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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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It seems like Kabbalah and all sorts of Hebrew garbage have infected a great deal of what is meant to be the Western magical tradition, thanks to Christcuckery. What are some tried and true magical traditions or systems that have no influence from (((them)))? Voodoo and various African traditions, as well as various Native American traditions and Eastern traditions come to mind. What European magical traditions, orders, or systems exist that don't use Kabbalah or other kinds of Jew magic? And what would be recommended reading on them?


The only winning move is stop allowing petty internet politics to abate your quest for absolute truth


>2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread

>3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)



To clarify, I was looking for something which Kabbalah is not a focal point and where Yahweh is not treated as the "supreme being", particularly a tradition with origins in the West.

Also, I'm not allowing "petty internet politics" to obstruct my quest for the truth if said politics ARE the truth.


I'm aware, I was just trying to get a discussion going on systems outside od Judeo-Christian influence.



>Yahweh is not treated as the "supreme being"

You have no idea what Kabbalah is about.

Every mundie thinks their dogma is truth.



I didn't say that's what it was about, that's why I treated those as two separate things. And if I can prove it, then it is true, end of story.



you're just a fool



said the fool


The Qabalah is Greco-Egyptian Hermetic, likely even dating back further than the aforementioned civilizations. (((They))) merely co-opted it as time went on. It is not Jewish or even has any semblance to any Judeo religion, though you should at least have an understanding of these religions and modes of thought.

Though to answer your question, you can look into rune magic. There should be a few books in the library for it. I recommend Futhark: A Handbook on Rune Magic by Edred Thorsson. Technically Hinduism is Aryan also, and most magical systems associate Hindu meditative, mental and breathing practices.



Read some hermetic/alchemic works and you'll quickly notice that Jewish magic isn't Jewish, they just put their brand on it, probably to keep red-pilled people away.

It's ironic that a national socialist doesn't notice that the kikes are always stealing and lying.

I recommend Fulcanelli.


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Most of the people replying will never understand you OP for they have no understanding of the limitations of race and the vessels that carry those weak-willed destroyers. You may be of the destiny to fight them in this coming battle and so you see them for what they aren't (Only Opposites understand each other). Some here may not. A Juice that takes credit will not only be a seal upon the cover but he will corrupt the content assuredly. his nature deems it so. I'm sure you have read Miguel Serrano. No worries you see part of the destructive force.

"politics" in this age encompasses all "truths". Though calling it politics is small minded. As seen here:




I've heard of Serrano but haven't read him yet, will try to sometime soon. Otherwise, you've said some interesting things that I'll keep in mind.


Little update to this:

In accordance to what this anon >>128876 said, I did a some digging and found that apparently the Egyptian Book of the Dead and other books on Egyptian magic are also useful. Additionally, various figures of 20th century occult movements in Europe are also helpful for looking into, such as Evola and Himmler, among others.




Tantra and traditional yoga.

I recommend the Kali Kaula by Jan Fries, and (if you can stomach the repetition) swamij.com.

Trigger warning for you though: The hexagram (King David used this as his star) is a frequent symbol in hindu sigils- particularly Vishnu, (((the peddlers))) most likely adopted it for their own religion too.

Really the symbol on its own is harmless, but you need to let go the association of hatred for it.


Question everything, especially yourself.

Dogma is dangerous.

/pol/ lately has been the target of a psyops clusterfuck of Communists, Chinese Spamming , Wannabe Black-Ops SJWs, ABC agencies, TRS-tier non-ironic-neo-nazis and corporate stooges. Search for the truth, but take everything with a grain of salt (or the whole shaker if need be).



Thanks for the advice. I know everyone says this, but I do try to maintain a fair amount of skepticism, and if I have a reason to believe I'm mistaken in some way, I'll change the way I see things.


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File: 464a3e2991beac2⋯.pdf (14.85 MB, Energy-Enhancement-Yoga-Su….pdf)


I second swamij.com if you want to learn the basics, from a proper translation of the traditional yoga texts.

