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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Perpertual Neophyte

This dude just doesn't "get it". He reads stuff, he goes to chats but when he tries it but something just doesn't want to work. Doubtful of himself and his abilities, which is really his biggest problem.

The Psuedo-Faithful

Frequently an Abrahamic of some shape or form. These are people who believe in deities of some kind, but at the same time lack or lapsed in actual faith to their beliefs. At most, food blessings, prayer and church are the extent of their occult interactions but they're either unaware or doubtful at how much those actually do.

One would call these types "normies" if it weren't for the fact that they actually have a single salt-grain of occult practice compared to people with none.

The Ghost Hunter

This dude likes to have interactions with spirits, via whatever devices or whatever means they choose, may be a Psuedo-Faithful.

May not have much experience with the occult, more likely to hire someonewho does know it than actually take effort to learn it.

The Lesbocentrist

A form of Psuedo-faithful. This person read about some Wicca or witchery books or sites containing decades-old misinformation about femininity, and its supposed divinity. Talks of Toxic Masculinity optional, actual femininity also optional.

Curious Stoner

Saw something divine during a hallucinogen trip. Loves drugs, somewhat curious about the occult, but only if it satisfies his drug desires in the process.

May eventually loosen (but not necessarily kick) the habit if he gets more into the occult side of things.


This dude's level of knowledge ranges anywhere from clueless as fuck to fairly strong. But the common trait of an edgelord is that he thinks he's god the moment he has made the barest amount of progress. edgelords and pseudo-believers can go hand in hand as well.

Expect violence, and expect the edgelord to get a life lesson in "not being a retard that attacks people for no reason"

The Philosopher

Makes a hobby out of contemplating his navel, the universe, and deconstructing the symbolism of the latest form of media he claimed he consumed without actually knowing what "consume" means.

Occult knowledge is same as edgelords, but can go as low as fedoras if they end up sufficiently self-absorbed.

Paranoid Schizophrenic

This dude thinks he does magic, except, he's stuck in a dreaming state despite being awake. Paranoia sometimes optional, but frequently found in those of this category.

Actual magical prowess is nonexistent. Actual malicious spirits don't need to spend energy to talk when all they can do is push thoughts in the appropriate direction.

Desperate Schizophrenic

This dude has the diagnosis of the former, but without the paranoia. This dude is hurt, but he's knows he's got something wrong with his head and is desperately trying to heal himself.

Magical prowess could actually help this person more than his paranoid counterpart.

The on/off occultist

This dude comes every now and then, looking for good stuff and information on how to spiritually better himself. This is probably you, the anon, the dude who strives for spiritual growth and betterment.

Has more magical prowess than he gives himself credit for.

Frustrated Magus

When you think of a classical wizard (rather than the depressive, self-hating-virgin type), this is the guy who fits the closest definition. Very smart, very knowledgeable in the occult, this dude is one to be admired, and neophytes would beg to be taught by him.

Unfortunately for these neophytes, he's more interested in finding peers than finding students.



Will recommend you to do stuff that will make you question his and your sanity. Gives out meaningful advice at times, but more frequently gives out advice that only the strong willed or the insane would dare try.

Expect sex, drugs, but probably not rock and roll.

Regretful Ex-Left-Hand-Pather

A left-hander who went full down the path, and came out cold, wet, and covered in regret. Will write cautionary tales of the shit he did and why it's stupid to do what he did.

Virgin Summoner

/R9K/ stereotype poster, looking to get laid or have a girlfriend through spirit/succubus summoning. Typically forgets that succubae are basically metaphysical parasites that make the stereotype THOT look like a ever-faithful-wife.

tends to be a neophyte at best, may shed his /R9K/ visage with proper spiritual guidance.

Born-Again Ascetic (Nofapper)

Similar to the above, but he's turned to a monk's (or similar) lifestyle because his hobbies, his sexual desire, and his eating habits make him feel ashamed for no reason (or maybe because his abusive parents are miserable no-fun-incarnate douchebags). He went and cut everything fun from his life, in the hopes of avoiding his shame and gratifying his unhealthy ego.

He wonders why he relapses and binges? Because seeking fun is natural, just like sex, and you only hurt yourself if you cut either out of your life.

The Freak

The enlightened asshole, basically a sociopath but with occult knowledge. Can range from anything from as bad as an edgelord, or as scary as a magus. These guys are ones who wouldn't bat an eye about using mind control, using not-hyperbole curses, or summoning demons for the sake of success. Watch. The. Fuck. Out.

