" when someone or something is off, this is that ancient system in work trying to keep us alive. The same can be said when we feel like someone is "watching us", how this works I'm not to sure and may be connected to Mr.Bardon's idea of "electromagnetic fluid".

What this electromagnetic fluid is, once again I'm not to sure, perhaps he alludes to it or explains it in some of his works. Hope this was of some help to you.



> The magician need only suspend the function of the spirit

nice spooks



Bullshit, fuck you.

You wrote two paragraph of an unrequested moralist perspective, and proceeded to conclude it with "i dunno lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯".

If you don't know shut the hell up.

>Hope this was of some help to you.

It wasn't, you smug prick.

You are the kind of faggot that makes /fringe/ hard to take seriously. You asshats clog this place with misinformation, whether out of malice or retardation, and make it so much harder to find truth. You don't have to give your uninformed opinions on every little thing.

See: The Dunning-Krueger effect.



Electromagnetic fluid is one of those terms used to refer to the subtle energy (energies?) which most practical effects arise from. Astral light and ether is the same shit. Basically what Bardon is doing here is concentrating his will into shaping electromagnetic fluid with the intention of inflicting a particular effect on reality. It's kind of like an extra strong telepathic suggestion, so I recommend researching into telepathy for good results.



thanks, i will look into it. Have you tried it?

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