It was my first real exposure to yoga and much more useful than anything else I found previously.

Buuut, as with most of the things you can find to read, once you've figured out what the general path to yoga is, you're stuck with your proverbial dick in your hand.

Do you really think just sitting and meditating will get rid of your mental disturbances (vrittis)? Maybe if you have another couple lifetimes to dedicate entirely to it.

It didn't take me long to figure out that something was missing, and soon after that I found my teacher, who explained what it was.

His book on the Yoga Sutras (namely, what's missing and what you actually need to know) is attached and I strongly suggest you look into Energy Enhancement. He has, over decades of meditation and teaching others, synthesized techniques that work to more directly address this problem of energy blockages. Which are one and the same as vrittis.

You really need the techniques, but learn the intellectual part first and it'll make a lot of things make more sense. Thread on Energy Enhancement coming soon.

One of his teachers was Swami Satchidananda, by the way, and that commentary on the Yoga Sutras is excellent as well.

Also, completely agree about symbols. All symbols are neutral, it's the interpretation and use that leads to problems. Sometimes the trick is that a symbol is used one way and you are presented a false narrative or purposeful misinterpretation (i.e. Baphomet only representing balance, meanwhile they're using it to represent an entity).

Shills out in full force here as well lately.



I read that PDF you linked me, I'm sorry but it did not sit well with me. The author is preachy, the ads are jarring, obnoxious, and the line about the human ego being "blockage" is outright false.

I look forward to your thread so I can post a tl;dr version of that PDF.


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No need to apologize. I'm just glad you gave it a go, really.

Imagine you created a course that literally solves everyone's problems from the actual core (spiritually/energetically). Then, naturally you would want to advertise it, right?

Hence, the passion and "preachiness". I appreciate your feedback, though.

I mean, it's almost insane how it's right here and no matter how much he tells people they just find a reason not to even try (sometimes even resorting to just criticizing the aesthetic and thereby dismissing the course and techniques outright, which is basically a strawman argument).

There's only so much I can do without giving you the techniques, which I won't do - other than Level 1, coming soon as a PDF in my thread. I can only tell you what you need to do. Then we're back at square one: you don't know how to do it properly. And don't know what you need to know to realize what you're missing. Hopefully some folks will catch on eventually here.

Ego being a blockage: more precisely, the sum total of all your blockages is your ego (in the sense of shadow). Meaning, you get rid of those, and you still have ego (in the sense of ahamkara, the individual experiential perspective). But, you no longer carry the delusions, pain, trauma, etc. either in your conscious or unconscious self. Trust me this is possible, because I'm pretty far along in the process. The changes along the way are pretty stunning, because you can go from being triggered by something one day to being fine with it the next. And now hopefully you understand how the original claim was not at all "outright false".

In general, these two ideas (shadow and individuation) often get conflated in this context, so when someone says "you need to kill the ego" they could either be completely right or completely off track, depending on which meaning they intended. This whole meme of the ego has become muddled.

Personally, though, I would phrase it as, "heal the ego" because the most important parts are the soul splits aka inner children aka sub-personalities that need to be cleansed of negativity and integrated back into your main personality. Meaning, the problem is basically the fragmentation of the mind, which is brought on by the trauma and negativity you've picked up over lifetimes (blockages). Relative to this, your typical chakra blockage is child's play.

Energy blockages are not talked about enough, but they're well accepted in yogic and especially taoist works. In fact, the one thing that Daoists miss out on, or do not cover enough, is that blockages exist not just along the microcosmic orbit. They are also inside your various subtle body layers, chakras, organs, meridians, etc.

I mean, the whole reason you don't have a full kundalini activation and thereby self-realization, and immense spiritual energy at all times is because you have blockages along the sushumna (central spinal meridian). All we're saying is, there are also other blockages (negative energy), and they are also important to remove. It's all pretty straightforward.






