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Esoteric Wizardry


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My astral shielding went down while I was away from my room for 3 weeks and things got in and I'm not alone and I can't get them out and they are harassing me a lot.

Something is standing in my room all the fucking time just looking at my bed. It doesn't look anywhere else, it's just fucking standing there.

Then something else is following me around, tracking me wherever I go, and occasionally makes its presence known to me especially in any moment it thinks it can get loosh.

There is something very intent on stopping me. My magick experiments have been more successful and I've been getting very close to resolving several ongoing problems at once which will enable me to do even MORE and tons of entities are leaping at the chance to feed from me. I am not sure if there is an active effort to suppress my ascent or if they are simple opportunistic predators. It could also be that one of you guys are fucking with me magickally just because you can.

If I break through this next problem it's going to be a huge step up. After that I might gain a hell of a lot of momentum to fix up everything else and reach an even higher operational efficiency.

I believe I am at this point already, permanently, partially shifted into 4D in a way that I'm not dropping out fully and as a result I am open to and experiencing a lot of things constantly that would normally be cut off from me.

>tfw as I type this something is trying to burn me and making a bunch of noise and generally fucking around in my room

>tfw have a lot less time for posting on and reading imageboards because of all this shit

I don't know if I should ask for help or not but I need to make my room secure and turn it into a magickal womb of sorts for recovery so I can reach my full potential. I am cleansing the shit out of my body and doing a lot of new magick that I will describe in this thread if anyone requests me to do so… though it may take awhile for me to respond.

Random note: I think emotion aka astral energy may be an outward manifestation or phase of Vril/Loosh or to be more specific an energy powering thought and that emotional release is just one part of what they are after; going deeper it may be that they are looking to sap the energetic potential to form thoughts more intensely and powerfully (of all sorts, with myriad potential effect).


Something was burning my legs earlier today and now it's burning my sides and chest. Fug.


I have to run, but want to ask: might it be that you've tempted the Kundalini fire in any way?


Already did that long ago. The last crazy awesome magick I did was an Earth invocation. It resulted in be becoming very nauseated, feeling as if all my flesh was really heavy and numb, and feeling all my bones all become extremely sensitive and uncomfortable with every light pressure making me want to move and never being able to rest my hands or arms in any position without it feeling messed up. It also changed my personality and mood and how I behave a whole bunch to traits corresponding with the Earth element. Previously my whole being was aligned with fire. I may be at this point elementally quite unbalanced without water and air.


It makes good sense they'd go after Loosh btw seeing as we live in a mental universe constructed out of thought; what can be more precious than the potential energy to construct more thoughts?


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You mentioned that your mother couldn't see you. If you we're partially in 4D (3.5D?), it would explain why she couldn't interact with you anymore.

I wonder if the reptilians hoard the loosh for some purpose other than sustaining themselves.


Does the LBRP help?


>faggot opting out when reincarnated in interesting times



It is sensible but not at all responsible. Taking the not-given is a one way ticket to a realm where all are as you, taking the not-given without conscience. The name we give such a realm is hell. If all gods go to heaven for doing godly things and are surrounded by like company necessarily the ungodly in thought/aciton/speech go to a realm filled with the ungodly in thought/action/speech. If on ungodly person does ill unto another, is is fluent thought which arrives at the conclusion that a realm filled with the ungodly would be unhappy for all inhabitants.


Spoken like a true faggot. Misery loves company. Invitation denied. If I planned on staying I would stay. Invitations are just powerful grabs to control ones movements and the context therein.


When you return you're going to be pissed at yourself.



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Hey there Smiley. I have experience removing some pretty nasty entities from peoples homes.

If you're comfortable with fighting in Astral, I reccomend that you AP and clean house. After that you can put your wards back up and clean your space out.

Just don't lose the fight because you could become a huge target; one who is willing to spend large amounts of energy fighting something that he can not get rid of.

I have faith that if you decide to do that, you will win.

Also, I am interested to hear about what you have been working on other than the earth invocation if you care to share!



I'm currently trying to purify my living area and my body on all planes of existence basically, be it cleaning my room thoroughly on the physical plane, to protecting it on the astral, etc.

I'll describe moar specific magickal practises I've been doing but first I need to kill some mold!


Luck be with you good sir!


