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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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There is a cycle of life. In winter plants die, this fertilizes the soil, and this allows for new plants to grow in the spring. Man is like winter and woman is like the spring. A man farms and harvests food, this destroys at the very least plant life. Through this destruction, this sacrifice, he feeds his wife who brings forth new life into the world. In order for one thing to exist, something else had to be sacrificed.

Man is also a warrior, a warrior performs sacrifices too. We no longer have frontiers upon the planet. This means that in order for one group to exist, another group must either be pushed out of their land, or destroyed. Let's look at Israel. Israel is full of people who practice judaism. In order for adherents of judaism to fill Israel the Palestinians had to be sacrificed through being pushed out of their lands. This practice of pushing a people out can be likened to farming where a man sacrifices things in order to feed his offspring. 

In order for children to be born who practice judaism upon Israel, conditions had to be created where Palestinian children could not be born on that land. Coyotes and wolves cannot occupy the same territory. Ethnic cleansing is a natural part of human life and survival, in the modern world ethnic cleansing happens mainly through economic means, and verbal competition, writing satires against your enemy, and praying against your enemy, also organizing with your kinsfolk in an alliance.

What people think of as being war, overt military action, is not real warfare. Real warfare is economic competition against your enemy, and it is also artistic competition against your enemy, religious competition too. The war happens within the culture, it is a peaceful war. A cold war. This is how ethnic competition happens, the muslims have been very skilled at this and so have the confucians. Cultural warfare is very serious, it is the primary mode through which the conflict occurs and often finds expression within the political life.

Love has a good side and an evil side. If you love your child you must be an enemy to those who are an enemy to your child, and you must be a friend to those who are friends of your child. Hatred is a form of love, because if you hate the enemies of your family: that is a manifestation of love for your family. If you don't have hatred in your heart then you don't have love in your heart either. You cannot bless both your friends and enemies. If you wish to bless a rabbit you cannot also bless that which eats rabbits because for that thing to be blessed would mean the rabbit would get eaten.

A man must bless his friends and pray curses against his enemies. What is an ethnic group? Some people define their ethnic group as their race, others define it as their religion, some define it as their nation, others their family, and so on. I am not going to suggest what ethnic group anyone is, all I am going to say is that life on planet earth is tribal, and territories are occupied by tribes, and tribes have enemies who are trying to steal their territory. And we ourselves are devils to some other tribe. We are like Jesus to our friends and we are Satan to our enemies.

If you love someone you cannot make them feel guilty for the evil that was done that was necessary to bring them into existence. I'm not saying one has to agree with the atrocities of the past or agree with the scale to which things happened, but a friend doesn't put serious levels of guilt on a friend because those who feel extreme levels of guilt can start to destroy themselves. Friends do not metaphorically eat each other and don't destroy each other through verbal abuse. A true tribe only devours its rivals.

Too much darkness is bad but so is too much light. It's important to be in a state of balance. To abide upon the planet we must be a balance of good and evil. And to revisit the idea of sacrifice, I want to be very clear: in terms of religion I am against animal sacrifice. People can sacrifice to their god to give life to it through pouring drink offerings out to their god. Or by praise offerings. Devotion to ones god empowers the god to come to your aid when you call upon the god for help, daily devotion when you don't need help is helpful to be able to give your prayers strength when you're in a time of need.



Question: What can man sacrifice himself to that is higher than himself? The life of a vegetable being used to feed a man is totally worthy but what feeds upon man?


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>what feeds upon man?

Gods, demons, and men yet to come.



>The life of a vegetable being used to feed a man is totally worthy

bUt WhY


oculus spaghetti



Begets a more organized higher form of consciousness.

Absorption into god is our aim isn't it? Either that or the next big step up on our path to God.



>Begets a more organized higher form of consciousness.

Not every 'organized higher form of consciousness' is one that one should be begetting unto.

>Absorption into god is our aim isn't it? Either that or the next big step up on our path to God.

There's more than one way to do this. It's about the journey not the destination, as they say.


Sacrifice is a very profound concept and is present in all societies.

