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Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 66rd Attention-Hungry Games
/nothingness/ - R I S E U P

December 2018 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Apple cider vinegar can fight fungus. Hydrogen peroxide and water and be used as a mouthwash and whiten your teeth / stop bleeding gums. Vicks rub can be used to heal toenails. Walmart has cheap ass lucid dreaming herbs like St. John's Wort Ginseng for energy sleep formulas etc. Prewrap (a disposable cloth like thing) can be wrapped around injuries followed by athletic tape to heal injuries. Your tight calve muscles can cause pain in places like your neck and you can kneel on ground and put a rolled up yoga mat or a foam roller under knees and sit on it to relieve tension. Yoga can be used to heal lots of injuries and increase metabolism, just stretching is yoga despite all the Instagram experts complicating shit. Breathing techniques can help breathing problems. If you are having trouble staying hydrated salty junk foods contain antioxidants and will force you to want to drink more water. Kratom can be used to heal chronic pain or a meth free stimulant and supplements such as agmatine or tumeric can potentiate the effects. If you hate fruits and vegetables you can take suppliments which psychos will say are useless because their mommy has been buying them whole foods forever despite the fact that doctors literally give vitamin D injections . Whey protein daily works great with whatever you are eating to fortify your body and prevents pain.

There are infinite alternative solutions for every problem. I remember reading about how they came out with a cure for opiate addiction and they said woah we can't spend money on this because how can we profit. This is why you will see Ginseng can treat chronic fatigue syndrome or erectile dysfunction and every doctor is like "well, we didnt do any studies so we can't confirm it."

When I had money and had an unlimited supply of optimum whey protein , teas, marijuana, and a bunch of Chinese herbs like eucomia bark shizandra something reishi mushroom and multiple ginsengs, I literally was leveling up. My reflexes in sports went up like 50% in a week. Could concentrate so much better. I did some research and herbs I was taking were actually researched in China and were used to not treat but cure ADHD.

The next big thing isn't computer related it's us hacking our brains and bodies by finding the optimal medicines. For now we can just discuss but the future goal should be an ego free corporate free ad free wiki/Amazon about healing and evolving. Eventually an uber app where you can find yogis/herbalists/meditates/tea drinkers/musicians. This will not happen in the current climate and I'm getting ahead of my self but that should be the end game. DO NOT LET THE MONEY MOVERS HIJACK THIS. This will literally just happen naturally by force of will. We need to double down on weed and get everything legalized so people are sovereign beings freely collaborating and evolving.



st john's wort is not a lucid dreaming herb

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