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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: a79e298c0a18edf⋯.png (12 KB, 254x300, 127:150, epycnat20.png)


I rolled a d100 for the first time in my life, rolled it when contacting an evil chaotic orcish war God (Gruumsh), and my DM then rolled against it to see how effective mine was. I rolled a perfect 100. My DM rolled a perfect 1. The odds of this absolutely flawless outcome are 1 in 9,999 (subtracting the fact two dice can't have a collective outcome of 1). The odds of this happening on my first d100 roll in my life, is perhaps 1 in 99,999, assuming I do just 10 in my entire life. The odds of all that combined with the odds of that roll being as important as a God-related roll, are difficult to speculate.

I also rolled 2 d20s at the same time about 3 sessions prior that both got nat 20s, the odds of which would be 1 in 399.

I also stated to my DM before I started playing DnD sessions with him that I'm a naturally lucky person.

Now statistically speaking SOMEONE on Earth was bound to eventually have this happen to them, but the fact it happened to someone of my mindset who routinely absorbs this board's knowledge, does lend credence to the notion I perhaps am… benefiting in a subtle way from viewing this board.

Does Dungeons and Dragons have any established relationship with applied magic, or revealing a person's magic powers?

For clarification, I do not claim I can do magic; but I am thinking there may be a relationship between my luck and my usage of this board. Again, statistically this outcome is inevitable for someone on the planet, but the fact it was a user of this board, let alone one as as over-the-top as me, is incredibly unlikely. I've also in general noticed I have oddly high luck in general in my life, though it of course is not so consistent I could prove it as at that point it wouldn't be luck but a greater force entirely.

Did me researching magic, memes, influence, persuasion, and this board's general subjects, increase my luck as a human being? Did something else cause this? Just random chance?


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energy follows attention


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That one seems more like inevitable random chance and subjective interpretation rather than actual luck or magic.

~Epyc Wynn



>doesn't believe in meme magick



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Memetic influence is relative to persuading the socially constructed mind surrounding a particular group of people. There is reason to believe such an influence exists relative to a socially constructed mind; hotly debated reason that still needs further examination and significantly more theoretical groundwork to be taken seriously comparatively to other fields such as tech or psychology. There is however no reason to believe memetic influence directly relates to the metaphysical concept of luck; circumstantial evidence as has been brought up, but no currently well-known reason.

Luck is difficult to define. A consistently good result lends itself more to a specific force not related to luck itself. Luck is supposed to be relative to a good outcome at a particularly important moment that had a significant chance of a bad outcome, but if that happens consistently then it brings into question if that is luck or the product of an unknown force modifying the end results. If one is lucky, that essentially should indicate that an individual is often fixing collective odds of other people -meaning overall the collective of people must have good and bad luck but there statistically must be some people who overall have lots of good outcomes and some people who overall have lots of bad outcomes; though such outlying people would be incredibly rare. So rare in fact, that it is almost always going to make more sense to conclude an outside force is routinely causing the person's end results to be changed, rather than the person merely being the statistically inevitable 'lucky' person. One might consider a lucky person the inevitable 'chosen one' of statistics, whereas one might consider a person who manually has their outcomes altered in their favor the 'chosen one' chosen consciously or unconsciously by an unknown internal or external force relative to the chosen individual.

Why would a meme have a relationship with luck? I don't want evidence I want a logical explanation -what is the relationship between luck and memes that would cause memes to affect luck?

The aforementioned evidence lends itself more to inevitable statistical luck, combined with the subjective interpretation of individuals which opportunistically pounced on interpreting this outcome in a manner which retroactively justifies the outcome as lucky; whereas otherwise it would have absolutely no meaning since we are the ones who choose to interpret these outcomes in this chosen manner of narrative.

Thus, while meme magic can be real in the sense there are unknown ramifications to collectives of people socially constructing memes, meme magic cannot be real relative to luck as luck by its very nature is a statistical inevitability determined by the universe itself, whereas memes are a product of freely willed choices by individuals that over time are unified by groups of individuals into memes.




The only way you can claim luck and memes are related is by claiming that the statistical odds of the universe can be altered in a consistent manner by an individual's free will, but in the process of making that claim you are eliminating luck and replacing it instead with the force of free will itself; meaning there cannot be a relationship between memes and luck. Rather, free will creating memes in a manner which supplants luck entirely would be the result of attempting that relationship. Though, at that point perhaps luck would not matter, as why would one want to be lucky when one can simply have a free will so powerful it manually changes the odds to favor them not due to luck, but due to an unknown power free will inherently has?