I see it as a kind of human psychological glitch. It's an almost infantile attempt to control what is beyond human control. At its most basic, the the thought process is like this:

"Bad shit happens, but not all the time. Sometimes good shit happens. So there is a certain amount of bad shit and a certain amount of good shit. Maybe I can control the bad shit by boxing it into a ritual framework; if I conduct it under controlled circumstances, maybe that will fulfill the "bad shit quota" for a while, and then good shit will happen."

TL,DR: "Oh mighty controller of good and bad, please make the bad shit happen to this guy/gal/goat/chicken/whatever, instead of me. Here, I'll even rip its heart out for you and burn it for you."



>be Aztecs

>engage in human sacrifice

>the souls of millions of sacrificed call out to Europe

>the Conquistadors cross the ocean

>they meet the smaller tribal peoples who are constantly being preyed upon and who are pissed

>smaller tribes ally with Conquistadors against Aztecs

>Aztecs get #wrecked

>fast forward like 400 years

>Modern day Mexicans think they are Aztecs again and doing cartel shit

>yet they are probably descended from those smaller tribes since the Aztec empire was genocided


Taylor swift iz a goddess


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A true whore of Babalon



u jelly cuz she prefers a monkey over u? ))





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Y-you gunna be okay, buddy?


Sigh /b/ is invading.


Sacrifice is a fallacy

This entire thread is a psy-op


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You are right but I think for the wrong reasons. Sacrifice is bullshit all you need is time, intent, varied approaches, and to seek out opportunity. That and maybe some good starting stats in life don't hurt. Sacrifice is idiotic it sacrifices power you could be using to bring yourself up instead of throwing away your own foundation. Think of it more like devotion of time and energy -viewing it as sacrificing time and energy puts you in a negative empty mindset of tearing yourself down rather than building on the accomplishments of your past devotion.

Maybe it's not incorrect, so much as a self-destructive mindset to adopt.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n


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OP is probably full of shit but here there are a variety of ways to "sell your soul" and I will detail them in exchange that people will hopefully experiment with some of these methods and report their findings for the sake of parapsychological research.

1. The first thing to know about your soul is that it's a thoughtform or thoughtform matrix. It's your mind.

2. The second thing to know is that you will experience whatever your soul experiences.

3. The third thing you must know is how to make a magical contract.

A magical contract depends on:

1. Your ability to reach the subconscious and imprint the terms of the contract there.

2. Your recognition that the terms of the contract WILL be fulfilled. If you can not enter into a state of mind where you can be absolutely sure this will happen, you can't form a magical contract. If you think you can cheat things or have any reservation about it, it just won't happen. It only happens that moment in time you know it's imprinted and that it will be carried out no matter what.

3. It requires such things as a time limit, conditions, and an initial investment of emotion and of vitality. Now emotion is procured through just generally whipping yourself up into an emotional frenzy. As for the use of your vitality, it is simply willed. Some portion of your lifeforce (don't worry, it does regenerate all the time) is parted from you and you will consequently be feeble and sick for awhile, but it gives enough life to the contract to seal it. This does not require blood-letting or any such sacrifices like this.

4. If you want to sacrifice something that isn't you, say a chicken or some vegetables, you have to meditate with the object and repeat over "I am that" or some variation and endeavoring to force your awareness into it. It helps to very much love the thing but the most important thing is to feel it as yourself, so if you hate yourself, you could hate it too but still you must have that sense it's a genuine part of you. Just for the sake of simplicity lets roll with loving it. So once you love it as you love yourself and feel your awareness in it, then you can sacrifice it, and release its life-energy to power your magick. You will feel yourself dying in it. This is very intense.

5. This energy is used to seal the contract and will take hold over the time and under the conditions determined. It is really important to think over every variable of the contract and it is a good idea to write it down or to type it out and print it. You may place the written contract where the sacrifice is to be done and leave it there, or burn it, or soak it in various substances and burn it. The best substances to use are those mentioned by Pascal Beverly Randolph (he was a friend of Abraham Lincoln and originated Fluid Condensers which are mentioned by Franz Bardon).

There is much more I can say but this will get you started. Note that there is so much more you can do.

