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Esoteric Wizardry
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: ece21c8a02dd12d⋯.jpg (6.33 KB, 260x283, 260:283, hmmm.jpg)


Why does nobody talk about the occult objectives of modern electronic music?


Because there's no body overseeing and organizing the production of electronic music towards an occult end?

There might be individual electronic music artists working in various occultism but whatever.

Why does it even interest you?


>2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread


I noticed that modern rap beats are getting more quantum and zoomed in as far as the hi hat rolls (which represent passage of time). They go up and down in pitch and velocity so much that it sounds like water dripping and is a hit in itself almost most like beats within beats. In general I think the quantum intelligence of the immediate 4th dimensional mind of image graphicing and thought contemplation has chosen the 808 as its anchor into this dimension Music that was played on vinyls and analog speakers just dont resonate as well as they use to. Modern music certainly is a sort of drug for motivating ourselves to move in the game of life. On the astral plane a lot of beats are actual places you can travel to and they appear a lot like tokyo japan where the electro nagas live. Imo it all has to do with mirroring how the gods created us because life is music with its ups and downs, highs and lows.


There should be little to no rules on this board as its hindering the dao.



Because it sucks mega-ass

Seriously though, it's basically low-effort MK ultra


It was a rhetorical question, doofus



is the dao hindered in the void of empty space?

if not you can kindly get the fuck off this floating rock



>There should be little to no rules on this board as its hindering the dao.

It has little to no rules. There's only 8 rules and most of it is to make sure this board doesn't become /b/ 2.0 and is actually a board about a specific topic, namely, fringe wizardry.



>I noticed that modern rap beats are getting more quantum and zoomed in as far as the hi hat rolls (which represent passage of time). They go up and down in pitch and velocity so much that it sounds like water dripping and is a hit in itself almost most like beats within beats. In general I think the quantum intelligence of the immediate 4th dimensional mind of image graphicing and thought contemplation has chosen the 808 as its anchor into this dimension Music that was played on vinyls and analog speakers just dont resonate as well as they use to. Modern music certainly is a sort of drug for motivating ourselves to move in the game of life. On the astral plane a lot of beats are actual places you can travel to and they appear a lot like tokyo japan where the electro nagas live. Imo it all has to do with mirroring how the gods created us because life is music with its ups and downs, highs and lows.

Was this post created with that one new age garble text generator or did you actually write all that shit?



lol /fringe/ is day-dreaming taken to mentally unhinged levels.


>watches one lorn music video

> electronic music relates to the occult

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