ITT: crazy kid mom's tell him to clean his bedroom
Once you're done washing your own underpants like a good boy, consider getting help.
A visit to a therapist once a week, a psychiatric evaluation and some pills to keep the "alien" voices away. I'm sure your mother will be grateful not to have a mentally unstable dead-weight at home and you'll be happier after threatment as well.

You let mold grow in your room? Holy shot that's just disgusting. No wonder why wizards dont like showers


>implying the voices aren't astral homies
>implying they aren't giving based advice



My parents are obese and have extremely messy rooms. I pestered my mom forever just to get the stuff I needed for cleaning. I am the only one that cleans in this house; they don't do anything except clean dishes. I keep my own room clean of my own accord. If you don't believe me, I can take a picture of ANY other room in the house, and show you what it looks like. I could take a picture of my mom or dad's room or my sister's room and you'll see it's a terrible mess. Meanwhile my own room is much cleaner. My parents do not give a FUCK about healthy eating or cleaning; only I do.

>You let mold grow in your room? Holy shot that's just disgusting. No wonder why wizards dont like showers

The entire fucking house is full with mold. Every single window sill is rotting. It's not my fault my parents are a bunch of dispshits. If they ever want to sell the house, they're going to have to replace every single windowsill, and that's going to cost a lot of money… or else they will have to convince someone to just buy the house and ignore that all the window sills are literally rotting out.

I got on cleaning sprees every once in awhile when I get fed up with them and I even vacuumed my mom's room for her and my sister's room as well and many hallways. I also have been pestering my mom to clean the bathroom but she's too damned lazy so it's falling on me to do it… there's fuckloads of mold in the bathroom btw.

Anyone know which of the various non-toxic home cleaning formulas is the best of them all? I don't find vinegar to be all that effective on grease… just spent forever cleaning a glass table multiple times over until I finally got the grease off purely through rubbing the shit out of it first with a regular cloth then with a microfibre cloth for the last bit…. also used vinegar, then water, then water with soap, then water, then vinegar in that order…


>tfw 6 different solutions here to clean glass, don't know which one is actually the best though, and don't want to have to prepare each one myself to test them back-to-back…

There's a shitload of different mold cleaning solutions. I used sodium bicarbonate last time, going to use vinegar this time, then going to try hydrogen peroxide, maybe in the future I'll try borox.

Btw, why aren't you wearing the fedora flag?


They use chemicals because honestly they work quicker and faster. Time is money.
But there are things they do chemical free. That anyone can also do. Glass clothes are the shiny clothes you can buy them at Walmart. They are smaller. I purchase mine through a janetorial supply house they are better and larger,. Anyone can shop there. You can tell them how many you want and can purchase them that way.

I use the squeegee to clean windows, mirrors and showers. Instead of using any chemicals including vinegar I use a microfiber towel that is a little bit soapy. And wash the mirror. Soap mikes the window squeegee work better and smoother. The reason I use soap instead of anything else is because things like vinegar ( mild acid)
Will etch the mirrors. If you notice sometimes around mirrors the bottom of them start flaking off. You can’t wipe in the corners to get all the cleaners off. The very best way to keep the shower from getting hard water build up is to dry it. Using the squeegee dries it faster. When I clean showers I also dry it this way faster and easy, windows your recipe is perfect for using the squeeggie keeps them streak free and faster to clean. It takes a few times to get the hang of it.

The glass clothes I was telling you about are perfect for more things. I have several people that are extremely allergic to everything so the only cleaner I use is dish soap. They can’t even use the natural cleaners they have out. I barely and I mean barely spray a little of water on the cloth. And clean. These are great for cleaning any solid surface that you don’t want dust on or streaks. Facets, sinks everything.

Cleaning green is as simple as dawn dish soap. And having the right products to clean with. It cuts down time and effort and makes it easier.