On an off note, demons are technically enlightened beings. Make of that what you will.

Souless Shell

This dude done fucked up. Whatever he was, was a (mostly, or maybe not at all) sane person who did something stupid- like an idiot playing on train tracks, he got hit with something that completely fucked him up. Either he tried kundalini without running through basic common sense, summoned something powerful which took his body, let one of his colleagues use his mind as a testbed for mental restructuring, or abandonded his tulpa to live out in a mental fantasy world.

Occult experience is usually stronger than an edgelord, but was not enough to protect himself from himself.

Enlightened Troll

Think "The Freak", except instead of him being a sociopath, he's a dick. His pranks may range from "disguising a succubus summoning ritual as an incubus summoning ritual" to "Disguising a money spell as a full-on misfortune of life curse".

May want to liken himself to other trollish occult masters like Alleister Crowley.

Charles Manson Wannabe

AKA the fake guru, ranges anywhere from normie to freak, but the one thing they have in common? Douchebag. Douchebag who wants to control the desperate, and fuck with them because they can.

If this guy was on an imageboard, you probably wouldn't even notice, unless he was stupid enough to spam his discords or other chatrooms everywhere, which is unlikely. in his chatrooms? He will demand you suck his dick or get banned, and send money while you're at it. Get out, don't speak to him, don't even acknowledge him

What other forms of occultists have you seen, /fringe/?


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```The Meta```

The kind of person who would make a list of categories to put others into. They are into self-awareness and grouping various things into categories that are simple to understand. They are far more fascinated with symbolic titles and names rather than detailed contents and sources. Useful for making encyclopedias; not for science papers. Not exclusive to the occult; they're just common because magic lends itself to simplistic people obsessed with feeling meaningful.

```The Occultist```

Philosophy was too logic-heavy, communication studies were too generic, they got fed up with normal religions lacking practicality/logic, and they love the meaningfulness of the imaginary concepts and their corresponding symbols discussed in magic. Not hard to be one, but dangerous to one's health and mind to obsessively be one.

