No need to apologize. I'm just glad you gave it a go, really.
Imagine you created a course that literally solves everyone's problems from the actual core (spiritually/energetically). Then, naturally you would want to advertise it, right?
Hence, the passion and "preachiness". I appreciate your feedback, though.
I mean, it's almost insane how it's right here and no matter how much he tells people they just find a reason not to even try (sometimes even resorting to just criticizing the aesthetic and thereby dismissing the course and techniques outright, which is basically a strawman argument).
There's only so much I can do without giving you the techniques, which I won't do - other than Level 1, coming soon as a PDF in my thread. I can only tell you what you need to do. Then we're back at square one: you don't know how to do it properly. And don't know what you need to know to realize what you're missing. Hopefully some folks will catch on eventually here.
Ego being a blockage: more precisely, the sum total of all your blockages is your ego (in the sense of shadow). Meaning, you get rid of those, and you still have ego (in the sense of ahamkara, the individual experiential perspective). But, you no longer carry the delusions, pain, trauma, etc. either in your conscious or unconscious self. Trust me this is possible, because I'm pretty far along in the process. The changes along the way are pretty stunning, because you can go from being triggered by something one day to being fine with it the next. And now hopefully you understand how the original claim was not at all "outright false".
In general, these two ideas (shadow and individuation) often get conflated in this context, so when someone says "you need to kill the ego" they could either be completely right or completely off track, depending on which meaning they intended. This whole meme of the ego has become muddled.
Personally, though, I would phrase it as, "heal the ego" because the most important parts are the soul splits aka inner children aka sub-personalities that need to be cleansed of negativity and integrated back into your main personality. Meaning, the problem is basically the fragmentation of the mind, which is brought on by the trauma and negativity you've picked up over lifetimes (blockages). Relative to this, your typical chakra blockage is child's play.
Energy blockages are not talked about enough, but they're well accepted in yogic and especially taoist works. In fact, the one thing that Daoists miss out on, or do not cover enough, is that blockages exist not just along the microcosmic orbit. They are also inside your various subtle body layers, chakras, organs, meridians, etc.
I mean, the whole reason you don't have a full kundalini activation and thereby self-realization, and immense spiritual energy at all times is because you have blockages along the sushumna (central spinal meridian). All we're saying is, there are also other blockages (negative energy), and they are also important to remove. It's all pretty straightforward.