Micro fiber Mops. I love these mops. They are quick and easy and dhow can get into corners and behind toilets with these mops. Walmart sells them for about $10.00. Maybe a little more, shiny floors that look clean be sure and dry them. A dry microfiber pad will also dry. Cleaning floors is most of the time is as simple as adding a squirt of Dawn Dish soap. And drying. Cleaning certain tile showers you again can use the microfiber mops and dawn dish soap. And drying it. Knowing how to clean surfaces in your house without damage is my job. When I have something new…take travertine tile I contacted the manufacter he told me that I could only clean the tile with dish soap. Or their product, because if I didn’t it would void the warrenty’s . I also rinse any cleaner that I use in bathrooms very very well. Build up happens a lot of times because we don’t get all the cleaners off. I also warm the bathrooms showers, and sinks, tubs before I clean them. It helps cleaners work better and I let it set for a few minutes before I scrub. It helps it work better. Your recipe would be wonderful for glass doors. Becareful getting it on medal because some of it could discolor be sure and check. Your recipe would also probably also get hard water build up off use it carefully dabbing and wiping then rinsing really well. Half the battle is getting your family to rinse and dry the bathrooms. Another thing I have learned that keeps mold down is to turn on the fan to pull out moisture. After your done leave it running for 30 minutes. This helps more than anything. I do this for a living. I am successful doing this and I always check with the manufactor before I clean anything new. . I use chemicals because a lot of business want that clean smell. But a lot of people I can for want it chemical free which is my preference. But cleaning businesses it is faster to use chemicals, I always glove up but I can tell even with that it has affected my hands. Not only are they very dry they burn after I clean.
I hope your okay with my post? I want to be very respectful and hope everyone see’s it that way. I am OCD and I constantly research ways to make it better for myself and my customers. And I have been very successful at it. But I am always learning new things from others and I also love that.


Hmmm he must be a shill for Dawn brand, lol.


Can you describe the method you used to make the shield? If there a reason to have it on room rather than extending around aura? How often did you work on it and give it energy? Programmed with affirmations? Mostly visualization? Did you will it to be white & bluish or did that come naturally? Thanks

Also, do you think it would be possible for entities (that want to suppress your progress) to mentally influence your parents to kick you out or get a job?



Shower only 15 minutes at max, less if you’re only getting sweat off, the full 15 minutes if you’re really dirty or oily. Use just water if getting sweat off, use baby shampoo if dirty (or hair has somehow become excessively oily), and a soap bar if SUPER dirty (it will remove too much oils though, so prepare to be an oily greasy fuck for the next several hours afterwards, at least you'll have the dirt off you…). Shower as little as possible, only shower if you’re actually messy. Hotter water = skin pores get opened more, body responds by producing more oils, and also hair gets curlier. Colder water = tighter skin pores, less curly hair, and less oil production. Any shower shower should be finished off with really cold water to close up the pores unless you intend to get out of the shower afterwards and manually force sebum out with your fingers, if you have a ridiculous amount of blackheads and acne, hopefully you'll never let it get to that. Use cold water and then lemons or vinegar (or other astringents) to force your skin to seal itself up if you've exposed it to hot water before. Warm water doesn't cause problems like hot water, even so, finish with cold water. Do not comb the hair unless you want to get a lot of oil and other debris out without using baby shampoo or soap or you're some faggot who thinks straight hair looks good.

Never use deodorant. If your diet is good and your genetics aren't totally shit you won't need it. Deodorant fucks with your body's ability to eliminate toxins through the skin.


Never use mouthwash, unless perhaps you've got some seriously fucked up infection in your mouth, I simply never ever use it myself.

Just brush your teeth your teeth with a toothbrush. The physical act of brushing your teeth is most of what's responsible for actually cleaning your teeth. Never drink soda, never eat candies, and have a good diet.

Anything that seriously disrupts the bacteria in your mouth will cause problems (such as mouthwash). The saliva and the things it contains is constantly breaking down food in your mouth and you can absorb medications and other things through the mouth. When you eat meals, you should eat something at the end that cleans up the mouth as best as possible, and if there's any large amounts of food still stuck in your teeth that you can't get rid of with your tongue you can use your toothbrush on it. Then saliva breaks down the minute stuff left behind. All fluoride in your toothpaste btw will be absorbed directly into your body, even if you spit the toothpaste out, the fluoride may as well have been ingested.

I have a fluoride-free toothpaste. I've had the same tube for well over a year. I stopped using toothpaste because of a spirit that visited me and gave me some toothpaste and I took it as a sign I shouldn't use toothpaste any longer. After about 6 months of no toothpaste at all, I did not have any teeth problems. Even so, I did find myself fluoride-free toothpaste one day, and since then I've used that occasionally to get my teeth extra clean. You only need to brush with actual toothpaste maybe… once a week or month to get everything extra clean. I find it's rather disruptive to the bacteria in the mouth.

The human body pretty much naturally produces everything needed. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that many beauty products benefit from the use of human fat and other substances (like urea, sodium bicarbonate, foreskins) which are all made by human bodies.