I suppose that brings into question, what do we call a force of free will which bends the odds in one's favor, since luck cannot be the name of that force given luck by its nature is an inevitability of the universe's design -not the individual's choices within that design? Perhaps one could argue that one can simply will their self to replace another person who is already fulfilling the role of the statistically inevitable lucky person who must exist to balance out the individual statistical outlier of an unlucky person, as well as embodying an inevitable statistical outlier in our world's series of individuals with unique overall statistical luck designated to each of them relative to their collective existence. However, that begs the question of how one could even will themselves to steal the luck from a statistically inevitable lucky person and claim it for their self, in the process filling the role of the 'lucky one,' or if that's impossible.

Perhaps such statistical odds are set in stone prior to birth, or maybe they would be set due to a certain event during a person's life perhaps directly within the person's wealth of experience or entirely outside the person's awareness and experiences.

Meme magic is related to the unknown outcomes of memetic influence, not the unintentional statistics of luck; unless a better line of reasoning emerges which indicates that luck in itself is one of the unknown outcomes of memetic influence -though at that point it might be something else entirely. This matter has yet to be fully theoretically explained by anyone, and as such there is no current proper reason to assume a correlation betwen luck and memetic influence

~Epyc Wynn


File: 6137f5677040004⋯.png (6.08 KB, 80x60, 4:3, epyceusmedal3.png)


I have a copy of the Red Book. Not a compelling piece at all and I would not recommend it for reading. Just a religious guy trying to sound meaningful with symbolic language but even when you understand what he means he's not contributing any actual information worth knowing from an occult perspective. You'd get more out of reading a college liberal's essay on the intersection of communist feminism with Ghandi's anus.

~Epyc Wynn



>doesn't into archetypes



File: e16be25a47e3edf⋯.png (6.27 KB, 80x60, 4:3, epyceusmedal.png)


Just read his separate papers on archetypes the Red Book doesn't contribute anything new to them worth knowing. Anyone feel free to reread his Red Book mentions of archetypes to argue this point.

~Epyc Wynn



Dude there is like an infinite amount to know about archetypes.

All fiction is just expression of ideal forms and archetypes. More potentially common occurrences are like memes that can spread, but although there can be shitty memes I can't imagine any bad expressions of archetypes. When there's fiction that is lacking any expression of any archetypes and appears to be simply devoid of meaning then that would be bad. But once one sees the different ways an archetype expresses itself through the work work of others it can create a richer understanding of the mechanisms behind reality and the interplay with archetypes; it's almost like accessing the channelings of some sort.

Especially, in this case there seems to be some very powerful meme magick involved regarding frog gods… Not sure if that's more or less transcendent than archetypes but it sure makes one wonder about the relation to egregores; of course much more remains to be said about all of that…



>an evil chaotic orcish war God (Gruumsh)

This frightens me


File: c72cc9b80ab6f04⋯.png (1.15 MB, 800x1300, 8:13, epyckratos.png)


Same thing happened to [redacted] and he turned out fine.


(Rule 5)
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Archetypes are just roleplay categories. Though again, the Red Book doesn't contribute much of anything worth knowing to the concept of archetypes. Meme magic as a form of memetic influence, is only important relative to the level we as a society choose. There's always going to be some concepts we as a people collectively choose to focus on more than others; if it weren't frogs we'd just choose some other arbitrary symbol. Egregores are just symbollic mappings of memes we decided to connect together based on our collective choices. It's not all that magical it's just popular choices in memes adding up over time based on shifts in trends.

Really I feel we call a lot of this shit magic when it's mostly just us drawing mental maps of memes and proclaiming these memes and their maps are alive. Perhaps that's the fundamental problem with this board -we all want magic to be real in all places because we can't find definitive evidence of it in any place.

~Epyc Wynn



Sounds like you've been drinking the mainstream academia cool aid. Philosophically speaking, memes are more ream and tangible than the physical phenomena itself. You only think physicality is so significant because of axioms like causality. The axioms holding up science are just assumptions and are just as viable to be true as any other assumption like how physicality is an emergent phenomena of more abstract forms. In fact that's precisely the conclusion that quantum field theory leads to.


