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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I don't think that the principle of rythm from the kybalion is everywhere like it's stating.

For example, having skin while living. People are born, live and die with their skin on, therefore the principle of rythm is not everywhere, because it doesn't affect skin while living. Of course there were and are skinned people, but the vast majority isn't.

We can apply similar reasoning for other body parts as well.

From that we can conclude that the kybalion is lying.


Dude what.


"Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right, is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." — The Kybalion.


Seriously OP you don't make sense.



Skin decays and regenerates itself over time.



But you always have it.



Not the same skin. It's constantly dying, leaving, and being replaced.



So? The ocean has tides which recede in rhythmic cycles and yet is always the ocean.

The problem of identity doesn't refute the principle of rhythm.




This is just the behaviour, a property of the skin. In order to get rid of the skin, to not have it, you must cut it out, which many people don't do, therefore they constantly have it.


It's about having the skin, not that this layer of cells is constantly called skin.

And if you don't like the example with the skin, the same applies to legs as well.



Rhythm is not necessarily a fight between having and not having, between being and not being. Rhythm is similar to vibration.

You can't listen to a song and say "this shit has no rhythm because the instruments never stop! It always plays so therefore the rhythm doesn't exist"

Having said that, I find that there are things where I can't see the rhythm acting, but I believe it's just me lacking full understanding of the situation. For example, gravity. I don't see how gravity has rhythm, so I'm more inclined to believe that there are two forces in the world, linear and circular. But then that means there is a certain rhythm to gravity, with something linear that I still can't grasp being the counter-balance to linear gravity.



So you are talking about the "possession of skin" as an abstract concept? You're asking us to identify the rhythm in the "possession of things which one inherently possesses"? Let me know if I'm still not understanding…

Anyways, possession is deeply rhythmic. You didn't have skin b4 you were born. And you won't have skin when you're dead. Maybe you'll get skinned alive? The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, goy. You don't "have" anything except your soul.



Gravity propagates in rhythmic spherical waves, as indicated by those experiments in 2015. Gravitational acoustics reverberate against one another constantly, propagating through the medium of "spacetime" and governing the macroscopjc motions of the heavens. You should think of gravity as implosive "sound". Or perhaps "sound" moving backwards in time.

Tell me if I sound schizophrenic lmao, but to me the rhythm of gravity is very clear



>Rhythm is not necessarily a fight between having and not having, between being and not being. Rhythm is similar to vibration.

You can't have both things at the same time that are the opposites of each other, so it is a 'fight' (they obviously don't fight, the great clockwork just tells when and where).

I don't get your example with the song.


>You didn't have skin b4 you were born. And you won't have skin when you're dead. Maybe you'll get skinned alive?

That's why I deliberately stated having skin while living. And most people don't get skinned alive, you propably now at least one person who had their skin through their whole life.

>So you are talking about the "possession of skin" as an abstract concept? You're asking us to identify the rhythm in the "possession of things which one inherently possesses"?

I'm more referring to the possession of the body that possesses the skin, although I don't think it matters too much. Also, I haven't fully understood your question.

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