When cleaning your body and other things these three variables are generally more important than whatever chemicals you use:
>length of exposure
>how you physically wipe/comb/smudge/etc things with your hands or another physical tool

That’s how most of the actual cleaning is done.

(might add more to this later)


>try to clean bathroom with very old sodium bicarbonate that has turned into a block and vinegar
>it's highly ineffective

Well fuck this. I'm going to need something else.


I’ve just tried the recipe you gave for home-made glass cleaner and would like to share a few comments. This recipe worked well for me and I plan to use it in the future.

I am a chemist and fortunately do not suffer from chemical sensitivities, allergies or other serious autoncthonous health problems, but I do like saving money & sticking it to the Man (a little :-) by making cleaning products at home. While I get annoyed by the unreasonable chemo-phobia which runs through much of the Internet material available on these topics, I do agree that we shouldn’t needlessly expose ourselves to actual toxins at home or work. (Not all synthetic chemicals are serious “toxins” but that is a rant for another post.) Quite often the simpler products work as well as the expensive commercial ones, and are as safe or safer; even if they work 90% as well but cost only 10% as much they are clearly worth using.

WITH that as a disclaimer, I’ve given some thought to the presence of corn starch in the recipe and honestly find it mystifying. I prepared the liquid portion of the recipe (using red wine vinegar, see below) and tested it first, before adding any starch. (My original plan was to make half a batch with starch and half without – to compare their “streakiness” – but once I made a small starch-free batch I found it worked so well that I just kept cleaning mirrors and windows until it was all used up. :-) At the amount given, vegetable starch is soluble in the dilute acid; how it would cut down on streaking I don’t know. I’ll keep thinking about it. I’m sure that starting with clean rags w/ low detergent residue levels and using water with low mineral content, as I did, will minimize the streaking problem (as I found just now).

As to the addition of some food coloring as a warning, I agree that is wise in a household with young children. My youngest is now 6.5 y.o. and I no longer worry he will ingest random cleaning products, so this gave me an idea.

A few months ago a new Woodman’s (a large, multi-service grocery store chain in WI) opened near my home. On my first visit there, about a week after Grand Opening, there was already a cart of “scratch & dent” items at deep discount pricing. From this cart, in a weak moment of semi-economy, I found an unopened one-gallon jug of red wine vinegar for $3. It had a torn label, but I could still read that the original price had been $11.99! My satisfaction at getting such a great deal was muted when I got home and realized the jug would not fit in the pantry cupboard where I’d planned to put it; I was further chastened to realize that – even though I love RWV and use it in salads and cooking – one gallon was approximately a four-year supply at my current usage rate. :-> When I read your recipe for glass cleaner I realized that this red wine vinegar might work as well as the white or apple cider varities.

Sure enough, when I mixed my wine vinegar with water & alcohol in the correct ratio I got excellent glass cleaner with a lovely rosy-pink tint – a color that would actually be hard to achieve with food dyes alone and which is unusual enough to prevent, I think, any accidental mis-use. Wine vinegars of course have some natural variability in their color, so trial-and-error would be required with other batches, but I will tinker some with the recipe and post again if any other worthwhile points appear.

Thanks for your information on this topic. Erik



>tfw have to use ammonia or something like it


Should I try opting out of consuming any nightshades and see if I get better that way?


Should I reduce posting of notes in this thread and just keep it an offline copy of my notes? I may be annoying you all with this.


Nah, I am not annoyed by your notes, besides we can check them out too if we want to, so it's all good.

Also, a synchronicity, >>12880,
>came up with the name "nightshades" two days ago
>check out the wikipedia article
>today you post a question about nightshades


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ITT: Smiley's tips on household cleaning

this is fringe sitcom tier material


What do these entities look like?


Perhaps if you could post some Personal Location info we could Stalk Help You with your Little Problem


Whatever the fuck they want to look like. It's pretty random.


draw them


shiiiit, i had the same problem with mold. actually, I'm not advanced at all, but reading this reminds me of how I started dealing with mold in my house and how some entity or whatever got aggressive when I started cleaning the mold. It was horrible, my house is built on a swamp or something, and we have a wardrobe that is kinda glued to the outer wall and it was terrible. White, blue even black mold was there. Basically I knew nothing about spiritual stuff back then and was scared af, i started seeing things,etc at the same time i started dealing with that awful mold. my cat started acting crazy, i couldn't sleep for half a year… anyway, if you find out any effective non-toxic mold cleaning stuff, pls do tell!


