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Is Joy of Satan a "disinformation website"?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )


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This site was pretty impressive when I first started studying on there but I noticed they have a few suspicious bits like for instance claiming the "Iron Cross" to be a symbol which represents demons. To me this sounds like blatant disinformation with a narrative they're showing preference for.


It depends on what you think of Satan. I mean what kind of question is this? What do you fucking expect with a name like that


I have some questions about their techniques if you can answer them


We've had this kind of thread several times over the years. All I can say is that you should stay the fuck away from them. If I could find an archive of one of the old threads that would be useful. The short version is, you'll get all the same information from different sources, but if you follow this group's initiation rituals and techniques, you're going to attach yourself to an egregore and fuck your life up as a result. I'll try to find an archive of one of the old threads if one exists because someone who had gone through everything went into detail and there was some arguing from JoS people who were being assholes to everybody for daring to say bad things about their school of thought, from what I remember.



All of that is so obvious. In fact anyone on that site would already be open to being friendly with Satan.

This is all so redundant.



Whether it's obvious to you or not, there are people here who are going to think it's a cool thing to try because they don't know what they're doing, so it needs to be pointed out. Nice trips though.


I read their entire book before and studied all the other forms of Satanism out there too.

My conclusion is that ONA and JOS are the best but they both steal all their actually useful knowledge entirely from Hermetics, especially from Franz Bardon, and that when you drop the pointless and edgy bullshit, all you have left over is Hermetics, so it's best to just stick with Hermetics.



So a bunch of satanists kikes used the actual truth and dressed it up in Satanism.

Llike how obtuse does one have to be to not see through this shit



Yes exactly.

There's several other branches of Satanism also and each one is just a different previously existing philosophy in a Satanic dress.

The whole Satan thing is one part style and one part political agenda.

Also in my view there are a rare group of Satanists who will never call themselves such, who actually call themselves Christians or don't give themselves a label at all but do read the Bible and are embedded in some way in Christianity, who for whatever fucked up reason decide to literally worship the principle of evil and to go against all things good as much as they possibly can without actually dying (though eventually they do die a horrible death). Basically true black magicians kind of like the ones in Frabato who were part of the 99 Lodge. They are in my view the "most hardcore" or "real" group of Satanists; being adversaries/opponents of God. Actually evil Satanists.

Then there's groups like JoS and ONA and pretty much any self-identified Satanic group there that come in the following varieties:

1. That which is reacting to a Christian upbringing or Christian community they lived in that rejected them so they're being edgy and atheistic. (LaVey, etc.)

2. That which are pagans pissed off about the systematic destruction of pagan cultures by Abrahamics (JOS is pretty heavy on this). For some reason they take on the label of Satanist until they get to the stage of rejecting Satanism on the grounds of it being itself a part of the "Abrahamic Canon" so decide to rebrand. Most of these just switch back and fourth actually as convenient. I would reckon StyxenHammer666 to be an example of this (he's a pagan satanist).

Note also that in Hermetics there are many who are aware of the whole phenomena of egregores. In John Baines The Stellar Man, a Hermetic Text, we are told about how the Israelites were basically under the control of a malevolent Yahweh, and how Jesus (considered a great Hermetic initiate) had to come along to fix things by getting them out from underneath the law / wrath of this "yahweh" which had got out of control.

So it's not entirely surprised to see groups like ONA arise that are so intertwined into Hermetics.

Anyways I don't like to be under the domain of Yahweh or Satan. I am not really sure what to ally myself with out there. One thing that's great about Franz Bardon and his PME book is he always talks about not falling under the complete control of the elementals and other intelligences out there so you can learn from them and grow but keep moving on to higher spheres of power.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?


Something to live by when examining people and religions and communities. I always have myself turned towards the highest conception of God I can possibly think of and looking always to expand and deepen my understanding of the Most High.



>Also in my view there are a rare group of Satanists who will never call themselves such, who actually call themselves Christians or don't give themselves a label at all but do read the Bible and are embedded in some way in Christianity, who for whatever fucked up reason decide to literally worship the principle of evil and to go against all things good as much as they possibly can without actually dying (though eventually they do die a horrible death).

>They are in my view the "most hardcore" or "real" group of Satanists; being adversaries/opponents of God. Actually evil Satanists.

This seems to be really pertinent. Any tricks one can use to easily detect such people? I suppose it doesn't really matter. Friends get filtered by themselves, and acquaintances are a necessary evil.

The evil filters itself out in any environment of free speech and debate, an opportunity for logic.

All of this is oh so redundant.


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you are completely correct. someone who is a true satanist will never call themselves such.

watch the youtube documentary(s): 1666 - redemption through sin.

i know youre all nazis so itll probably jus feed your 'its the jews!' mindset, but hopefully it will give you some solid info to base it on.

read about sabbatai zevi, jakob frank, luciferian/sabbatean judaism, donmeh, false converts; etc etc

essentially, satanism (true satanism) is a corrupting force. its like a virus, it needs a host to propagate. and every major religious and political institution is long since completely infiltrated and infected.



By the dogmatic line of thought (found in the Book of Revelation) Satan's place is reserved for authority and worship. Authority over those who are his and worship from those who are his. Therefore you might deduce that eventually Satan's kingdom is going to be overt and not covert…hell it is even overt today in certain ways.


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I am not sure if "Samyaza" from the Book of Enoch (the chief of the fallen Angels) is the same entity as "Satan" but in the Book of Enoch it appears that that chief Angel of the fallen Angels was credited with at least a bit of ethical conduct rather than being a "beast".


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most people who do the devils work never even realise it.

inciting corruption is as simple as joining a church, or a mosque, or any other kind of organisation you can think of; pretending to be the most pious person in the congregation - all the while subtley encouraging the evil you see around you.

(think about the different kinds of evil in rightwing politics and leftwing politics, for example)

why do you think christianity and islam (and even freemasonry, atheism, etc) are in the state they are in?

most people in ISIS truly believe they are carrying out the will of allah.

your average christian zealot believes they are doing what god wants; they dont realise they are being used to pervert the teachings of god.

it goes so deep its scary. i could talk about the literal conspiracies and plots that i know about; but at its source this is a spiritually controlled operation.

yknow, if you base your opinion on horror movies, then youd believe demons spend all their time making crosses fall off of walls and little girls heads spin round.

in truth, the highest demons spend their time whispering to wealthy and influential people, or putting a single thought into someones head or out of their mouth which sparks a whole chain of evil events.


youre probably right. think about society today (our opinion towards sex and occultism compared what it was a couple hundred years ago)

it is getting more and more overt, but personally i believe the devil is just as responsible for, say, sexual repression as for sexual perversion.

theres still as much war and injustice in the world.

i dont read the bible in a dogmatic way, but i understand what youre saying.

the devil probably has more hands in our world today than ever before


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Praise be to Allah.



>"in truth, the highest demons spend their time whispering to wealthy and influential people, or putting a single thought into someones head or out of their mouth which sparks a whole chain of evil events."

sorry to trouble you, do you have any evidence?



evidence abounds

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