Also, you don't have to give the whole of your soul. You can just give some small part of it and get a LOT done with that. If you gave the entirety of your soul or did a deal where a demon serves you until you die and then you serve it, the power is so much more intense. Check "Frabato" by Franz Bardon for some inspiration on how to do this black magick, also see Practice of Magical Evocation by the same author.

Note you don't need to believe in god for any of this but you do need to believe in the ability to imprint commands into your subconscious that it will carry out no matter what your conscious thought thereafter about it is.



Expanding on point 1 of a magical contract.

You may reach the subconscious through progressive relaxation and focusing on visualizations and other imaginal senses. Don't focus through the physical senses only through the imaginal counterparts of the physical senses (aka don't look with eyes, see with visualization, don't hear with ears, hear with the mind, etc.)

Again emotion plays into this. If you are deficient of emotion then use the will and wait for the emotion to come.

Concentrate. Don't get caught up in other shit that might come through your mind.

If you need general help check out developing all the necessary skills >>>/fringe/ and read their library.

That said you can still engage in sorcery just being an unknowing mundane on /b/. Sorcery is simply magickal workings done in ignorance of universal law. In the Bible sorcery is condemned but magicians are not. The Wise Men of the East are Magi; aka Magicians. More on this: read Mystic Christianity by William Walker Atkinson.

Anyways, whilst not having a clue what you are doing, you may still accidentally meet the requirements for a working to be done, and thus succeed in creating a magical contract. You will hopefully not do something too stupid and will learn from this big mistake you are doing and it will ultimately benefit you. Alternatively you will just become a warning to the rest of us, another fallen sorcerer, and it will probably be amusing.

If you fail, you will have to come to me and ask more questions, and/or do more research on your own until you gain enough knowledge to succeed.

Good luck OP if you attempt this and remember; please report back about your experience so we can document it and add it to the collection of stories and screencaps we already have of sorcerers who fucked up grandly.

As to the Justice; I give the OP to you and will bear no karma for having instructed him in this way you let his fate be as it will.


Sire thinh, to do a petion paper one must ,ake the paper by hand, putting omes determination in it, the wiccan shit is just notebook paper of brown bags, not how ot wprks,

1. Make the paper, think thoughts of what you need help with during such, use as many natrual recorses as you can, this is because the supernatrual dislike the artifical world and you may make a contract with a bad spirit this way

2. Before writing on the paper take a personal possesion close to you amd place it near the paper while wroting what you need help with

3. Begin writing, it must be in pen, black ink, don't write anything greedy or something you can't put some of your own work into, that's how the demon belphegor scams people. Promising something but makes one wait forever turning them slothful amd useless expecting shit to appear out of thin air, doesn't work like that.

4. Take a stramd of your hair, or something from you body place it on the paper as a signiture

5. Add something smelling of lavender or patchoulli , this drives away bad spirits, do not add a circle of salt, the imsemce will drive the evil away, solimety drives all spirots away, nothing will jappen

6. Place the paper on a windowseal, put a stome on it, open the window a bit and leave it for a week, changing the imsince when you need too.

That's how you really do it.





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>Makes a post about the important of sacrifice

>post some thot that has more boyfriends then I have pubes on my nads


of bad music? agreed.


I'm more annoyed by her failing to value a human being and cultivating a loving relationship and instead of just emphasizing I'm dating a black guy.

typical pampered white girl behavior.



Another anon or maybe the same one also did the same ting: >>>/b/8696637




>>Absorption into god is our aim isn't it?

Now who the fuck said that? God by himself sucks, that's why he made us.


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This was really painful to witness: why would you sell your soul so easily?



Very well said.

I wanna know more of what you know about the despair code.



>implying God doesn't embody both masculine and feminine traits.

Why is it that every fringe user claims to be an Occultist, but have never bothered to read the Kybalion?


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Did you?



I've read The Kybalion.


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You are very right that there is such a thing as a quota of negative energy that needs to be dissipated in a particular time period. The universe does seek balance, after all. Also, there is a certain amount of positive energy that should be coming back up from the center of the Earth into the universe.