I'd like to second this. Unless you don't want to or whatever. It's cool.


All the mold here is black coloured and nothing else.

I can't draw with a degree of competence to properly show you what they look like. Some are alien, most are just like random humans in appearance.



Ah ok. Basically the reason I asked is that I am just starting with all this, and I am a bit concerned about seeing some 2spooky shit, as dumb as that sound. Best of luck to you with everything though, sorry I can't be of any help.


Wait a second, is this THE smiley? 4chon /new/'s smiley??


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.



For removing mold, I use Baking soda, scrub, peroxide, scrub, rubbing alcohol, scrub. Completely kills and removes mold. Should only take 1 cycle.


Sage. Bundles of sage in every room of your house. Use your blood to draw pentagrams on the backs of each mirror, in the banish spirit order. This order goes from the left side of the top, to the left bottom, to right upper, then left upper, the right bottom, then right side top. For the top i mark the Tyr rune, for bottotm left i mark Hel, for the top right i mark Thorn, for the top left i mark Isa, the last one is Beork.

This seal done in your blood on the back of the mirrors in the exact center of the back, will give you control over which spirits can enter or exit your home through those orifices.


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drew it for you in MS paint.


you can do these on the windows as well, but it'd be best to use something that dries clear. that you trust to carry your intent into the higher realm. However it needs to be a substance that will leave a residue, and if you or anyone else rubs one of the seals off, you have to do ALL of them again.


also, find north, and do the first and last seals on that wall. follow the pentagram's order as best you can to get the energy to weave into the right pattern.


If you have even the slightest amount of uncertainty of the purpose you wish to pursue that turned you to magick, you shouldn't be practicing.
Smoke cigs for a year, then drop them cold turkey. If you can will yourself through that without faltering or pleading with someone to get you some smokes, you have the Capacity of Will to face the eldricht beings that await you should you actually awaken.


There's something else too.

As members of the peoples who have the Force of Our Will at our disposal have a duty to protect and guide Humanity into greatness. If Humanity is not your first and most pertinent loyalty, you shouldn't be practicing.

Innumerable are they who would use our Birthright as Humans to please only themselves, and to preserve only themselves, and to protect only themselves. They are trash. They are as nothing before the dedication to our purpose that we are expected to have and exhibit if we are to stay awake.


>doing something stupid like that
>eldricht beings
>not just using stopping fapping as a test of will and throwing yourself full onto into magickal development and combat like you're training and setting out for a war


I did that, and there weren't any permanent affects.

While i smoked my lung capacity did drop a noticeable bit, but i'm fine now. I even got thoroughly screened for cancers. Nothing.

So, yeah.


I use the energy of the endorphins from the orgasm as a large chunk of the energy i weave into a pattern for what ever it is that i'm doing.


Yeah sure. You're all prophets who live in their parent's basement and can't keep the house clean.


How will I know I'm ready? I've already quit smoking cold turkey. I am more than willing to spend more time working on myself before doing any sort of magic, but I would like to benchmarks for figuring out where I am at along my development before I throw myself into anything I cannot handle.


i don't live with my parents, and my house is clean.
Anyhow we're detracting from the subject.

Honestly the best thing to do is test yourself. Start with something like astral projection, and repatterning trivial things like a stubbed toe.

Repatterning is the direct and conscious manipulation of the thought-forms woven into an event and its results.

More simply, it is reexamining the experience with a different outcome. Example: you stubbed your toe a secind ago, and you bring yourself through the process mentally, and the motions physically, without stubbing your toe. Do this enough times, and your subconscious may take in that the injury never happened. Found this in Urban Shaman by Serge Kahili King, PHD.
have fun.


I had an experience like this. I tried fighting astrally to get them to leave but was unable to do so. As I fought they would resist and reinforce the next day proportionally. I thought about what to do for a while and wondered why these things were inside the room but never went outside the building. I ended up raising my body heat as much as I could while focusing on raising the temperature of the room. I sealed myself in by ensuring the only unsealed space in the tiny room was the ventilation duct that went outside. As I increased the heat they began to act frantically so I dramatically upped my efforts until I was sweating profusely. The heat cause them to slip out through the vent which I then sealed. I haven't seen or heard from them since.

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