It is about time people actually substantiate such wild claims and prove they, as individuals, are not diluted, unwitting mekubals. This substantiation can achieved, for starters and for example, by comparing strictly kabbalistic lore with what is thought to be truly Aryan knowledge such as what can be found in E. Tablets, Kyb, BotD and early Vedic literature (even late Vedic and post Vedic texts start being crippled by pajeet thinking).

You are simply and absolutely insane in using a system that has been filtered and distilled by Jews, part and parcel. If you all love to boast about your inner arcane knowledge and shun people who presumably don't understand what kabbalah entails, you surely and above all do not understand what the Jewish collective is about too, for there is no doubt that if Jews steal a lot, a cursory look into the Old Testament will show you the extent of the damage and corruption they are capable of. They do not just steal. They debase and poison. Whether their material you use is exoteric or esoteric, you would be demented in thinking to rely on any of their garbled output.

There is too much kabbalarping.


When one puts Hitler as the 9th incarnation in a chain that counts Jesus and Buddha (sic), you know that you should take whatever one says with a huuuuuge boulder sized grain of salt, no matter the respect this person accrued. Incorrect or false doctrines need to be cast aside.


>Also, completely agree about symbols. All symbols are neutral, it's the interpretation and use that leads to problems. Sometimes the trick is that a symbol is used one way and you are presented a false narrative or purposeful misinterpretation (i.e. Baphomet only representing balance, meanwhile they're using it to represent an entity).

This is factually incorrect. Being expressions of the Divine as sacred geometry, each one of them is a piece of Divine Truth. Divine Truth is not relative and not open to interpretation. Only humans can get close to the Truth or more away from it, wrapping their understanding of symbols in errors or, worse, lies. Whether the symbols are harmless or not is something else entirely and one could say that in a zero-sum game, there is no harmless act, since whatever you take, you take it from something.

The objective value and effect of a symbol can be demonstrated by focusing and meditating about a given symbol of which you know not the meaning. After a while (few days mostly) or sometimes very quickly (but for a brief period of time), you will observe intriguing effects that you will try to rationalize.

In fact the best study there would be in this world would consist of repeating this methodology with all sorts of symbols, taking notes of the conditions of the exercises, their time and date, the environmental conditions, and conclude with a proper note of the observed effects, without reading anything about them beforehand. This reading would only be done later on, from reliable sources, to compare your observations with the interpretations given in those texts you would come to read. This is done precisely to avoid the famous "preloading". You do not want to taint your exercises, you want to forget and remain free. You start as a void and curious. You explore as a child.

The notes, these conclusions, you shall keep to yourself. The reason being that some of them will relate to your own life and for those who have experience in reading through such conclusions, to these people they would reveal intimate things about your own self.



Please explicit E. Tablets and BotD for a very beginner neophyte. Also, any good sources for the Vedic texts?



All occult knowledge comes from conspiracy-laden secret societies. Omitting and singling out the Jews because of the /pol/ psyop is really mundane



>/pol/ psyop

begone kike


How about Bardon? /fringe/ seems to like him but his third book of Introducion to Hermetics clearly talks about Kabbalah. Should we trust him? Is it still a good read?



Better not read it. You might catch jew cooties.



>in a chain that counts Jesus

Doesn't seem like he does, he seems fairly anti-Jew to me based on his work. See "The Son of the Widower". Where does he count Jesus in the line of Avatars?


Bardon isn't bad, much of what he writes is useful as far as I can tell. As a general rule of thumb, I'd say it's reasonable to take what you can get, and as long as Jew magic isn't integral to the author's practice or writing, it can still be useful, and you can just ignore the rest (or it can be modified to remove all of that and replace it with something else).

Much of what has already been recommended is at least decent. I'd recommend Evola.



>Petty internet politics

>Literally one of the oldest and most thoroughly documented struggles of all time

Have you read even read anything?


File: ccf1bf0982955d6⋯.jpg (21.84 KB, 421x553, 421:553, larper.jpg)

>Warcraft is just a game

>Azeroth is literally one of the deepest and most fleshed-out worlds of any massively multiplayer online roleplaying game


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Heres some fresh OC from me!



