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I'm one of the people caught up in this whole mess. I don't know if anyone who's involved would come to this board, but maybe I can have some positive interactions with someone who posted in those threads or someone who might be brought here by synchronicity. I don't know if creating this thread could be detrimental to me or not, I'll have to be careful about my words, how I say them and what I say because maybe someone who shouldn't see this thread (i.e. the people who are directed affected by my actions) will identify me by the way I write. I'll keep replying as long as this thread is alive and I don't plan to make a thread like this ever again.


Be careful, I see a lot of foolish ideas. That sense that these two people are so powerful that they effect everyone on such a grand scale is misguided. I recently had another person tell me it was up to him and a girl to get together in life and then "the veil between the spirit world and ours" would be destroyed. He told me it would be in his next three lives. He also made sure to tell me how strong and powerful he was, and how much older his soul was than mine. Well later that night he had gotten drunk, stripped down naked, and was pleading like a baby for his bottle, except his bottle was my absolutely mortified girlfriend. He tried assaulting both of us but was too piss drunk/possibly possessed to do any harm. He was also the type that changed his name. Something vaguely japanese wnd referencing the stars above us. He was constantly telling people he wasn't human.

I know that was a bit wrong but the point I'm trying to get to is that the peraon in my story had an ego blown way out of proportion.I see that same thing in your posts (though to be honest I only read the first two). I know your emotiijs can be so strong whatever is happening to you truly does feel like the center of all things, especially when you are expanding your psychick powers, or they are doing so on their own. I humored the person in my story instead of telling them how things are, and I payed for it. since then I've vowed to do no such thing.

Before you condemn me, actually thimk about this. Statistically what are the odds that these two people are the most important/highly important people? Occams razor can be pretty useful. And I know it is possible, but undoubtedly improbable.



Sorry posting on mobile I meant "I know that was a bit long" in the second paragraph, not "a bit wrong". And not "emotiijs" but emotions


Why do you fear? Stop it.


If God wants me dead tonight, then so be it



Wait I read this before. I've been chronically shitposting on /pol/ for the past week


You should stop tripping though..

There's possessed people everywhere. Entities of all sorts in all sorts of places. Just move along and don't even give them the attention or the time of day to even think about. They are not ecen worthy of your acknowledgment.

Their ONLY weapon is fear. They make you scared and feed on your emotions. If you don't get scared, they get no food.

Attention is the real currency of the universe. Just, don't, pay, attention!



I only post here, never made a single post on any /pol/. I have talked about this on fringe before so my other post is floating around here somewhere.




I have read it as well.

It was ama thread with a self-practicing witch. She explained how she practices and shows her spell book. Big on becoming a vessel for possession.

Not seeing it anymore.


Some things are spot-on and as always, there is much that is spun from half truth and some that is purely false. That's how he likes it. I have absolutely no idea how he does it, but there's a kind of illusion done to RV'ers or anyone or thing like that which protects details (sometimes crucial) about them and SOMEHOW he does it to her too. I don't know how to explain it well but it's always there and you could be shown (or experience) lifetimes worth of events that basically never happened to protect the both of them and the whole truth from being online. Hell, possibly even something so simple as a little closer to the truth; like he makes you work for it or something. I know at some deep level he must get off on it, but in a "I'm not that important to know about" kind of way. Honestly he is terrifying to an extent which cannot be articulated in written or spoken word; if he really wanted to be (read: eventually will have to be.)


Okay I actually read the pics in OP and it sounds like your typical woke male and thot female today. Reminded me of me and my gf for a second until I realized my gf way more woke than a thot, and can think rationally and is very wise and etc.

BTW Socialism is what's obsessed with individuality, and it's Nationalism that's obsessed with identity, culture, nation, etc. So saying 'individualistic MAGA type people' sounds really stupid

So yeah I don't really understand what the point of this thread is. Is this just some Drama between some random namefags or what



>BTW Socialism is what's obsessed with individuality, and it's Nationalism that's obsessed with identity, culture, nation, etc. So saying 'individualistic MAGA type people' sounds really stupid

Although it's more like individual self-importance of instant self-gratification and pleasure, against something like individual identity and how it relates to culture nation, etc putting the needs of whatever they think is important, first.



>BTW Socialism is what's obsessed with individuality

what individuality is there in china, north korea and the former soviet union?

can you beat up ivan drago?




synchronicity is a symptom of schizophrenia



Well that's the point. It proclaims that individuality is good but in the end it ends up being a retarded edgy circlejerk.

That's why I was impying that in Nationalism one is concerned with group think but actually does end up individualistic due to the obsession that comes out of this relationship between what one can really do for their people.

So what I'm saying is that the text may actually be correct in some ways but such dogshit to read that this thread is cancer

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