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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


Rasputin has been reported as an occult master with insane powers of psychic manipulation and control. His gaze was so feared that he could send commands to anyone just by looking at them with intent. Can anyone comment on how he was able to do this? Did he do any type of special practice? I have further reading on reports of his powers for those interested…


File: 042eb8334ed0c39⋯.jpg (56.08 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 2657641-602325_26770642001….jpg)

The anglo saxon kenning for the eyes is "heads sun". The gaze projects the energy of the heart, mind, and body to what is being looked at. This is why some gazes are evil eyes and other gazes are life-giving eyes(of love). How was rasputin able to do this? Its called fascination, its called overlooking, to stare at something is to sexually penetrate it on a psychic level, to be united with it in spirit, that is called samadhi, to become one with the object of focus. Once you are one with something it becomes an extension of your will, this is telekinesis, this is the origin of weather manipulation. Prayers are simply verbal expressions of the gaze.

Consciousness extends outward from the eyes towards what is being gazed upon. Rasputin can control with his gaze for the same reason you can move your arm by bringing attention to it. It is something organic and instinctual, not complex.



thank you. Ive been looking for books on this subject but havent been able to find many good ones. Where did you learn this? Can you point me to any source where I can learn more about this?


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For consciousness extending outward from the vision Rupert Sheldrake has done some research into this.


Jose M Herrou Aragon wrote a book called Forbidden Parapsychology about how the imagination can be used to influence people at a distance, this is similar to influencing people by the gaze but instead you are imagining them and so extending your energy by way of the imagination.


Vodoo dolls work according to a similar principle and were used in ancient Greek and Egyptian magick

The Catholic monk Padre Pio was known to have spiritually bilocated to people he was praying for, his spirit was seen beside them.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talk about how by focusing on someone within your imagination or perhaps by directly looking, your consciousness can possess them, manipulating their mind and body. This is a hindu manual for meditation.

The buddhist style of meditation tends to focus on keeping ones attention localized to ones own body but this can be very powerful too and you can master the physical processes of your body by doing that, through mindfulness of body meditation, but I would say maybe its best application is simply for tranquility.

If you think about the universe there is no empty space. The song of Amergin mentions a man named Amergin feeling unity with the world saying he is the land and trees and air. And upon this being able to influence the weather.

So if you think about how the universe is a body and people are one with the universe then the universe is your body. Just as you can bring your attention to places in your body and move your body and tense and relax muscles, so too can you bring your attention to anywhere in the universe and affect anywhere in a good or bad way with your focus.

I would like to work on a book about this sort of stuff with people. My blog is starwarsisreal.wordpress.com and my email is patrickdoi444@gmail.com email me if interested in working on a book, I haven't been updating my blog regularly but it has things related to this sort of stuff.

Words and prayers are very powerful too. The bible says each act of creation is preceded by speaking, in the book of genesis. Similarly we create our reality with the words we speak and we can bless and curse with our words. FOr example a parent calling their child stupid is cursing their child, but they often may love their child and not realize they are cursing their child because they don't understand the power of words to create, and mistakenly believe they are trying to motivate their child.

Although I do think that people in general are so worn out from the information age that they probably need rest more than they need to be motivated to do things.

Also the book of Timaeus by Plato mentions energy coming out of the eyes towards stuff being looked at.


Anyone interested in working with me on a book feel free to email me at the address I posted in the above post.



can you give me a pdf of the forbidden parapsychology book? I dont have a scribd account


File: 31e564fb94249d9⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 112x187, 112:187, rws-wands01.jpg)


>forbidden parapsychology

It's also offered on Google Books for free. Free E-Book at this link https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Forbidden_Parapsychology.html



Actually the link above is not complete, this link below is where the book is located. The last couple characters were missing in the above one, the link below takes you to the book.




Spot on.



How have you progressed on this book? This is good information.




Neither of these links lead to a pdf that can be read.


File: c01a08e5895670e⋯.pdf (309.67 KB, forbidden_parapsychology.pdf)



know of any porn actress that have the same body type like this girl in the pic? it's for some groundbreaking research in the field of doppelgangers

much appreciated



Just meme magick your cock into her pussy my dude

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