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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Every physical object as a corresponding aura. Similarly every written and spoken word has its corresponding energetic structure in the energy field. This energy field is called by science the electromagnetic energy spectrum, it was called by the ancient Greeks aether, Chinese chi, and it can just be called energy or life-force.

If you inscribe a word or sentence upon a monument that creates a pattern in the energy field that then ripples out perpetually, thus monuments are like radio antennas perpetually broadcasting a signal. Monuments hold great power upon a land, for this reason when one political order replaces another they tend to destroy the monuments of the previous order, the statues, etc.

Politics is rooted in magic. It is rooted in ritual, symbols, and spoken blessings and curses. To write or inscribe a sentence that affirms a blessing or cursing and to keep this in a notebook, performs a similar function to the monument, especially if one prays over the book from time to time. If a person keeps a book of blessings and curses, in affirmation form, it is recommended that some sort of cipher be used in case the book is found and people question ones mental health if they read the curses.

A curse in affirmation form is simple, if one is cursing jack it can be "God curse jack". Or it can be "Jack is doomed to experience bad luck". Similarly one can use a notebook to make voodoo dolls in drawing form where one draws someone and depicts either good or bad things happening to them. This works by creating designs in the energy field that then perpetually broadcast to the world.

Our ancestors and spirits of the dead happen to live on in the subtle vibrations of electromagnetic energy. This is why people say that people go to heaven when they pass away. If you look into the blueness or blackness of outer space you are not looking into empty space. You are looking into vast field of electromagnetic waves. Spirits of the dead don't necessarily go into the sky, they go into subtle vibrations of electromagnetic spectrum that are all around us.

Remembering the ancestors through libations helps feed them.

As above so below means that each physical manifestation has a corresponding energy counterpart. Just as energy exists in waves so too does the earth, physical matter, if examined close enough, is waves. For this reason things constructed in the energy field through speaking or writing words plant seeds that produce long term effects in physical matter.

One example of this is Jews praying for thousands of years to return to Israel. They kept planting seeds until the physical universe gave up and allowed them to move there. Whether or not they can keep it remains to be seen and they have to contend with the Palestinians for that, so it remains to be seen whether their magic will ultimately succeed or not.

Praying is very important. God is a mega-talisman one appeals to in order to fulfill ones prayers. Gods, and saints, can be viewed as like banks. Each time a person venerates a statue of a saint or of a god they are investing energy into that saint or god represented by the idol. Later on that god or saint can be called upon to perform a task. Similarly God itself is similar and the energy invested into God through praise and so on is held together simply by the word God without there even being a statue in many cases. Talismans are like banks, this is why its important to consecrate a talisman through prayer.



It's very important to at heart stay true to your will who you are and what your agenda is. Don't compromise with the world. It is okay to appear to compromise in order to avoid being destroyed and it is okay to compromise with certain people on certain things, but your overall agenda should not be compromised on. Keep using your words and prayers and rituals to manifest what you seek to manifest in terms of a long term project.

A rose is protected by thorns. It is important to speak curses against your enemies, one exception to this is I would advise against cursing family members, protection spells may be needed against family members though. Curse enemies and bless friends. If you bless both enemies and friends then what reason has someone to be your friend?

A friend is one who looks upon you with loving eyes, loving eyes are the life-giving eye. A enemy is one who looks upon you with hateful eyes, hateful eyes are the evil eye. Wearing a red bracelet is protection against the evil eye. It is important to be able to see others with both hateful and loving eyes, being able to give the life-giving eye and the evil eye is important.

"Heads sun" is a kenning for the eyes. Eyes radiate energy like the sun. We all radiate energy as do our words. Humans are magical beings and magic is everywhere if you just look around. The world is full of symbols and magical items. Have you ever seen lion statues in front of someones house on either side of an area where the steps start to go up? Those lions are talismans intended to ward off evil spirits from the house so that the family doesn't argue too much.


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This is a link to a blogpost article of the above essay https://westwardmagick.wordpress.com/2019/01/22/monuments-are-magic/



>written and spoken word has its corresponding energetic structure in the energy field

for you schizo


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You're a dickhead.

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