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Read the works of Miguel Serrano.




One thing I would suggest, in addition to all the other things in this thread: just replace "kabbalic" practices with Tantric/Yogic systems that use Chakras, which come from an Aryan system.

>>130511 (dubs)

Serrano, Devi, Rosenberg, and Evola are all good places to start.


Good site, a shame it's on (((Tumblr))) though.


The best magic system is one you create yourself. Traditional systems tend to have been corrupted by the politics of whichever society keeps them, and new age systems are either just pseudo-religion to make hippies feel good or someone else's personal system that similarly is polarized by their own personal philosophy and psychology – ie it will only work for them or people like them. The key is to look over various magic systems, find commality to determine the framework needed, and then use your own mind to fill in the blanks.



While this is true to an extent, I also think there is power in using traditional systems that have been worked through by many other people, especially ones originating from your own ancestry.


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Cabala is Fulcanelli's term for a special use of language, drawing on phonetic similarities and other symbolic techniques for expanding the expressive reach of words. This is related to the Green Language or Language of the Birds of the alchemists.

Kabbalah is the Hebrew body of mystical tradition which contains techniques such as gematria, notariqon and temura, drawing on numeric equivalences of letters, numerology, permutations of letters, forming new texts by picking first letters of words and other such text manipulation. The Tree of Life and its sefirath are also part of this tradition. Kabbalah is most often applied to the Hebrew text of the Torah.

After a fashion, both are techniques for deriving additional meaning from text. However, practicing each draws on a radically different faculty of the mind. Kabbalah is mechanical and rigidly formal, whereas cabala is unpredictable, creative, rich in texture of symbolic meaning.

In Gurdjieff's terminology, kabbalah can be practiced by the formatory apparatus, whereas cabala requires the interplay of abstract thought and visual, auditory and emotional functions.

Fulcanelli writes that phonetic cabala is the key to understanding alchemical texts and symbols. Cabala combined with study of word roots configures the mind so as to have a richer set of associations to draw from and expands the semantic space open for contemplation.

Ultimately, this expansion of the faculty of language can reverse the 'babel' effect of confusion of tongues by connecting to a level of thought from which individual languages are only partial projections.

In contrast with this, kabbalah occupies one with tedious calculations which can just as easily be performed by computer. This has indeed been done, with the result of finding all kinds of 'hidden content' from the Bible, as well as from any other large body of text. The findings seem to be artifacts of probability and involve no particular conscious work. From a nearly forgotten practice, kabbalah rose in the 12-13th centuries to a prominent status in Western esoteric circles. This may have been a deliberate maneuver to send centuries worth of seekers chasing their tails.

The practice of cabala can disclose meaning in alchemical text, but what may be even more important, it is an exercise which is its own reward, as it generally enhances one's language abilities and enriches one's semantic space. This is a part of connecting the human mind to the Platonic plane of ideas.

Fulcanelli's books are prime examples of multilayered language and cabala.


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retard thread


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We ought to establish a shamanic guild to pray for the summoning of a white antichrist figure to be born or enter into world/national politics. This can be considered "meming the white antichrist into existence".

Similar to meming trump into office.

Prophecy is a type of technology that can be used towards this goal. Prayer too, also the writing of stories and production of songs can be used to produce psychological effects that are conducive towards the coming of this antichrist figure.

It is based on using words to manipulate the aetheric fields in order to summon biological forms into existence.

Aleister Crowley has called this figure the moonchild. This would be a neo-Nero, a neo-Caligula. This is the beast 666 spoken of in The Bible. A new Roman emperor.

Anti-christ = Roman emperor, Jesus was an inversion of the emperor.

I have no problem with christianity, I am both pagan and christian and am an occultist.

Please write down any prophetic dreams you may have and pray for the coming of the one.





