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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 243558373bf59a5⋯.jpg (66.16 KB, 435x650, 87:130, manlypalmerhall.jpg)


"Transcendentalism and all forms of phenomenalistic magic are but blind alleys - outgrowths of Atlantean sorcery; and those who forsake the straight path of philosophy to wander therein almost invariably fall victims to their imprudence. Man, incapable of controlling his own appetites, is not equal to the task of governing the fiery and tempestuous element spirits."

- Manly P. Hall


So is he saying we shouldn't do it or that we should be masters in self-restraint first?



I think that he is saying that without virtue or profitable philosophy or a virtuous life we will find ourselves victimized by the mystic world.

He speaks of how the wicked 'Atlantean sorcerers' "went astray".


I think it is saying to focus on high magick (or that which transforms and evolves the self) rather than magick which focuses on "phenomena" or as I see it reality manipulation, because we fall prey to our own weaknesses, and people that cannot control themselves surely cannot control other forces greater than them.


"Among the Qabbalists of the Middle Ages were a great number of black magicians who strayed from the noble concepts of the Sepher Yetzirah and became enmeshed in feminism and witchcraft. They sought to substitute magic mirrors, consecrated daggers, and circles spread around pots of coffin nails, for the living of that virtuous life which, without the assistance of complicated rituals or submundane creatures, unfailingly brings man to the state of true individual completion."

- Manly P. Hall



"enmeshed in (d)emonism and witchcraft."

- Manly P. Hall



>high magick

nice save of our Atlantean sophist acquiescence-demanding priesthood philosophy



Hmmm legit magicians use the same things though (when they create them in the first place and have full mastery over them). It's just the copiers that come later that fail to achieve what the originators accomplished.



Yeah that might be what he's saying.


black magick is bad mmkayyyyyy


but it's a good idea to know how to do it. but not actually do it. especially in the case of knowing how to defend yourself in case someone else does it

it's kind of like the 2nd amendment!

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