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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 72rd Attention-Hungry Games
/otter/ - The Church of Otter

February 2019 - 8chan Transparency Report
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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 475276e93486971⋯.png (249.89 KB, 500x282, 250:141, image (1).png)

File: 15ff60b38ba0999⋯.png (153.01 KB, 282x301, 282:301, image.png)


meaning the unveiling.

you live inside of the earth. outer space is inner space. the milky way is just a band splitting the seam in the celestial sphere at 60 degrees like a mother's swaddling band.

there are multiple spheres of glass enveloping inner space diverginig light in a spectrum gradually from zenith to lift up from the earth parralel to the terminator to reconverge with the center of heaven like a circuit.

this is what lifts up your line of sight, gradually clips boats and bridges, and occluding the land mass curving upwards.

your line of sight is hitting the underside of clouds and converging with the center of heaven within every degree within 180 degrees of your fov.

the celestial sphere is therefore figuratively split in two by your line of sight refracting through multiple polarizing bowed spherical glass prisms meaning the half of the celestial sphere visible by your fov compresses/inverts around your 180 degree fov over the optical edit of the horizonal crease.

the sun is going to stop in the sky dissolving the heavens with fervent heat. and the central octahedron is going to descend to the south pole to marry and replenish earth. replacing the omega beta wave moon phases reflecting the light of the sun on a curve through multiple polarizing bowed spherical glass prisms enveloping inner space. the circuit and curtain of heaven will break and you will be able to see the land mass curve upwards once again. hence the unveiling of the prison cell earth you live in.

The shepherd is going to corrall his people over martial law before this happens. get ready. this is what donald trump, q anon, and majestic 12 are working to expose after incriminating the dems as being unable to compromise on border security.

They have precognition and forsight of judgement to come.

all day everyday stream:





File: 475276e93486971⋯.png (249.89 KB, 500x282, 250:141, image (1).png)

File: 15ff60b38ba0999⋯.png (153.01 KB, 282x301, 282:301, image.png)

File: ceaffc9c1dc3f83⋯.jpg (143.18 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, shelly-tat.jpg)

come learn about the apocalypse! meaning the unveiling.

you live inside of the earth. outer space is inner space. the milky way is just a band splitting the seam in the celestial sphere at 60 degrees like a mother's swaddling band.

there are multiple spheres of glass enveloping inner space diverginig light in a spectrum gradually from zenith to lift up from the earth parralel to the terminator to reconverge with the center of heaven like a circuit.

this is what lifts up your line of sight, gradually clips boats and bridges, and occluding the land mass curving upwards.

your line of sight is hitting the underside of clouds and converging with the center of heaven within every degree within 180 degrees of your fov.

the celestial sphere is therefore figuratively split in two by your line of sight refracting through multiple polarizing bowed spherical glass prisms meaning the half of the celestial sphere visible by your fov compresses/inverts around your 180 degree fov over the optical edit of the horizonal crease.

the sun is going to stop in the sky dissolving the heavens with fervent heat. and the central octahedron is going to descend to the south pole to marry and replenish earth. replacing the omega beta wave moon phases reflecting the light of the sun on a curve through multiple polarizing bowed spherical glass prisms enveloping inner space. the circuit and curtain of heaven will break and you will be able to see the land mass curve upwards once again. hence the unveiling of the prison cell earth you live in.

The shepherd is going to corrall his people over martial law before this happens. get ready. this is what donald trump, q anon, and majestic 12 are working to expose after incriminating the dems as being unable to compromise on border security.

They have precognition and forsight of judgement to come.

all day everyday stream:





>even more discord spam

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