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What is Christ Consciousness? Google gives me more than one definition.


Is it similar to the atman



The true self? Our higher self? What is the best, fastest way to be in that state of mind? I want shortcuts.

Do I have to drink ayahuasca or something? Or do I go live in a cave for a year and try to awaken the base of my spine? Or both?

How does this work?





said Captain Capslock


read Rudolf Steiner's books



Did you want me to say something more clever? Did you want me to lie to you?

Okay. I want to do this the "proper" way. I want to work hard at this because I am not smart. Also I am not doing this for my own personal benefits.


not even fringe is safe from tripfaggots


>every enlightened person worked hard
>I am smarter than them
You are so dumb you've descended self-awareness.


For me Christ-consciousness= Cosmic counsciousness= Communion with god (the all), aka Samadhi (or Henosis), Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman).

It could also be interpreted as a lower step on the ladder, aka Egohood (Gnosis). In short, acquiring union with your own spirit (atman), but not yet merging completely into God (brahman).

You won't get far in the path with the use of entheogens, like Ayahuasca. If you're completely lost, though, you might catch a glimpse of your own path to tread, and higher states of counsciousness (these won't be even close to Christ-counsciousness and will fade after the trip.)

Don't go live in a cave until you are very advanced, for example: if you could enter the first stages of samadhi, it would be very easy for you to spend 18-24h a day meditating in a cave. You would need neither food nor sleep, your body would be sustained by Amrita.

Awakening the kundalini is not a bad idea, do it at home though. Choose your preferred Yoga system. Most of them do awaken it, it's not exclusive of Kundalini Yoga.

>I want shortcuts.

Sorry bro, there is no such thing.
Well-practiced Yoga is maybe the fastest path out there, but it's no shortcut. You will have to work. Very hard.



Aw, c'mon man I'm just looking for the best education. Pretty sure I'm not getting into the Ivy Leagues, but I'd love to get into a good State College in the least instead of reading some shit that I later find out is some ghetto community college, devry university BS.

And I'm sure there are some crash courses that'll get you the knowledge some people take years to build up.

Anyways, I was half joking.


Sweet. Thanks for the response.


sounds like what that neville goddard guy was talking about in the pruning sheers analogy?

you reject the lesser self and keep the rest, which would be something like 'Christ Consciousness' ?


Who named it Christian consciousness? Neville called it infinite imagination and said people who worshipped Jesus were misled.

Also the Pope is creepy


You can learn a lot from its correspondances: 7, the Strength card, the Kabbalistic sphere of Tipareth.

If the ways in which these relate to Christ or Christ-consciousness aren't apparent, meditate on them. I also recommend Manly P. Hall's books and lectures, especially those on the human body.

Christ consciousness is easily tapped into by trying to practice empathy and love for other people. It deals with sacrifice for the greater good. It is the bridge between knowledge of what some might consider the lower self and wisdom of knowledge of that which is greater. It requires sacrifice because in order to bridge the gap between the two, something must be changed.

The Christians have had years of experience cultivating Christ-consciousness. The Litany of Humility would be a shortcut, in my opinion, if you are really wanting to learn how to develop that state of consciousness.


I declare you a creepy Pope too.

And forgot my fucking flag. ^^

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