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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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So the more I study Discordianism the more I realize that Kerry Thornley was a fraud. I'm so sick of taking ridiculous people seriously. It's like not realizing how your parents conceived you

The only teacher of Eris who seems to understand true Discordianism Tom Chaudoin. Tom Chaudoin is the current President of Discordianism and has a robust imdb page:


President Tom Chaudoin grew up in a generic suburban family, and struggled with a lot of generic displaced rage before becoming a Shakespearian thespian acting in Tennessee William's-esque screenplays:



After one day realizing that death was permanent he set out with his best friend Robert Anton Wilson to study the scarcity of meaningful W.O.R.K. What he discovered was the secret key to Alexander Edward Crowley's (Aleister Crowley) teachings. That's when he founded Discordianism (work Kerry Thornley would later take credit for). After spending a summer in the Appalachians studying the problem of evil he developed a peptic ulcer from the dirty national park Port-a-Potties.. He described the feeling as what a woman must feel with a post baby body who has a husband suffering from heart problems and erectile dysfunction. It was in recovery he used Gematria on the Principia Discordia and learned True Discordianism. Since then he has been involved in various activities such as industrial espionage, and preventing World War III. Please read the Tom Chaudoin wiki to understand more about Chaudcordianism, and don't fall for false prophets such as Kerry Thornley.

Jet fuel can't melt Tom Chaudoin - Tom Chaudoin



>true discordianism

Eris finds you funny (don't forget to gobble gobble from time to time)


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>death was permanent

In what sense is death "permanent"? Also are you serious concerning this statement?


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I've not ever seen someone who died come back to life. At least in the Earthly realm.



Well there's Jesus for one but what about all the people who've been declared medically dead that then come back to life later?

The only thing I haven't personally heard of is someone's corpse rotting and then spontaneously regenerating and coming back to life. That would be a new level of miracle.

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