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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Good morning and a happy 2019 to you all.

This year has incredible energies as stars and planets align, the age of Aquarius offers information and knowledge like no other age before. In order to develop, the students will become the teachers and the teachers becomes the students, as until we are all masters walking here together. It will be rough, but I believe in everyone that believes in themselves. The key to change is learning, knowledge being the true value in this world.

I've been on the journey for 13 years and searched far and wide for answers to questions common men dared ask. As 2018 ended, 2019 brought amazing insight as Earth is going through a push towards liberation from the old. The secret has been revealed and any man may now freely seek the knowledge that was long last forgotten.

For those that wishes to learn spiritual alchemy and about themselves (and live close to Europe's center), there's an opportunity to join on Discord and take part of sessions that will teach steps on how to start the journey on climbing the ladder, meditation techniques and blissful/sattva living.

The session is aimed towards those with low to intermediate knowledge of spiritual topics but seek to improve and learn. But in order to bring ourselves up to speed for the sessions, I recommend that you have a basic knowledge of the following topics (and or philosophies from them):

* The general story and quotes from OT, NT, cannon, non-cannon gospels, (if possible esoteric interpretations of former mentions);

* Symbolism and understanding of Esoteric Judaism, Metaphors and symbols of Western Esotericism/Esoteric Christianity, (Bonus: O.T.O, AMORC, Masonry, Hermeticism, Gnosticism);

* Taoism, General story and diamond sutras of Buddhism, History and Koans of Zen, General idea of gods names of Hinduism, Jainism, (bonus plus: Tibetan cultre, Hand mudras, Yoga, Inedia);

* Bonus plus: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Initiation into Hermetic - Franz Bardon, Taoist Yoga - Alchemy and Immortality - Lu Kuan Yu, Gurdjieff's books, Ouspensky's books.

If you are interested in partaking in the sessions that will be offered throughout the weekdays and weekends in the future, you can use the invite link in the post below (limited to 25 uses).


Please don't use the invite link unless you want to join:



Where did the idea that the stars/planets aligning is significant come from? What was the first instance of this?


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>The key to change is learning, knowledge being the true value in this world.

What? No. The key to learning is change. Knowledge is worthless without action. Wisdom is the true value in this world, and it is brought by applying knowledge into action. As long as you're going at this backwards, you aren't moving.

Tragic shit like this makes me really sad and demotivated. You've been 13 years on "the journey"? You got stuck on all this stuff by year 2, I reckon, and you've been walking in circles for the other 11.

My intention is not to just shit on your thread. I genuinely feel bad seeing people like you. At least mundanes are clueless but full of potential. But to see someone try and fail is really, really saddening for me.

I don't expect you to give any weight to what I'm saying. Why should you? You'll probably be thinking about how I speak from fear or some such new age platitude. But still, I'll give you a clue. It's the only thing I can do because I can't walk your path for you. Believe me, if I could, I would, because it breaks my heart to see this. I'll use basic alchemy concepts to be a bit on topic.

At some point during your journey, you encountered something you couldn't transmute. At that point, the prima materia stopped being your focus and your tools and ingredients became the center of your attention instead. The further you got, and the more time you spent walking outside the path (13 years, my god…), the more difficult it became to get back. You kept on piling up tools and reagents on your bench, while your real work sat abandoned and forgotten in a corner.

It is time for you to throw away everything you think you know (2019 to 2020 is a good time for that anyway) and take the attitude of a neophyte again. Rebuild from scratch. Assume everything you know about everything is wrong, because most probably is.

Good luck. But who am I kidding? You probably dismissed this post already. Fuck. Here I am trying to fix mundanes again. You know what? Just fuck off to /r/occult.



>It is time for you to throw away everything you think you know (2019 to 2020 is a good time for that anyway) and take the attitude of a neophyte again. Rebuild from scratch. Assume everything you know about everything is wrong, because most probably is.

I forgot to say you need to actually focus on fixing your relationship with your family, because that's the shit that you've been avoiding and the reason you haven't evolved in 13 fucking years. You're simply too afraid to do real alchemy and hide behind all that crap you've built your Discord around.

sigh… good luck


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Ignorant > Knowledge > Deduce illusions > Wise.

Statistically, very few reach beyond Knowledge. If you have a quick fix to skip step 2 and 3, you can perhaps share it here. Here's a couple of questions to entertain you:

In the default state of "knowing", an average Joe is miserable, degenerate and sheeple; how will they even know what there is to know or not know, pertaining to that which few know?

A child and an animal exhibit similar behavior before the child is taught not to, meaning it is the knowledge that is required at first and then transmuted into wisdom when the child is able to deduce through its own reasoning, why that knowledge is useful in regards to animal behavior; is knowledge not the basis upon which we counter ignorance?

If you know how to change your perception, consciousness, thoughts and emotions with spiritual understanding of the origin of these things, is it not that knowledge which sets you apart from the rest?

If you knew one sentence in your head that liberated you from all of the suffering you happily speak of, would that knowledge not be heavier and more important than debating the semantics of speaking about said knowledge?

>Tragic shit like this makes me really sad and demotivated.

Says a lot about your own journey. Your posts doesn't make me anything, I get to chose whether or not they do something lest I am ignorant to that which "should make me anything."

>But to see someone try and fail is really, really saddening for me.

I didn't try and I didn't fail. I did and I learned how to not do it.

>You got stuck on all this stuff by year 2, I reckon, and you've been walking in circles for the other 11.

There are many pathways into the mystic arts. It's possible to pause spiritual ambition and pick it up later. I spent 13 years unlearning the falsities and aligning towards truth. I've met people who spent 25 years doing the same thing, some 60+ have never dared to question the significance of their social security number.

I'm grateful it happened exactly as it did.

>At some point during your journey, you encountered something you couldn't transmute.

Lo' wise prophet. He accurately described 99% of the population in a personal prediction targeted against another, how do you wish to proceed?

- Counter with evident exposition and remind him to laugh at the joke life is from time to time.

At some point, even wise sages encountered something they couldn't transmute. Because they were not ready to do so yet or they lacked the knowledge to do so, both evidently the same when seen from a late timely perspective. They wouldn't be wise if they didn't learn to transmute, and they wouldn't learn to transmute if they at first did not know to do so.

>The further you got, and the more time you spent walking outside the path (13 years, my god…), the more difficult it became to get back.

The biggest mistake I ever did was to believe my parents, teachers, friends and authority when they told me things my heart knew to be false. My journey pushed me through darkness few men will dare imagine even in conversations with their enemies. I understand your frustration, Saṃsāra is dark for a reason.

>Assume everything you know about everything is wrong, because most probably is.

Likewise. I'm not the same person I was 3 years ago. Whoever you are attacking exists only in your mind.

>Here I am trying to fix mundanes again. You know what? Just fuck off to /r/occult.

Emphasis on trying, fix and fuck off.


>I forgot to say you need to actually focus on fixing your relationship with your family, because that's the shit that you've been avoiding and the reason you haven't evolved in 13 fucking years. You're simply too afraid to do real alchemy and hide behind all that crap you've built your Discord around.

I'm grateful that you are concerned for me and my family. I hope you have fixed yours too.

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