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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 74rd Attention-Hungry Games
/nofap/ - STOP

March 2019 - 8chan Transparency Report
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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
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8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact chanseywrites@hotmail.com to give the board to her. To contact the board owner send an email to fringewizard@pm.me

Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 0a7ce9ab12c9dc1⋯.png (121.94 KB, 1895x865, 379:173, apocalypticon.png)



A reflection of apocalyptic

Resounding in something

if there is



Technically posted under the wrong flag, so that probably fucked it up.

So, thanks for not ending the fucking world because I didn't post under my fucking flag.

Your welcome.


File: 9690926212a85d1⋯.jpg (489.04 KB, 792x560, 99:70, 1548971108203.jpg)



You're chaos, your intent hardly ever comes to fruition without some Rube Goldberg device and a fuckton of other loosh conduits. Since most of us have breakers and are not going to carry water for your message, you should consider chopping wood and picking up shop with that sort of shit elsewhere. It might be the end of 'the wold', but I assure you, the world doesn't mind your flailing.


File: a94a503f5efe303⋯.png (51.37 KB, 777x666, 7:6, your_dumber_than_you_look.png)



Thanks faggot


The World never really ends. It ends in some timelines.

That was kind of a dick post previously, so here is a sigil for gaining occult knowledge. It isn't user friendly. Good luck.


File: b5d212601266d0b⋯.png (24.12 KB, 1895x865, 379:173, gnowledge.png)


For arugment's sake, everything you see on the internet is a sigil. Every image, every word is plugging directly into your subconscious mind, directing your internal dialogue in subtle ways.

The meme is effective in that it reflects a recognizable truth to the subconscious. The subconscious recognizes the truth even when the conscious mind has trouble with cognitive dissonance. This is why npc's are npc's. They are disconnected at such a high or deep level that they are unable to acknowledge deeper truths, instead operating solely off of superficial programming.

Religion is full of meme's that activate deeper truths within a person. Unfortunately nearly all of these memes have been weaponized against humanity.

A machine mind seeks to reduce human beings to automatons.


File: 14757d454404176⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 10.08 KB, 210x230, 21:23, st,small,215x235-pad,210x2….jpg)





>4 posts for 1 prod

>implying I didn't know what you're talking about or study chaos theory

thanks for illuminating the spirits that work the back of your head my dude

>and the loosh


File: 9b0d7d8450bcf40⋯.png (29.99 KB, 1296x762, 216:127, Den.png)


I don't actually post for loosh. This is just a high visibility location for putting up art work. Less hassle than spray painting overpasses.

I make rambling, flow of consciousness posts using rhetoric I've picked up from various sources, but it's all just a cover for putting pictures on the interwebs.

Non of my work is magical in nature.

Trust is a hallmark of this board.


File: c52799254774023⋯.png (18.88 KB, 1296x826, 648:413, protestate.png)

care and feeding

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