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/fringe/ - Fringe

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/tg/ - 8chan's leading board in actual discussion

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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 52a0ac659cbbe38⋯.png (4.03 KB, 800x272, 50:17, discordpara.png)


Sup guys we got a server up and running for paranormal/occult/conspiracy/dr00gz/shitposting/politics/history/numerology/all that good sheeet. Did really well advertising here yesterday , met a lot of great people on /x/ so far, hoping for the same here: https://discord.gg/a6ED8f

We'd really like to see more of an Occult focus coming into the group.


We already have a place to talk about occultism right here, where we're anonymous and our data isn't being sold. Why would we go somewhere else where we have to make an account and fit into cliqueish bullshit social rules? You fucking Discord shills never even come back to the boards you post your bullshit on. Fuck off. If only this was against the rules.


>You fucking Discord shills never even come back to the boards you post your bullshit on.

This. I'd be interested in knowing more people interested in these topics, but how many on your server even lurk here?

Plus the people I've met on /fringe/ so far were all pretty antisocial or at least mildly insane. Not that I am so different when it comes to that, but at least I try not to be a belief-pushing cunt about it.




"Not that I am so different when it comes to that, but at least I try not to be a belief-pushing cunt about it."

At what point was I being a belief pushing cunt? I mean your welcome to not join if you disagree with the notion of an internet chat, thats perfectly okay. But I can't imagine you speak for every single person here, because we have had plenty of people join from here. Do you see what I mean?



Then you are most welcome to stay here! but considering we have had people joining from this board, clearly not everyone feels the way that you do. It's just an internet chat, it's not like we are forming a cult and seeking to absorb and destroy the fringe board.



>At what point was I being a belief pushing cunt?

I was talking about the people I talked to from /fringe/ so far, but in my experience it's probably not a good sign that you felt like I meant you…

How many people joined from here and how many of them actually still lurk here?


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> You fucking Discord shills never even come back to the boards you post your bullshit on. Fuck off. If only this was against the rules.

If only it was against the rules to be as shit as the /fringe/ community is currently. These places don't work without a leader personality to create a pull and drama around themselves. Smiley was good at that, since he was locked up or shoved off onto the street or whatever this place has been slowly rotting, the things discussed are all pointless, less than neophyte level stuff. The BO only makes himself known when placing these red text messages on rule breaking posts, there is no culture being spread.

Discord is usually no different, we have someone creating a server specifically to create a server and they have nothing to discuss and no pull.

One example of the opposite was the /x/ server a7 created during the summer, it was great and this was because he blogged about himself and some of his personal friends were in it.

If you're not willing to expose yourself emotionally and create drama around yourself, don't create server and don't attempt running boards which by their very nature require a patriarchal structure to function. Just my two cents.



IRC is better, discord is a meme datamining rebrand of one of the oldest internet technologys. You can come to me.



While rapidly scanning the replies since you were replying to my Op I assumed you meant me, my mistake.

I don't interrogate everyone that joins the server, but there's been an influx of 15 users over the past 2 days, since I started advertising it. Some of those probably going to be from /x/ and some from here. Given how a decent proportion of them came in and started bringing up esoteria I assume they are people from here. The other set of people bring up more /x/ related things.

There seems to be a high level of territorial behavior from you guys, I get this sense of "don't suggest more places to us, we want everyone to stay right here" or perhaps "it's a trap he's stealing people". At the end of the day, it is just a chatroom, people that don't want to be a part of it are fully welcome to just not be a part of it and carry on with their business. What I am trying to get my head around is what the thought process is of the few people who not only dont want anything to do with it [which is fine by the way] but to actively attempt to dissuade others from being apart of it, surely its down to each individual where they want to be and what they do or do not want to join in on no?



"Discord is usually no different, we have someone creating a server specifically to create a server and they have nothing to discuss and no pull."