20h century Fantasy


Religion is just a mess of different good and bad people writing things down in a desperate attempt to control everyone. It's better to ditch religion, but instead believe in, know, and love GOD.



>muh good and bad



You are a retard.

A good religion is a powerful tool for a nation. The outer shell drives the overall project of said nation, provides values, moral codes, ideals. It's for the people at large. The inner shell is for erudites who protect the sacred knowledge and greater mysteries, and must lead the nation, electing the kings and queens unless the later are particularly talented and can cover both functions.



The vulgar nations of men are far beneath the concerns of the illuminated pneumatic.



>illuminated pneumatic

They would only be interested in cleansing the nation of it's vulgarity, if they truly are.



You mean like Lovecraftian stuff? So is the Simon Necronomicon something that's workable? I hear it's basically Sumerian magic in Lovecraftian imagery, but also hear it's inauthentic.


Care to elaborate? What authors/works would you recommend for this? Wicca counts as paganism, does that work too?


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What do you think they've been doing the past few hundred years?


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Nice thread Schlomo

>Kike magic



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In general you have to read and pick the information you hold carefully. I recommend William Walker Atkinson's personal works. I've only read reference of the kabbala as it's own independent system not incorporated.



Having read a few of his books, I can see why WWA is promoted here. His works are so bland that /pol/frens can easily project their dogmas, without fear of having them shattered.



Hey idiot. Look at all the people that Atkinson references in his work and connect the dots. ProTip: It's all the philosophical foundations that later led to the rise of everything known as /pol/ beliefs. He even wrote a book about Vril.


Herbert Spencer is quoted by William Walker Atkinson. What do we see her? Social Darwinism, precursors of Libertarianism, advocating against an excess of altruism, no welfare, etc.

It's a combination of everything we call Libertarian and Fascist today.

Look also into William James and Thomas J. Hudson.

Also; Mabel Collins, Michael Whitty, Paul Foster Case, and Harriett Case.

& Edward E. Beals & Lauron William de Laurence






What do you know, it's gone now. You'd think the guy who made it would have thought further ahead.



Some other good sites, I think.



These could be helpful. This thread >>127326 has plenty of good resources as well.


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Atkinson was a self achiever, he didn't start with the gift but built it through steady epiphanies in his life.

In contrast there are those born with the talent like Lovecraft, who's ike have tendencies to polarize and there are also those who grasp a good centrist belief system like Atkinson's and twist it to their own devices. IMO first thing an initiate should grasp is that YOU PERSONALLY could never verify anything without your data gathering senses, you know the law of gravity exists because you can drop a rock and see and hear it hit the ground. Can you with undeniable certainty the sun's gravity is holding 9 planets in rotation?



>you know the law of gravity exists because you can drop a rock and see and hear it hit the ground.




>Sacred Geometry

Protip: along with OP looking more into Yoga & breathe, this may well be the most important clue in the thread. A universal language that expresses absolute, immutable truth does exist. Don't get caught up in the symbol system itself, in mere syntax over semantics (although "better" symbol systems do exist).



Yes. The understanding you have of it & how it operates may be inaccurate, but not the law.




Heh, I know Swami J personally. I'm glad to see his old school website helping some people here.



Try looking here


Greek, roman, Akkadian, Egyptian, Nordic, Celtic magic




gravity is literally the one thing physicists can't figure out. we literally do not have a clue what the fuck gravity is. your explanation of your point is so shit you must not understand your own point well enough and need to stop eating the dog shit that is this pseudoscientific dogma



>t. The law of gravity exists regardless of our understanding

<Yeah, well that's not true, because physicists don't understand it!

Read what I posted again. When you see it, you'll shit bricks.



>law of gravity

>physicists don't understand it!

if you can't explain something, then how is it a law. You might as well call it God



Science is the most retarded fag shit of our time. Anyone who believes in science is beyond help.


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it can be explained just not concretely proven. like read a book bro



gOD CAN BE EXPLAINED BUT NOT concretely proven. LiEk ReAd A b0OK 8R0


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