```The Mage```

A term for people with overactive imaginations. These individuals are truly confident in their abilities and will base the fact their abilities were successful on random chance, coincidence, and mixing the wondrous things they imagine with the mundane things that actually happened.

```An Actual Fucking Mage```

A mage that can actually practice observable magic does not exist in our world or time. All people claiming to be mages are either posers or define mage/magic in a vague meaningless way that lets them claim they are a mage practicing magic by their bullshit definition. Discovery of magic is still beyond the fringe community's collective grasp and ability to clearly prove. Everyone, normie and otherwise, will know when this one appears and acknowledge them as such.


(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
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The Cringe

This dude doesn't actually care about occultism, but attracting attention (almost always negative.) Often hangs around communities where he isn't welcome, and uses many words to say basically nothing.


The Brony should be added to that list.

I don't really understand what those pony fuckers are messing with, but it has definitely bled over into the astral.

Keep in mind that I'm just a straight up Chaos Motherfucker. I like it. The Universe fucks with me perpetually, letting me know that it loves me and is reactive. If it were easy it wouldn't be any fun.

Also, fuck your labels.


The astral projector

Rare as fuck, usually people who claim to be one are just LARPing.

Maybe he had an OBE because of an accident, maybe because of drugs, maybe he had them a lot as a kid - or he just got interested in the field. Whatever it was, experiencing the astral realm changed his perspective on life forever.

Usually he completely disconnects from reality and seeks the astral only for his pleasure and happiness, which means he's basically like a drug based occultist, except that its his brain that produces the drug. Just sometimes though, someone takes the experience more seriously, starts to use his trips to analyze how the astral realm works, tries to make sense of it all like a mad scientist. Obtains amounts of knowledge that way that can be compared to someone who read through the entire /fringe/ library, but will eventually meet something out there that will fuck him up or make him wish he never learned to AP.

If mastered enough, astral projection can be the most efficient way to cast magic, as the projector travels through the very fabric of magic itself - but it takes longer to learn AP than to just learn spells and rituals, since it's just so hard to develop a proper technique that works well for you.



I do this every time I sleep.

Sometimes I do it just drifting off in thought.

It's a bad habit, ingrained in the subconscious. Useful at times but also a pain in the ass. But I did have a pretty traumatic accident in early childhood that I don't remember. So maybe that was an nde that sensitized me. I always assumed everyone did it, though I'm not sure others have the same "dream" content that I have, since some people view dreaming as a rare occurrence.



>disguising a succubus summoning ritual as an incubus summoning ritual

that's kind of hot



Being a natural projector is the greatest gift a mage could wish for. Just make sure you actually astral project, not lucid dream, if you want to research the realm and learn how to use it. Of course lucid dreaming is fucking amazing, too, though, and it is relatively easy to open a gate from the lucid dream to the astral realm.

Do some research on it, things that happen in the astral realm are always caused by what happens in the physical - but if a force in the astral realm makes something happen in it, physical reality will twist in order to create a cause for it. In theory, that's how all magic works. So someone who can actually enter the astral realm has a huge advantage.



>Rare as fuck, usually people who claim to be one are just LARPing.

Everywhere are charlatans who keep on reporting "astral projections" that in the end turn out to be sugarcoated daydreams. This is usually the way to filter out anyone worth listening to.

You don't know magic, spirituality or the "occult" until you know what an oobe is and it's incredibly futile to explain why.


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That's how magic mafia works.

Still certain none of you ever astral projected and it's entirely imagined. If it were real and had that power it'd quickly lead to all the world leaders being replaced with astral projectors and all the rich people being replaced with astral projectors. The fact that hasn't happened shows astral projection does not happen. If as you say one's actions in the astral change reality, it'd easily and quickly be used to gain power. Rich people and world leaders love to put out stupid-shit books about their path to power and how shitting themselves every day and praising some prophet made them the person they are today. Astral projection is not a secret it's just a product of lucid dreaming and imagination.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



You're hella naive.


>Desperate Schizophrenic

This is me heh. Please help me dear god I am fucked and progressing through life and doing anything worthy is difficult given my condition



Total disinfo. Astral projection is as easy as dayingdreaming, dreaming, lucid dreaming, thinking intensely; the mental plane is a plane of reality overlapping the physical plane. Everyone is in constant contact with the astral. Heck, even what you're reading and experiencing right now, is through the astral; and being aware of this fact can help a lot. The key is to actually use your connection to the astral productively and to gain objective, verifiable, and useful information. That takes intense focus and desire.




lmao have any of you done remote viewing or got useful information out of the astral?


1. It's easy to AP. This realization makes a world of difference.

2. It's hard to navigate. This realization explains why you're just dicking around in the astral most of the time.

3. It's composed of 7 to the power of 7, 7 times, planes (a fuckload of planes, more than my computer calculator can handle); and each corresponds to a different level of reality. In the astral there is the akashic records, there is the place where the caste off and dying astral bodies are (hades/sheol), there is everything out there. You got to start getting an idea of what is out there so you can really explore the possibilities and make good use of what is out there.


