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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 72rd Attention-Hungry Games
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February 2019 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 3773d344fbfbdb4⋯.jpg (53.16 KB, 770x668, 385:334, Bernardino Mei1654.jpg)


Please help I under constant magical assault, and I cannot project. I seriously could use any support. I live at 10711 rippon lodge drive fairfax.

I get ELF waved by the government as well, so I believe they are responsible. Seriously I might even post my phone number, because I'm close to death.


seek out the guidance to live positively

virtue in yourself and your life and your philosophy will avail you much

the wicked will receive wicked things but the righteous and the just will receive what is righteous and what is just

these are my beliefs OP

i am in the U.S.A. i can provide you with contact information if it will help you but i am no great person of reputation or power….just a commoner


File: ed6518f3088f2db⋯.png (693.25 KB, 777x437, 777:437, feature-tuatha.png)

in your actions and life and thoughts be virtuous

keep yourself pure and un-spotted from evil

beware of hypocrisy


An anon said it was the big family room window amplifying the relay waves under the deck break the window then destroy the transistor relay


Silk sheets + faraday cage.

This defeats all electromagnetic and scalar mind control tech used to harass.


Accept it, personally. Tell God, that you don't even give a fuck if you die tonight. Stop giving a fuck about yourself. Uninstall fear.

Reject it, spiritually. Exclaim explicitly that you are to be left alone. Actually use your vocal chords and yell at them to fuck off!

There is no harm, there is no danger. There is only perception of danger. Their ONLY weapon is fear, and they only want to feed on your energy.

Don't be scared, don't give them your attention, and they will starve and dissipate into irrelevance.

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