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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Is there a combination somewhere? A way to turn computers into occult conduits? If we manage to make a connection somehow, the possibilities would be endless.

I did my googling homework, but there isnt much available on this subject.


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Programming in its own right is a sort of spellcasting.

Within its own paradigms it references magic, spells, and invocation, and all these other terms that originate in the occult.

I thought hard about this subject, and it seems like if we create such a environment and language that, when executing instructions at the machine level, is able to invoke certain things, kind of like repeating a mantra. Perhaps, making bit sigils, meaning intents that are converted into either some generic bits or an executable routine, and then using CPU power and some invocatory routine to continuously execute/operate on that sigil in order to charge it (with electricity?)


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Computer programing is basically the opposite of magic. On the other hand, it's well known that memes can exhibit magical influence and the internet offers us a means to spread and develop them faster than ever before.


Look into radionics. Let's just say it's not just 'alternative medicine' and has been used to cast spells.


I find this picture very displeasing


haven't youeber heard of cyber Shamanism or cyber magick? Its a thing, I know I've seen at least 1 mentioned here that they sell on amazon, and that Sam Hyde claims is an amazing book, so suffice to say it is a bit cringey. I read some of the sample text on amazon about a year and a half ago and whike it wasn't amazing it would probably be good book for getting ideas. Peter J Carroll has a book called Psybermagick that might be useful to you. I domt remember it too well though, I only read a bit it was too advanced for me.

I'm not a programmer but I can say that one of the most importamt things about magick is intent, so get creative and start making some stuff.


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>Sam Hyde




Possibilities: Endless. I agree. The stuff you're talking about >>128442 seems really really low level though, you should actually get into programming.

You'd have to understand how magic relates to the fundamental operation of the machine itself before you got into the software side of it. If you don't understand it from the very very very ground up, including electricity and metals etc. themselves, then you might be wasting your time. You'd be wasting your time NOT to get into Computer Science (computation and math side of it ++ hardware/machine architecture side of it) and Software Engineering/Programming. It's damn near universal shit man – if you can't derive universal principles and patterns from it you don't understand it.


You could use the literal path of electricity and magnetic fields and changing polarity of bits to create something – like basic ceremonial magic and/or seals taken a few levels further. This would be easiest with just electrical engineering type stuff, wires and electricity, but if you can conceptualize that well enough you can tackle computers until you understand that well enough (conceptually) to tackle machine level programming.

That's never going to happen though unless you're already hungry and passionate for C. Sci, because it's hundreds and thousands of hours of studying and work to get to that point. The understanding by itself should be HIGHLY useful for understanding the structure of the universe though.


I would say it's pure actuation, and thus incredibly useful for whatever you're doing.


I'd look into forensic computer science and John Dee's Enochian works.



Literally no one but complete newfigs think Sam Hyde is trash. The quality of humour doesn't get better than that



Look up Buddhist prayer mills for a primitive example (they even come electric-powered now).

It's also in accordance with the principle that everything is vibration. If everything is vibration, then electricity is vibration, then the bits and bites of a computer are vibration. Therefore, it is comparable enough to a mind to do something with. The only remaining problem is how. My idea was to create a Tarot program to start with (carefully putting energy into the program itself as I write it) and see how that performs in relation to me doing it he old fashioned way. Should that not work out, this >>128454 seems like a simple enough idea, something like sigils with a very simple fpga or something.


I have on different occasions witnessed two different people influencing and controlling electronic devices, changing/disrupting electrical flow, and causing other effects without actually having physical contact with any of the items. One demonstration was done over a period of about an hour and involved fucking around with all kinds of electronic objects in his room. Another demonstration was done by a certain anon messing around with his tablet.

So you can turn on/off electrical devices by magickal means and cause them to fuck up. I bet with some refinement we could have cases of machines typing out words that person only thinks and it then appears. Telekinetic typing.


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Ah yes. Nothing fills me with mirth like the vapid whining of a haggard has-been.



This is interesting. Can you elaborate on who these people are and what schools of thought do they study?



One is a Christian Jew of Italian descent who is into /fringe/ and likes tarot cards and so on. He's jewish by descent but hates judaism and embraced Christ. Just read typical /fringe/ books and throw in some talking with jesus and a dose of jewish mysticism.

The other is a German and believes in simulation theory but for the most part is an ignoramus who has schizo tier ideas about things but still has these powers. Doubt he's ever even read a book, but he's a prolific shitposter. I don't really know how to categorize him.


great thread goys

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