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The mental plane is the Ideosphere. The astral plane is defined as the border between the mental and a supposed spiritual plane.

For instance, all memes in their imagined form and their spread power, are in the ideosphere. Tulpas would also be in the Ideosphere.

This is an important semantic distinction to make because the ideosphere is literally just "are you imagining something? good you're in" because the ideosphere is broadly defined as the collective imagination of all beings including individual imaginations. The astral plane is some DnD type shit hypothesized to exist between this abstractly defined ideosphere and a spiritual plane.

I personally view it as unlikely there is an astral plane and more likely there is only the biosphere, ideosphere, and the sphere containing reality's axioms; might name that sphere the metasphere as it'd essentially be metaphysics separated from the mundane physics. Even then, such spheres are more just abstract dividers/filters/categories for a reality we are presently experiencing.

The need for an astral plane or a spiritual plane seems nonexistent, whereas an ideosphere and metasphere would make more sense. However, this could be a product of a semantic difference I've developed due to past definitions of the astral plane and the spiritual plane being outdated, whereas by today's enlightened standards we'd just call those things the collective imagination (ideosphere) and metaphysical axioms (metasphere).

If it's easy to AP, then all you're doing is admitting that astral projection is entirely imaginary bullshit anyone who thinks for 5 minutes can easily do. But at that point, that's just exploring random thoughts you're actively generating which is low-key dreaming.


(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
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this thread is cancer


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Behold, the ultimate form of the Fedora:

The Skeptomancer



There are no borders between planes. They aren't places.

>If it's easy to AP, then all you're doing is admitting that astral projection is entirely imaginary bullshit anyone who thinks for 5 minutes can easily do. But at that point, that's just exploring random thoughts you're actively generating which is low-key dreaming.

The imagination and thoughts are an objective thing. The best analogy I can give is that we're all on various radio channels, and there's a shitload of channels, but if you tune into the same channel you experience the same shit from your respective points of view. The only thing stopping someone reading your thoughts is them having trouble tuning themselves in.



We've been asking for nerfs since forever. How the fuck is this even balanced???? I swear I'll quit over this one day. They have no idea what they're doing at this point!!



It's not that easy. You don't exactly control HOW reality adapts to the changes you cause in the astral realm. Let's say you destroy a tree next to a street. It might cause a car crash against that tree. It might cause someone with a chainsaw to come by. It might cause it to be hit by lightning. And as far as I know, its pretty impossible for humans to kill others using AP. But I don't know. I'd have to experiment. Like you said, if it was all-powerful, we'd know. I don't think it is, either.


I know that technically, the mental plane - the plane where dreams happen and where imagination manifests - is technically an astral realm. It can be entered using an OBE, too. I call astral projection through imagination "bilocation", as you soul is in two places at once. But I don't see it as equal. It tends to cause LARPing like crazy. "Oh anything I imagine is REAL? Guess I'm a mage now!". I have seen so much cringe because of bilocation. Especially back when the Spirit Science forums were active. It destroyed them. So I stopped respecting that practice. Unless you use it to cause an actual, full on OBE somehow - there are techniques for that which utilize bilocational trance or meditation.


1. Depends on the person. But yeah, getting an OBE isn't the hard part. Staying in it and, like you said, navigating it is the hard part. And like you said, there are too many fucking realms. So one has to be careful not to drift off to somewhere that has no relevance to the earths astral plane. Brotip: Don't get too close to light sources, mirrors, your own body or sleeping bodies of others if you want want to accidentally end up somewhere new.


My problem is that almost every book and every person use other names for the different realms. The "Ideosphere" is what I described above as the plane where bilocation happens, I'm guessing. I don't know which name would be correct for the plane I enter when I AP at night.

Also, I am not one of those claiming it's easy, by the way. I'm saying that if what >>128852 claims is true, its a true gift. It's also a rare as fuck gift, I assume. Personally I only now somewhat got the hang of it, took me 7 years, though the first 4 years were kinda on-and-off. Anyway, I am assuming the "astral realm" I talk of is the "spiritual realm" you talk of. It's a realm where the soul has a mass and can control the reality around it easier compared to the physical plane.

So far I only AP because it fascinates me, I want to research the everliving shit out of that realm. I'll see if I can cast some sort of serious "magic" from it once I've learned to stay in it for longer while having more control over myself. Often I drift off into dream-conciousness. And dream-selves are pretty fucking retarded, at least mine is.


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Detail the method you supposedly use to achieve astral projection. Be incredibly specific about your exact positioning, movements, places you relax, how your handle your thoughts, and your environment. I am led to believe no one can actually do this, so please explain this in the most persuasive, plausible, practical manner possible.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



Alright, here's how I currently do it. Long ass wall of text incoming. I'll be very specific and go into details. But let me just say that I developed this technique by combining several others because most "guides" I found online didn't really work for me, but some seemed more promising than others. Apparently what works for one guy doesn't work for another, but then again, a lot of the stuff you read online is just typical bullshit anyway. Also, I don't claim to be a master yet, I manage to get a proper OBE maybe two to four times per month.

