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Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 66rd Attention-Hungry Games
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


The Evil Eye is a phenomenon where people are able to negatively affect another with their gaze, impregnated with emotion. I have found much literature on this gaze, some of it quite marvelous. One such instance is the presence of a certain group of people on a remote Greek island, who have double pupils in their eyes, and could kill almost any being with their intended gaze. Additionally, they would not sink even when thrown into the water and weighed down.

The evil eye is supposed to be a gift also known to many wizards and occultists of the past. What can you share about it?


I am very good at using it and I am also very sick of others using it on me.

I just don't want trouble with people but people want trouble with me.



so you know how to send it to others?


You don't need to be a wizard to use evil eye. One of my friends ,when he was just a baby, was in Central America and someone put it on him. The healer his family went to said it was probably just a gaze of longing and resentment towards the child, wishing they could have their own. Then some shit about rubbing an egg on his baby head and cracking it to release more blood than eggs usually carry and his sickness was cured. His introduction to dark magic at a young age is what I guess allows him access to what he describes as small shadow beings he sends to other people as a hex. Im assuming these small shadow creatures he sees and commands are what puts the evil eye on people in the first place and that most people just aren't aware of said beings. You can develop such abilities yourself but it takes much longer than requesting the assistance of other beings.

Loosh for Thought



do you know how to control these beings?



Its been cast on me. How do I block it?



So uh do you know anything about the intermingling of shades and what they are?



>rubbing an egg on his baby head and cracking it to release more blood than eggs usually carry and his sickness was cured.

weird i am from north africa and we use the exact same technique.




I don't know shit lol, I just know someone who has had experience with the evil eye.


Not much, I once had a homeless man with a sigilized tattoo made by a witch on his back tell me about the shadow people that hang out at the cities main creek, then he asked me if I had ever given them a chance and heard them out. I have trouble seeing energy most of the time so I haven't even attempted such a thing yet. The man then proceeded to trade psychedelics with a young woman in her 20s who said she talks to the shades as well. So I know where to find them at least.


Fascinating shiz tbh fambalayah. Cross culture symbolism and techniques has always been intriguing to me

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