Will recommend you to do stuff that will make you question his and your sanity. Gives out meaningful advice at times, but more frequently gives out advice that only the strong willed or the insane would dare try.
Expect sex, drugs, but probably not rock and roll.
Regretful Ex-Left-Hand-Pather
A left-hander who went full down the path, and came out cold, wet, and covered in regret. Will write cautionary tales of the shit he did and why it's stupid to do what he did.
Virgin Summoner
/R9K/ stereotype poster, looking to get laid or have a girlfriend through spirit/succubus summoning. Typically forgets that succubae are basically metaphysical parasites that make the stereotype THOT look like a ever-faithful-wife.
tends to be a neophyte at best, may shed his /R9K/ visage with proper spiritual guidance.
Born-Again Ascetic (Nofapper)
Similar to the above, but he's turned to a monk's (or similar) lifestyle because his hobbies, his sexual desire, and his eating habits make him feel ashamed for no reason (or maybe because his abusive parents are miserable no-fun-incarnate douchebags). He went and cut everything fun from his life, in the hopes of avoiding his shame and gratifying his unhealthy ego.
He wonders why he relapses and binges? Because seeking fun is natural, just like sex, and you only hurt yourself if you cut either out of your life.
The Freak
The enlightened asshole, basically a sociopath but with occult knowledge. Can range from anything from as bad as an edgelord, or as scary as a magus. These guys are ones who wouldn't bat an eye about using mind control, using not-hyperbole curses, or summoning demons for the sake of success. Watch. The. Fuck. Out.
On an off note, demons are technically enlightened beings. Make of that what you will.
Souless Shell
This dude done fucked up. Whatever he was, was a (mostly, or maybe not at all) sane person who did something stupid- like an idiot playing on train tracks, he got hit with something that completely fucked him up. Either he tried kundalini without running through basic common sense, summoned something powerful which took his body, let one of his colleagues use his mind as a testbed for mental restructuring, or abandonded his tulpa to live out in a mental fantasy world.
Occult experience is usually stronger than an edgelord, but was not enough to protect himself from himself.
Enlightened Troll
Think "The Freak", except instead of him being a sociopath, he's a dick. His pranks may range from "disguising a succubus summoning ritual as an incubus summoning ritual" to "Disguising a money spell as a full-on misfortune of life curse".
May want to liken himself to other trollish occult masters like Alleister Crowley.
Charles Manson Wannabe
AKA the fake guru, ranges anywhere from normie to freak, but the one thing they have in common? Douchebag. Douchebag who wants to control the desperate, and fuck with them because they can.
If this guy was on an imageboard, you probably wouldn't even notice, unless he was stupid enough to spam his discords or other chatrooms everywhere, which is unlikely. in his chatrooms? He will demand you suck his dick or get banned, and send money while you're at it. Get out, don't speak to him, don't even acknowledge him
What other forms of occultists have you seen, /fringe/?