First, don't fap for a couple days. I've found that that increases your chances. Fasting might also help. But I've been doing it without fasting, too.

Then, before you go to bed, drink some mugwort tea, a hippie friend of mine told me that shit really help with making your dreams feel more clear and it works for me. Just don't drink it EVERY night, apparently it builds up some mild toxicity. I never had any problems with that though.

Then you set two different alarms for the middle of the night. One can just be your regular alarm, set it for around 2 3/4 hours after you fall asleep. The second one you set 15 minutes after it. The important part is that the second alarm is just one short noise so you don't have to move to turn it off. I use the App "BlipBlip" for that. I've set it to make this deep "Gong" noise. Since my smartphone isn't loud enough to wake me with such a short noise I've plugged my speakers into it, but that's just me.

Then you just go to bed normally. When the first alarm rings and you have to move to turn it off you just go back to sleep after that, too - this one is just for resetting your sleep cycle a bit.

When the second alarm goes off the important part is to not move a muscle and to concentrate on your mind not falling back to sleep. Your body will within a couple minutes though and you will enter sleep paralysis. Keep your eyes closed and don't panic.

You will then start to feel some sort of weird vibration all over your body. It's called the "vibrational state". You can control this vibration like energy within your body. Move it around, gather it within your chest or between your eyes, whatever feels more right to you. Both works for me.

Now comes the tricky part where you have to move your astral body out of your physical one. It's usually hard because when you tell your astral body to move it also likes to tell your physical body to move, snapping you out of it. I found a trick though. Simply roll out of bed. For some reason this sort of movement doesn't break the paralysis. It might feel like you're moving your actual body but you are not. You will roll out of your body and lie next to it on the ground. Congratz, you just AP'd.

However, you better move away from your body quickly. No time to freak out about what you just did, the body likes to suck you back in if you are too close. Move to the other end of the room before you even look at it.



>>128898 (Cont.)

Now the thing is, your connection to the astral realm might still be weak, you might still feel yourself slipping away. One easy way to "gather yourself" in that state is just to spin in a circle - don't ask me why it works, I've found that one online, too. A less gay method would be to meditate for a couple minutes to gather your energy and root yourself to the realm you just entered. Someone experienced like you will probably know what to do, though.

Now its time to actually do things with this projection. The good news is that your astral body can fly. The bad news is that there is some sort of barrier around your body, in around a 20-30m radius, which you'll have to break through. I think this "barrier" is some layer of the aura of your body, not sure. But long story short the way to break through is speed. Just run or fly straight at it. Not gonna lie, making it through that is still a challenge to me, I know this sounds like a cheap excuse but it's just how it is, this barrier has pushed me back into my body several times. Just push through with all your might.

From there on it's really up to you what you do. Just try to stay focused, don't get lost in the dream-like feeling, keep telling yourself "This is real, so act like it." or something.

Couple Tips: Stay away from light sources - they act as portals and take you god-knows-where. Once I entered a light in my room and it spit me out a couple streets down, which was nice, barrier skip achieved. But another time it spit me out into the creepiest wood ever and another time I just woke up in my body after entering it. Usually not worth it.

Stay away from mirrors. I looked into one once and woke up in my body, but I've heard that they too can act as weird ass gates? Maybe it's because they reflect light and apparently light has a weird relationship to space out there. I don't know.

And be cautious of any entities you meet out there. Even if it's an angel or something and ESPECIALLY if it claims to be your higher self. I know a couple channelers who got tricked by an entity claiming to be their HS or their guardian angel or some shit and they turned them into massive cunts and cucks. I'm guessing shit like that ain't any less likely when you're actually in their realm.

I could go on but I'm guessing this should satisfy you for now. You asked for my method, not for a tourist guide to the astral realm. Just try it for, I dunno, a month every night.

If it doesn't work try using different alarm noises, different alarm timing, smoking/vaping the mugwort instead of drinking it, try taking sleeping pills if your sleep isn't deep enough, try drinking beer or wine before going to bed (I shit you not one night when I went to bed super smashed I entered sleep paralysis constantly even though I just wanted to get some fucking rest), go to bed at a different time… just experiment. I had to experiment for years before I made it this far and I don't know how well this works for others. But assuming that sleep works roughly the same for everyone there should be some universal technique that works for everyone and mine might be it, who knows?



Perpetual Procrastinator

…also known as…

The Armchair Occultist

He knows everything he needs to know, in fact, FAR MORE than what he needs to know; and yet he is so much in the habit of researching and discussing and doing his current meditations that he can never be bothered to actually stop this and pursue in earnest what he really ought to be doing in order to realize his true potential. He has the answers to everything or at least can tell you how to do and obtain anything in the occult. He has exhausted the potentials for knowledge through reading and has enough occult experience to know better, but he never can really be bothered to reach the higher stages of attainment and manifestation. He is also too cautious and too burdened with occult lore to attempt something as daring as attempting to hear the "voice of god" or worship a deity for fear that he might get too much caught up in the necessary assumptions that he might forget the higher reality or more likely accidentally lead someone else astray. He is trying so hard to handle the complexity and never make any mistakes that he simply does not even try and instead reads the failings and the successes of others as the years go on and he remains stuck, albeit with a growing unease about his stagnation, that makes him feel more and more desperately that he needs to take the next big step.