That is most certainly an issue and that's what I have observed in the disc community as well as in other platforms. In case you cared for some context, I'v run a community 'The Bastion' since 2011, it is a social gaming community, in about the last two or so years there has been an emergence in the community of more fringe related ideas/culture, so what I decided to do was create a new group, where we could focus on that new direction, to date it is proving successful. I know you don't care, and I don't much care for justifying myself, but since you took the time to post something that was quite true and well thought out i figured i would reciprocate. But yeh, long story short, I'm not someone who creates something just to have something i created, I supply demands within the communities I have created/am a part of, and seek to cater to them as best I can. Recently the desire was expressed in the Basement [the server im linking] to expand the user base and also expand the various topics within the 'fringe' culture that we cover, with 8chan's fringe board being one of the first and tbh most obvious suggestions to open ourselves up to the wider fringe community. Which so far, has worked wonders, we have had some eally great people come in from here that have contributed to the server and have found much use for the contributions of others. I simply seek to carry on with that positive feedback loop.


File: c72cc9b80ab6f04⋯.png (1.15 MB, 800x1300, 8:13, epyckratos.png)


Fuck your server I was banned from it. You all are censor-happy posers.


Your statement on cliqueish bullshit social rules is spot-on this server forces just that.


For starters, they don't have me in the server since they banned me. And I will have you know I am quite sociable and eccentricity does not equate to mild insanity.


I disagree with your shit moderator accountability and that is why people should not join.


Oh yeah not everyone -just the people who have yet to learn how the server is run.


I joined the server, was banned, and continue to post here.


Oh yes because NOBODY on this board could POSSIBLY fit the bill of being an iconic leader-type personality creating pull and drama around themselves. And don't act like you are able to perform wizardry when you can't with your 'this board has less than neophyte-level stuff' as if you have achieved anything above it.


We will carry on with our business and I will definitely not be a part of it.


The fact you think /fringe/'s culture is more important than the end goals of /fringe/ such as self-improvement, achieving magic, and transcending reality, really shows just how detached you are from /fringe/. Positive feedback is for people who can't handle criticism.

~Epyc Wynn


File: a1df9862dd63777⋯.png (78.52 KB, 848x607, 848:607, ERC.png)


Try selecting the passage you want to quote before clicking the post number and you'll automatically get a greentext, that's how things work on imageboards. At least learn the basics before you start shilling and you won't get so many negative responses.


>don't act like you are able to perform wizardry when you can't with your 'this board has less than neophyte-level stuff' as if you have achieved anything above it.

I'll act like it because it's true. Unfortunately this is an anonymous place and I'm not a tripfag so you'll be left in dark on the details.

8/fringe/ is shit and you are part of the reason.


File: b6e25b64a0d4767⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1222x1272, 611:636, Epycwynnati2.png)


Mark of the false mage -the one who refuses to show their method plainly.

~Epyc Wynn



Going to give a little bump, maybe once a week or month.



The server is not a public asset, we reverse the right to run how we want to. you are of course free to shot and scream and whine about someone banning you from their server. Just be aware that throwing a tantrum and trying to dissuade others from joining is quite childish and not in the least part mature or level headed, it is not a strong character trait and shows you to be weak willed. Let people find out for themselves, if they want to join it and see if it might be useful/fun to them, let them do that and then they can make up their own mind as to whether or not to stay. Does this make sense to you?



Kek, reserve*


File: 0c81ddefd080d51⋯.png (159.2 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 3Sigil2000px.png)


I fully understand your fallacious reasons. Power does not denote righteousness -your ability to do something is not the same as your right to do something even if you convince others of as much. A true right is universally just in all situations it is applied in. An act of censorship is always unjust, as-is the act of isolation. By your same logic I can simply argue the reverse and proclaim it a childish ignorance of your users and their criticism to fight this notion rather than accept the existence of the issue and seek to justly resolve it rather than unjustly censor your critics. Those who censor and isolate are weak of will for they fear the notion of allowing disagreement and difference of opinion. I encourage people to not waste their time getting burned by injustice unless they truly lack the experience and need to learn from new burns. You say I should let people, as if I control them, yet here you, one with moderating power who actually can control me on your server, abused your power whereas I merely offer education to those who might not want to be controlled by you. Send me the isolated and the censored and the critical and the humorous for they are my saints and your outcasts.

~Epyc Wynn



Abused my powers? no I just didn't want you in my server, you don't have a right to be there, your ability to be there is a privilege, not a right. You sound incredibly entitled.


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Also this


File: b31bc2e32293b8e⋯.png (57.06 KB, 797x438, 797:438, larp.png)

>when you join /fringe/ discord and it's literally just larpers

Damn. The LARPers are probably worse than schizophrenics.

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