My conclusions:
1. Psychic abilities are real.
2. All psychic power is based on the fact all thoughts influence everything; other thoughts, your body, the world, etc.
3. Because of the very nature of every thought influence working itself upon a situation, psychic powers work best when used covertly or only in harmonious conditions with like-minded persons.
4. Different people, depending on their psychic makeup, can be useful or not in an operation.
5. The intensity of a thought makes it have a stronger effect. If your life or whatever you hold dear is on the line, if there is very much at stake, or you have cultivated the ability to will fervent and overwhelming desire it is easier and more natural for people to forget their limitations and use these powers.
6. Thoughtforms automate processes that otherwise would have to be bruteforced and can be used to build a psychic structure that becomes more reliable for higher level ops to be conducted.
7. You can insulate your mental structure by cutting off the "water element" but you will struggle to function psychically then. The water element is basically receptivity. Invoking "earth element" also stabilizes you making any likelihood of change slower. Used properly these elements can help you, in other situation they retard your growth.
8. It is possible to swing around extremely different mental dispositions and outlooks. Including extreme scepticism, whimsy, solid faith, intense self-doubting, etc. One day you can prove beyond all reasonable doubt the reality of these things, then another time it can feel like it never happened, even when you have solid and undeniable proof before you.
9. This can often happen by mental contact with persons whose mentality then infects you through the aforementioned water element. This can be because of an email exchange, a talk with a stranger or friend, having spent time posting in a thread, etc.
10. You have to learn to rest in the I AM, the self, and not be identified with body or mind. This will allow you to remain detached and to be able to shed off these mental afflictions. You will grow strong in spirit, so strong, that nothing will have a permanent hold over you and you will be absolutely free.
11. Egregores and "thought clouds" or concentrations of related mental influences can dominate a particular area in physicalspace or cyberspace or mentalspace. Simply being aware of it allows one to effectively control the masses on imageboards and such. Prolonged workings with these egregores can help to shut out enemy "wizards" who'd try to undermine the place or to dip into the energy of a place, gather it, and use it for ones own purposes.
12. Sigils can be unusually effective. Sigils can be anything. Graffiti, logos, combinations of letters, geometry, etc. I have drawn sigils on buildings and peoples vehicles and the effects, especially over a long period of time, were tremendous. If you want a place to burn down as by accident or to go through some other disaster for example, one can focus ones despair and other negativity into a sigil, draw it with paint or oil or in the dirt on the side of a vehicle, and let it be. No doubt you could also protect a place or bring good influences but the negative sort of energy has always been the more readily accessible for me.
13. Cleaning an area often and thoroughly is a great way to mix your soul into the surroundings.
14. The hardest thing in magick is trying to prove it to the masses in general. We can't even make everyone agree the Earth is a sphere, how can we prove anything at all to everyone? There are always doubters as well as people who just don't care are wilfully ignorant and have their interests elsewhere, and if you do want to prove yourself, you will have to pick out one person at a time to work very hard on, and never try to take on like 10 people who are all doubting you all at once unless you're a particularly bad ass wizard who has prepared through months being immersed only in the most faithful of books and intense meditation and has the backing of many other strong wizards and spirits who are subtlely helping empower you without anyone knowing just so you can pull off converting like 10 people all at once to the truth of "all is mind; the universe is mental".
15. If you're always immersed in the mental spheres of people whose thoughts are contrary to the variety needed for psychic phenomena to take place, you're going to live a very boring mundane life, imprisoned by your own doubts and that of others around you.
16. Psychic phenomena, although absolutely real and objectively verifiable between two or more persons, is pretty much doomed to be occulted forever; hidden in the shadows and the mysterious places. It can only take hold in little isolated pockets outside of the awareness of the mundane masses.
17. To really grow, you must choose to separate yourself from the mundane, and to keep silence. Any time you challenge someone, try to prove something, and thus attract the immediate doubts of others you will weaken. If you despite this weakening succeed, it will be entirely to their benefit, and not to yours. This is only worthy of doing if you find someone who is sincerely seeking and will walk this path with you, it's not worth it to do for people who will just be like "oh okay I see, so magick is real after all, wow" and then go on living their mundane life. Only initiate those who are worthy to receive it.
18. If you are like me, you won't listen, and you will try to prove magick is real for many years to people, and you will succeed with various persons, and you will see just how they profane the sacred science abusing it or forsaking it. Eventually you will get over this need to prove things and take better care instead to not attract injurious thought influence that you might grow in the silence.
To Know; To Will; To Dare; To Keep Silence.
These four pillars truly are the foundation upon which the initiate shall come to know all that is worthy of knowing.
"The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding."
(The Kybalion)