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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 418bdf6b2f840e0⋯.jpg (85.2 KB, 554x389, 554:389, gngmhtm.jpg)

File: 1536323983a81ea⋯.png (225.16 KB, 782x856, 391:428, 7a91140b6358bf3d748101a38e….png)


S - 3777

T - 738

* - 524

P - 3364


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Yang Gang represent



>a chinese candidate is being shilled


The irony…



>them trips



>Every American Adult over 18 will receive $1,000 a month

This would work great in a white nation that practices eugenics. It won't work great in a nation with a large number of niggers and degenerates.


File: f0a8e24edc8f25a⋯.png (192.05 KB, 522x614, 261:307, yang1488.png)


chairman yang is actually explicitly pro-white unlike zion don



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Transracial White Chinaman Andrew Yang Stands Up for White Men…!


>#YangGang2020: Chairman Yang will Free the People From Robot Apocalypse


>Making the Case for the Establishment of The Yang Dynasty


>I Feel Bad for Breitbart. They Can Never Join #YangGang.


>Paid MIGA Shills Claim That the Yang Gang are the Real Paid Shills!



File: 8d3e3fd81fab9f1⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 1200x545, 240:109, the-chad.jpg)

File: 3d1ea0bd284f388⋯.png (209.65 KB, 680x493, 40:29, freedom-aint-free.png)

File: 7df3f2e8fe52df6⋯.jpg (105.7 KB, 680x425, 8:5, free-anime-girl-yang.jpg)

File: 51ba0ca3343767d⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 680x383, 680:383, yang-brain.jpg)

File: 0bcd4e730490920⋯.jpg (142.03 KB, 1905x654, 635:218, dailystormer-banner.jpg)



this place has really gone down the tube


Reading up on Yang right now. This is stuff I've been thinking we ought to do and complaining about for a long time now. Namely, I would keep making threads about how all the futurists imagined we'd move to a society where the machines work for us, and we have more free time than ever before; but instead we moved to a society where we work 7 days a week and the rest of our time is just used to prepare to work again the next day, and we have no free time at all, way more work than peasants and slaves ever had to do.

Yang could help free people from pointless work so they can do better things with their lives.



The dailystormer?

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