File: 6a635c4bb3bf659⋯.jpg (180.91 KB, 635x635, 1:1, ascendedwynn2.jpg)


>memes are more tangible than physical phenomena

>tangible literally means touchable

>implying you can touch memes more easily than you can touch physical objects

>implying touch is not a physical phenomenon or that ideas are more of a physical phenomenon than a physical phenomenon

>mfw I go maximum overthonk



~Epyc Redacted Wynn


File: bf60322f83a3c94⋯.jpg (130.34 KB, 1080x1342, 540:671, 1546332401306.jpg)


I love Epyc Wynn! *Epyc Wynn gasm*

Cult of Epyc Wynn Flag when?


File: 782387e6ad07823⋯.png (217 B, 16x11, 16:11, 16x11epycwynn.png)


House of Wynn flag.

~Epyc Wynn


















I ' M G O N N A F U C K I N G M E M E . R E E E E E E E E E E E E ! ! !

Thank you based owner, very cool.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



So if I made flags of my favorite occult figures, they would be added?


File: 4413fe5ccf345e9⋯.png (6.27 MB, 2180x2509, 2180:2509, memeecon400investors.png)


In fairness, [redacted] is meme flag unique to this board, and there was clearly a lot of effort, spread, and varied discussions generated in direct link to that face. If you somehow put that much work into an image, got it spread across hundreds of posts and numerous OC threads discussing core aspects of the occult, then you the owners might do the same for you. This was a random gift I am grateful for, but I also understand that the meme is inherently very heavily tied to this board's culture at this point so it's only fitting it get a flag.

That all being said, it's possible the owner is open to any and all occult flags, but I think there's a limit to how many there can be in a single board. You might ask this in /fringemeta/ as a question, as other users may be interested in the answer.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



Yes. Any flags people make get added.


File: 65eee980fcafcac⋯.png (816 B, 16x16, 1:1, Crowley Head.png)


File: 7ee5c6b9f7933b2⋯.jpg (760 B, 16x16, 1:1, Robo Yang.jpg)


Make it so



How is this even /fringe/ related at all?



Doc Yang is eternal


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Update: Continuing to get oddly good rolls. Got a crit 20 that gave me more than 2k gold pieces.

Still wondering if fringe/occult/magic affects luck if anyone has any insight on that.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



When I play drinking games with dice when I got friends over the more smashed I get the more lucky I become. Sometimes I can even "feel" my roll without looking at it and know when to shake the cup once more or pass it on. Doesn't work 100% of the time, but often enough to freak people out. But I don't even know myself if I somehow "observe" the roll without looking at it or if I "will" that roll into existance, and what I believe to be an "observation" is instead "faith" that causes the high rolls in the first place.

Long story short, next time you play D&D: Have a couple drinks, roll the dice with a cup and try to feel the roll without looking at them, keep shaking the cup until you feel its time to reveal the roll. If the GM lets you, that is.



What's your disposition,

What's your disposition drunk,

What characters/classes do you play in D&D etc,

If you had power over an element, which would it be?

How's your fighting instinct?



Hey man that's not how maths works.

It being your first roll doesn't decrease the chances of it happening.

I could roll a million or one percentile die and it won't change the probability.



Shit. Still worth noting the importance and how you only get one chance in your life to get that good of a roll the first time you ever roll.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n


File: fdfbbe36f34c96f⋯.png (61.87 KB, 732x335, 732:335, ClipboardImage.png)


Preliminary: You posted this on my birthday.

A week ago I rolled a double nat 20 much as your own.

Now the follow-up: Hamingja. A norse term, pre-Christian, defining one piece of the Self as it moves through space and time; loosely translated as "Luck", it is a part of the Soul Identity. The phrases "Luck be with you", "I wish you luck" or even just "Good Luck" all stem from this concept – The idea that luck can be lent to someone, just as a familiar spirit could be entrusted to someone else to serve as a temporary guide or a physical tool could be loaned, luck could equally be given or passed down through a family line.

There is more to this concept, but it is the sort that is better gained through meditation and personal revelation.



>But I don't even know myself if I somehow "observe" the roll without looking at it or if I "will" that roll into existance

Somewhere on the board, once upon a time and possibly now, there was a guide for neophytes that described the former as "invoking water" and the latter as "invoking fire". It was possible, the guide indicated, to do both: Invoke water and fire at the same time to see the result coming and force it to come (in other words, to know the best time to "push" or "will" it into existence, when you would encounter the least resistance).

Bonus point of indication: "Neophyte" merely means "newly initiated". It has never been an insult.


File: 9dbffb100df2494⋯.jpg (44.47 KB, 490x282, 245:141, 5rFGg7G.jpg)


Interesting. I'm unsure if I can outright control outcomes normally dictated by random chance, but I'll look into this.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

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