Skeptomancers are literally the reason why the fourth pillar of the temple of solomon which is silence. One must avoid attracting the attention of a skeptomancer if one wishes to advance.




True fact. I knew a shaman that specifically recommended mirrors for keeping unwanted spirits away. He said putting them up on the doors was a good way to keep them spirits from entering. It makes sense as something about mirrors makes it highly likely to accidentally shift you into the wrong plane.



>shitting on ascetic nofappers




Imagine you're an evil spirit, just floating down a corridor towards some kids room, minding your own buisness, you wonder "why is it so damn long though, like, this doesn't even fit the proportions of the damn house, what the fu-… oh god damn it not again." and you turn around and you got bamboozled into some sorta doctor strange ass mirror dimension just because you forgot how you don't leave a fucking reflection in the mirror because you're a fucking ghost.



Reduce dopamine. Ascetic monk mode. Also, take lots of zinc regularly and avoid foods high in copper.



agreed if your gonna shit on people do everyone

right hand-pather

believes giving basic bitch advice and self actualization is magic but doesn't actually believe in magic. Essential just rehashes shit from old antiquated books but tries to add a "twist'' to it to make it seem "occult". Case and point




Will make up some phony "enemy" so they can seem like a hero for spouting long winded texts that can roughly be summarized as "just be happy bro!" Literally can't function by themselves so they are constantly in search of "lost souls" to feed there ego and pretend there a living saint. Keep in mind you will never seem them doing work to benefit humanity. Will criticize everyone else's beliefs but throws a hissie fit if you do it to them and label you one of "them" who ever "they" are. Will constantly say weed and "legal" medicine is bad but praises every psychedelic drug out there which is essentially just the blue pill. Says masturbation is bad but getting butt fucked is o.k.. 90% of these guys you shouldn't listen to because taking spiritual advice from people who haven't suffered is like taking medical advice from someone who isn't a doctor.



I've been trying to achieve what you're describing as well. I know through experience and peers that Bilocation as a form of AP works, but it's not as fun as sensory immersion. (AKA, AP as you define it)


I just wanna do something fun, nigga.


>>128899 (checked)

A very nice guide, another thing to know about the astral for anyone who isn't too familiar with it: a common theme I've heard and read about, is that time as you know gets weird there. You could be there for what feels like hours, even days, only for it to have passed a drastically shorter amount of time in the physical.

The most extreme instancesI've heard of this, was 8 hours sleep turning into a year, and thirty minutes turned into a month… but most experiences I've heard of are usually a few hours extra vs one hour.



Why are you guys taking that so personally?



>The most extreme instancesI've heard of this, was 8 hours sleep turning into a year, and thirty minutes turned into a month

>learn how to control that

>go to sleep


>turn 1 hour into 10

>go to sleep with your astral body was well

>get 10 hours of sleep in just one

>checkmate, atheists!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bilocation and astral projection have to do with remote viewing and daydreaming as much as levitation has to do with "yogic flying".


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I have reached this state multiple times when i was a kid, i did not know wtf was that but i kept doing bc i could find "people" and always tried do grope them(dont ask)

It was hard as fuck to move around and i could only fly too, any lack of concentration or going into a big point of interest would result in me waking up

Yep, i probably made a lot of beings very angry with this shit



>Why are you guys disagreeing with me?



It really seems like butthurt though.



To protect your self

from the true devastation

of being a fag.

Smoke on the water

lingers there though is wary

lest be seized by death.

Rest on the petal

oh smoke, linger on this death

listen to water.

Learn from the petal

for it embraces the skin

of water, though floats.

This you cannot do

for you do not resist it

as you are not strong.

But you may listen

to the strength of the petal

and learn a secret.



I'am not just pointing out you forgot one.


>It really seems like butthurt though.


>true devastation of being a fag.

he is and then hides behind some shitty 2deep4u poetry




To protect your self from devastation

To unite all peoples within your nation

To denounce the evils of truth and love

To extend your reach to the stars above

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



>7 to the power of 7, 7 times, planes (a fuckload of planes, more than my computer calculator can handle)

(7^7)*7 = 5,764,801 planes. What kind of computer do you have? Have you tried rearranging the punchcards?



>giving a namefag attention


File: 981f060095e6e76⋯.png (66.13 KB, 1341x1114, 1341:1114, anarchoepyc (2).png)


>mocking namefags in my domain

Don't make me use my made-up bullshit imaginary useless-ass meme magic fringe powers on you. I can totally cause you to possibly have an unlucky outcome in an indirect sort of way!


(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
Post last edited at



Why are you even here…?



He's not the only one reading this stuff. So I didn't mind. I'd be happy to just have one guy have a short OBE because of my technique.



Yeah, I liked reading that. Thanks.


File: cb576092da704e1⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 330x250, 33:25, Get out (15).gif)

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