Basically, because just about everyone has forgotten how to ground (send their negative energy to the center of the Earth), the role that humans are meant to be playing, as sort of cosmic purifiers, is not being filled. Because of that, in order to create balance, disasters, both "natural" and those perpetuated by man, occur. So, you're right in that it was in fact at various times observed that doing this artificially, via sacrificing people, animals, etc. fulfilled the quota and spared those that weren't sacrificed.

The problem is, that's a ridiculous solution which clearly cannot work long term, and the karma involved in performing such sacrifices needs to be paid back. So really, you're not displacing the negative energy at all, it's a bandaid to the problem at large. Far better to learn how to ground and dissolve negative energies.

Gurdjieff writes about this in "Beelzebub's Tales" (pdf attached) in the idea of Reciprocal Maintenance. I warn you though, it's a long one. It's informative and has good energy, but it's not exactly going to teach you what you need to know as far as techniques go. My teacher recommends it to get an idea of what the enlightened mind is like, because it comes through very well in the writing style Gurdjieff uses.

The valid but shortsighted underlying principle to performing sacrifices has been twisted, and presented in a perverted way by the dark forces. So the current conception of sacrifice you're familiar with is now Satanic/LHP, and it's really not a wise thing to participate in. It's one thing to sacrifice to avoid harm, but when you start dedicating that energy to feed astral entities, guess what, now you're fair game for them. Since they know where the energy is coming from they'll keep asking for more, and good luck trying to stop. You get all the karma, they get all the energy, and anything they offer you in return is not worth it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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The very last sentence literally affirms what I just said. God embodies both feminine and masculine qualities. Did I really need to mention that God is infinite beyond our dimentional laws? No. You're just nitpicking.


Good. Now if only more people would grasp things such as the divine paradox. I see people on here arguing about things that could easily be snuffed by just a bit of reading.



Just admit you slipped up. God embodies neither the male nor the female principle, as it is beyond the concept of gender. Gender is generated at a "later" or "lower" phase.



You seem to know how karma works. Can you explain why it has to be "paid back"? How does that work?



The question you should be asking yourself is "does G-d read our fanfiction?".


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Take a look at this video starting at about 2:30. Actually the whole talk is good and relevant if you want to start at the beginning and stick around after.


This is my teacher's take on it, improvised so other topics are covered as well.

Karma as I first encountered it barely made sense to me because it was (purposefully) presented as this "out there" thing that just kind of balances things out. Nobody ever really explained it well and if they did, their proofs were all basically hand-waving.

The missing link is energy blockages.

Basically you have the free will "Only to do the right thing" as Swami Satchidanand says. Meaning, you can do what you want, but anything that is out of alignment is going to bring negativity into your energy field. Whether that be a particular chakra, into your aura, DNA, etc (there is a lot of ways this happens but I don't want to get too granular), there is negativity that gets absorbed from doing the wrong thing.

Those blockages now bring about more negativity, as because they stop the proper flow of energy, they'll hinder you in specific ways that basically connect back to the original thing you did, as an experiential teaching method.

For example, you were greedy once, that then blocked your base chakra (abundance and security) so that in the future that will cause you to experience an actual lack, because the base chakra needs to be functioning properly for your needs to be meet in that way.

11 minutes in to the video, the question "Where do our first blockages come from?" is covered.

Most important here is two things:

1) This is not a conceptual, intellectual thing. I know people who can see, feel, and tell you about your blockages, where they came from, and even at the more impressive levels, what they will cause in the future if you don't get rid of them.

This is an actual, energetic and metaphysical fact.

So, anyone who is telling you "I don't believe in karma so it doesn't apply", etc. is completely full of it or just lost themselves. Actually that's just a PsyOP they run on lower-tier STS folks to trick them. True LHP practitioners know about and utilize energy blockages as a way of draining others of their spiritual energy and also know how to ground energy blockages and turn them into kundalini energy. Perhaps more on that another time.

2) If you ground the energy blockage by eliminating before it manifests into the resulting karma, you can learn the lesson (gain the experience without the actual consequences), and no longer be hindered in that way. This is the preferred way of doing it, and Energy Enhancement has the techniques for this.

You need to be able to eliminate energy blockages one way or another, or else your spiritual practice is really lacking the absolute fundamentals.

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