Actually, a philosopher at the end of his path realizes that one can't actually KNOW very much (because everything is basically based on axioms; we need to create assumptions to be able to make sense of anything). Socrates got executed because he said anyone that says they are knowledgeable is a liar.
A truly wise man can admit they know nothing (compared to the totality of the information there is available)
Even if you were the smartest most knowledgeable and wise man, you may know everything compared to everyone else, but compared to all that there is to know, you know NOTHING.
>In other words we do it intuitively. I, being too much inclined to philosophy, would rather know how to arm functions to make its motions, than to be satisfied that it moves at my command and the details I need not work out. Yet in this matter of tracing the spirit I have been wanting so badly to discover and share those details.
>I need to stop this tendency. I must be satisfied simply to know and to give no explanation. The sages never explained why they knew the things they did, they simply knew, and they were the most exalted of men, far greater than philosophers.
You cannot force anything in life, let alone your own nature. It is healthy to be curious, but not being obsessed.
==I may not know right now, but it doesn't matter.
Knowing is not important, acting is important
It's time to be an actor, not a thinker
The last one is a mantra I give myself when I'm stuck thinking. Even getting these insights and being worried that I'll forget them is okay.
If you thought of it once, you can surely think of it again
More importantly, whatever it was, your spirit had witnessed it and whether you remember anymore doesn't really matter. You may not know that you know, but deep inside you are aware.
The Buddhists say that there are hundreds of emotions. Half positive and half negative. But there is a third category of neutrality, and there only is two emotions here.
Confusion and Equanimity. Equanimity is accepting that you don't know, and being okay with it.
From here you want to enter the state of Gnosis, also the trance state. You will know, but not in words. You will KNOW, and not need any symbolism or communication between ego and mind to prove to yourself that you know. Instead of doubting your knowledge, you trust your actions. And you ACT.
One way to act without thinking is simply channeling energies. Every energy has a mind of it's own, so focus on an emotion and a series of actions will be played out.
Also I'm probably the wisest sage alive, first I had to conquer logic. For a while I was debating whether humanity even deserves anything, but recently I got a rationalization that should help. Basically, serving others can be selfish if you think about it