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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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You know, if it wasn't the epidemic it is today, this whole pathological altruism thing… I could turn a blind eye to it.

The fact is the masses at this time worship ugliness, weakness, depravity, and inferiority.

The Hellenistic Greek culture worshiped virility, beauty, strength, and all things good and wondrous. An entire book in the NT had to be written just to show to the Greeks that Jesus was the "ideal man" in a way that they would accept.

Right now, for advocating eugenics, I am faced with universal condemnation by the masses. The improvement of the race. How can this be a bad thing?

When I read my old 1930s and earlier books eugenics was a fairly trendy idea. I think even a Rothschild or some other billionaires were into it and many countries had a stronger eugenics program than today.

Somehow that all went to shit. No, I don't want to hear you guys bash Adolf Hitler and blame him all for this, and I don't think it's all that constructive to point fingers (or is it?)… all the same we live in a society dominated by pathological altruism where the very worst of humanity is inheriting the Earth and the very best of it is dying off.

China at least is not burdened with this cultural decay that the west has and might proceed to creating a generation of children not burdened with sickness, low intelligence, and ugliness. I am not so sure though. It's speculative; could be another pipe dream like all those people who thought we'd all be in flying cars and have large cities built on the moon by now when all we really have is decaying infrastructure, debt, depression, psychiatry, suicides, mongrelization, autism, growing populations of subhumans, pornography, promiscuity, and other such apocalyptic visions.

Nobody who is sentient has any hope for the future amongst the young generation.

Isn't natural law the very law which god set down? That the weak and miserable would die early, and that the happy and strong would multiply? This is complete justice. We've made life on Earth into hell through medicine. I welcome when bacterial diseases immune to every antibiotic proliferate and spread. One day surgeries and so much else of the medical system will no longer be possible and we'll be back to the 1800s in terms of what we can do with our medicine.

The runts should be dying off. Most babies in the past didn't make it to their first birthday. Most of the miserable people alive today are runts that nature would have killed off but man fucked up the process. May god hear and feel every bit of their pain.


A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

Matthew 7:18-19


Eugenics are already in use precisely by families like Rothschild and other juden overlords but in a way that doesn't benefit whites, they create the mongrels for the sole purpose of supremacy, artificial selection for a slave race.



That's dysgenics not eugenics.



Something you polfriends seem to have trouble understanding is the intentional degradation of biological life is a precursor to union with technology, and thus the next stage of evolution.



You are right good sir, I made a foolish mistake.


Eh… sure mate.



a word of warning: just because technology is displacing biological life in our world, does not mean that it is capable of actually replacing life. Even if technology is able to emulate certain key functions of living organisms or ecosystems, theat doesn't make technology necessarily 'alive', and I suspect that it would be rather unwise to destroy the natural world to make room for some kind of transhumanist whatever-the-fuck. We wouldn't want to cause a situation where we one day realize that we've traded away life on Earth itself for a bunch of dead machinery.




<not a stepback

Humans by default already got everything they need to do anything. They're just degenerating and becoming more and more reliant on technology. There was a time when if you heard someone say something, you'd be able to just recount it again. Druids memorized like 44,000 lines of verse I think. Now we rely on books.



Exactly, hence merging with technology. I'm not advocating for it either; I find most of the changes grotesque. However, I can't deny the obvious parallels found in occult literature, to what is happening to the world today.


>They're just degenerating

Of course. We're being broken down, in order to be built up into something new. Mundies aren't Druids, and they never have been. The elites wouldn't be who they are if they were reckless, and they've ensured their domination for the remainder of our existence on this world. The inherent contradictions of our current collective existence are overcome by the same laws used in magic.


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What you don't understand is that eugenics is not only key in saving us from technology's disastrous effects, but the key to magic as well.

Throughout history, those with magical ability have been selected against. With proper eugenics, we can have groups for which psi is as common as speech.



But editing genes to perfection is also transhumanism. Nevermind that genetics aren't even fixed. But well, you're just a roleplayer who actually doesn't know a thing about transhumanism or "magic".



Well, it's just a meme. Of course editing genes is a risky and incomplete science. Eugenics usually just means selective breeding. It's slower but less riskier.

>But well, you're just a roleplayer who actually doesn't know a thing about transhumanism or "magic".

I am humbled by your swift judgment, o wise man of the internet. Please, proceed to enlighten me more.



right is the elites, left is everyone else

nazis win after all



Eugenics is just an obsolete form of transhumanism. It's why the powers-that-be used to be into it 100 years ago but don't give a shit any more.


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There are many types of Eugenic practices, some are good and some are bad. If Sparta was right then they would still exist today. So clearly they weren't right. We have eugenics already, our eugenics is called mental institutions. People who are non-conformists have been declared mentally ill for centuries and removed from the genetic pool. This type of eugenics has made westerners, especially white ones, a weak and cowardly people because it seems like the strong were actually removed from the gene pool by way of psychiatry.

And I think state enforced eugenics would have a similar effect. A better way of doing eugenics would simply be to PRAISE SMART PEOPLE. If you praise smart people then women think those people are sexually desirable, if you watch football then women think those people are sexually desirable. So you can do eugenics just by praising the men who have the sort of qualities you would like to see more of in society.

If you get the government involved in sterilizing people you really have no idea where that could lead to, you risk it going in a very bad direction where a very docile and slave-like population is created in the name of purging society of mental illness.


>muh gene pool

>muh magic

pick one, fool


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<muh genetic predisposition towards extrasensory perception.


>If Sparta was right then they would still exist today

Not necessarily. You can have the right practices and still be defeated trough overwhelming numbers. History is the grave of empires.


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Those within the Rh blood group- rhesus compound negative, being either type A- or O- have infact developed some of most well kept genes relating to a blood type. Those within this blood group (Rh-) then qualify for and/or are most pronged to the mutation of paired box genes. Paired box (Pax) genes are a family of genes coding for tissue specific transcription factors containing a paired domain and usually a partial, or in the case of four family members (PAX3, PAX4, PAX6 and PAX7),[1] a complete homeodomain.

Pax group 2 (Pax 2, 5 and 8)

PAX2 has been identified with kidney and optic nerve development. Mutation of PAX2 in humans has been associated with renal-coloboma syndrome.

Pax group 4 (Pax 4 and 6)

PAX6 (eyeless) is the most researched and appears throughout the literature as a "master control" gene for the development of eyes and sensory organs, certain neural and epidermal tissues, etc.

Mutations of these paired box genes result in a coloboma, a mutated eye or iris. Resulting in some of the best genes/eugeneics known to ourselves.

PS- this now leads to the fight known as Pizzagate, as wealthy Ashkenazi Jewish families (Rothschilds, Rockefellers) have begun abducting multiple children with colobomas and Rh- negative blood. I shall link more information about this fight below.




Altruism isn't the problem - it's NAIVE altruism. The belief that by nature, all humans are good and if they become bad it's the fault of their environment. By the way, know what the opposite of this is called, when you believe humans are evil by nature and have to work hard for being good? Realism.

Naive altruism are believes like "Gay people are like you and me." while in reality they are the least loyal and romantically (emotionally) stable people on this planet, changing their partners like socks. Or believing that if only you give refugees a place to stay and enough money to live, they will work hard because they will be thankful.

Everyone DESERVES a chance, sure. But you should always EXPECT the worst. Noone should automatically be considered to be good just for existing alone.

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