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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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What are some good sources on Past Life Regression and Akashic Records readings on past lives? Has anyone done past life regression, or done any work on the Akashic records? Share your experiences and resources.


>Akashic records

>not Ashkenazi records



>Ashkenazi records

What is that? Jewish bank statements?


To answer OP's query: nope, never tried past life regression, and probably never will. I'm highly skeptical of it, and I'm undecided on the question of reincarnation. Regression techniques seem fraudulent to me, just a way to convince some average Joe he was a Atlantean high priest once upon a time, or some mediocre Molly she was Cleopatra in her past. I'm aware of some of the research that has been done on past lives, but just because we can access dead peoples memories does not necessarily mean we were that person. Maybe we were, maybe we weren't. It's still an open question for me.


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I've researched this extensively. The fact is you can "remember" literally anything and objectively access and verify the memories and traits of any person anywhere in time and space. I am still studying and discoursing about the spirit (which I see as part of a trinity along with body and soul) and trying to discover all its attributes so I can figure out how to trace the genuine path of a spirit through incarnations.

I believe in reincarnation but I think that the norm is you lose your past life memories, personality, and everything else that isn't just the pure seed of awareness/self and desire/will. Indeed most of that desire also is burnt out in various afterlife states before the spirit is incarnated again in a state of being like we're going through right now. I think there are special methods to retain memories and such from a past life, aka, you basically astral travel and before your astral body burns out and goes under the second death, you possess some new body and transfer over.


I went to some past life regression thing, I literally just made up stuff that came to my head, I am highly skeptical because at no point it felt like it was coming from some past life memory, it felt rather just like sitting and being told "now imagine a fictional character. And then describe its life." If you have a good imagination you can basically come up with an entire story, I had supposedly four past lives in that regression, I don't believe they were really my past lives, but I think somehow in each story I must have used similar archetypes and ideas from my (let's call it) actual life. So I sat down and thought about the concepts and the different lives I supposedly lived, and it kinda threw some light on a few personality issues that were trying to hide


If you can look something up on amazon and get a bunch of results despite the fact that all rich and powerful people completely disregard that concept then it's snake oil. There is no such thing as a magic symbol that gives you power. All these buzzwords anyone has seen while trying to find credible information about the nature of reality are complete fucking nonsense. The easy way to know when somebody is giving credible information is if they are open about the fact that they have no fucking idea what they are talking about and are just coming up with theories. Thank you so much for being the ninety millionth person to waste the universes time by making somebody use their time telling you to not act like a toddler. If you look around for fifteen seconds you will notice that in this shithole universe , an adult human can post "hehe here's my dog (dog emoji) they are cute! Hehe!" And 90% of the processing power will be directed to a circle jerk loop for hours. If you ask for advice related to your dogs health, organize a protest against humans experimenting on dogs to give rich people new surgeries, or want to do anything that doesn't involve people orbiting around a "celebrated person" , the npc will read your post and go (IF this leads to attention, YES, IF this leads to knowledge, NO) and then complete disregard you and your cause. Then when the time is right they will pretend to worry about animal cruelty .

The best way to fight fraud fucks is to stop being a fraud fuck and promoting fraud fuck causes on what is supposed to be an anti fraud fuck board you fraud fucking faggot


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>despite the fact that all rich and powerful people completely disregard that concept then it's snake oil

yeah man totally i mean rich and powerful people are so woke, whatever they do must be the way to spiritual liberation

brb gonna read Trump's biography and reach samadhi



>the rich


What's wrong with exploiting the degenerate retards you just described?


cursed image


yeah man trump is totally going to mention his profound esoteric experiences in the books he publishes


Bryan Weiss is a good starting point.


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