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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I've been wondering if we can get a system of belief going to get an advantage in the reincarnation cycle. For those also interested in the prospect of a isekai like afterlife. I DO NOT CONDONE SUICIDE. More likely than not the karmic backlash would be a detriment to a favorable reincarnation.


Mahasamadhi is the one and only good /fringe/-pilled suicide technique. It's the same various gurus, even Jesus used, to die.



This wouldn't work for isekai. The ego must be hardened and refined to attain eternal consciousness


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I don't know for certain OP but I remember one book (from Valdamar Valerian's Matrix series, don't remember which one though) that detailed the cycle of reincarnation as a trap to keep souls incarnating into this physical reality. Supposedly at the moment of physical death, when the soul is liberated from the body these beings would come and convince it to return to earth with techniques such as projecting imagery like a bright tunnel of light, shape-shifting as loved ones, some religious prophet, symbols or with messages appealing to ego, like having a mission on earth that has yet to be fulfilled (an explanation to NDE's?) and once the deal is done, the soul gets sent back to Earth with its memory wiped only to repeat the cycle. The key out of this is to always stick to your own guns, question everything and trust no entity that claims sovereignty above you. This is the reason why magick is occulted, to keep man looking at idols and gurus for empowerment instead of within, so that he can then be easily swayed and tricked by self-proclaimed authorities.

I've always thought this to be an interesting theory, a rather anarchic spin on the fatalistic nature of ideas such as karma and reincarnation for sure. I might post a PDF later, hopefully it makes you at least think OP.

pic unrelated



Sup [redacted]. I don't agree with your theory. Reincarnation is not about a trap to keep you on earth, you're just reiterating semetic tactics that "your way is the right way". I agree that the physical plane requires work and development but such is the way of existence. You only attain proper god hood through spiritual development through various lives. You have to know true suffering and great achievement to be a god.

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>Sup [redacted]

>you're just reiterating semetic tactics that "your way is the right way"

You are a sperg. I'm not even Jewish.

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The tactics are Jewish, I never called you a Jew directly


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People who negatively focus on the Jewish race and religion will never, ever, achieve an iota of illumination, so long as they hold such beliefs. You can even-handedly disagree and criticize the Jewish people as you would any other people -going beyond that undermines your basic ability to distinguish between enlightening thought and hogwash conspiracy. Too many people on this board suffer from a racist obsession with treating the Jewish people as if they are elites who control all. The United States, Russia, China, and a few different unions of countries control all politically, and about 1,000ish rich people relatively control the world's economy. Israel got lucky getting in good with the United States to save itself from the UN's repeated criticism of it, and otherwise got the shit-end of Hitler's Nazi bullshit.

You'd have to be pretty far off the path of illumination to unironically call someone's tactics 'Jewish,' let alone with negative connotation.

~[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
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Okay smartass faggot explain to me then what are these "Jewish tactics." Are you just a deluded /pol/tard or do you think there's motive behind that post? These type of ideas are very Gnostic in nature and are nothing exorbitant to this board.


[redacted] pls go

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
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What even is Isekai?



Jews control the world. Syria and North Korea are the only places in the world without a Rothschild central bank and not completely under Jewish control. This is why all the propaganda and bullshit directed at them is going on.



What a pathetically simplistic worldview.



Please offer an alternative narrative or so,



I think that research into the fae may prove a more opportune way to isekai. There's many legends of people disappearing around fairy hills and coming back for a day hundred years later, only to fuck off again.

I guess the trick is to not end up their bitchboy. So far, the lack of local fairies has hampered my attempts, but I'll go to Scotland this year.


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>I guess the trick is to not end up their bitchboy

scared of fairies, lul. pic related Thankfully we have access to all kinds of occult knowledge and practices so that the fairies always end up being our bitchboys, if it has to come this far. I don't think any being like a fairy should have power over a genuine magician.


I think you might be right. Haven't been to the other side so far sadly but the shilling for reincarnation from filthy parasites already starts on earth. We have all seen those jews, especially here on fringe who seem to get off from the idea of them being slaves to karma and having to reincarnate over and over again and who will go out of their way to really brainwash you and shame you to also believe in reincarnation and being a karma slave. It makes me sick just to think of it, and it makes me wonder who the worse parasites are. Those who fuck you over after death or those who fuck you over already here, right now. I believe that as long as you don't subscribe to their worldview and don't believe the reincarnation stuff you will not fall victim to it. We are lucky to be exposed to knowledge and wisdom and to have the freedom to think freely for ourselves. Like another poster already hinted at it's desire that will keep you in a good state after death. Perfect desire that doesn't go to any extreme so you will not get to the second death nor to reincarnation, unless you want to. (However I doubt that reincarnation is real at all). Desire and a strong will and control of the mind.


>There's many legends of people disappearing around fairy hills and coming back for a day hundred years later, only to fuck off again.

Btw, maybe they got a good deal? If I got to live with some fairies and make sweet love to them and play around and eat honey for thousands of years or maybe forever instead of being subject to the second death or god forbid reincarnation I'd probably agree to it too. But you wouldn't see me coming back every hundret years for one day…why would I? Unless to troll some mundanes


i guess the trick is not being a nigger


i will kill your whole family and community on my turn



if you're not walking the walk as well as talking the talk you have no occcult knowledge and if you spend your time being egotistical and engaging in bullsh*t that your society programmed into you then you're not walking the walk kiddo


i could go off and engage in all of the endeavors that my society programmed into me and be comfortable as all hell and rich with plenty of waifus but instead i do the right thing, therefore Heaven doth bless me with favor


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16 ¶ And behold, one came and said unto him, Good master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternall life?

17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandements.

18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steale, Thou shalt not beare false witnesse,

19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy selfe.

20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lacke I yet?

21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, goe and sell that thou hast, and give to the poore, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowfull: for he had great possessions.



You don't seem to have a brain. I wonder what kind of "right thing" you actually do and what "right" means in your worldview anyway.

>be comfortable as all hell and rich with plenty of waifus

It all seems so easy in your fantasy

>i will kill your whole family and community on my turn

Even tho you don't have a brain?



Like you ever elaborate further than flinging shit and calling yourself a god


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It's funny that you can't mention smiley but he's allowed to shill his belief in every thread outside of his own.



You sound like a glowing nigger.



meant this >>128831

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