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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 964b4c01685c0f7⋯.jpg (16.49 KB, 141x300, 47:100, heinrich.jpg)


I don't want to make this a single question thread, and will try my best not to. I Checked the library provided on the sticky, but noticed there was no copy of Heinrich Agrippas "Tres Occult Philosophia"

I haven't begun to read the books, but I just want to know /fringe/'s take on this man.


File: 0862d420630b3c9⋯.pdf (697.77 KB, Three-Books-of-Occult-Phil….pdf)

File: 94834c199cd10a0⋯.pdf (231.46 KB, [Henry_Cornelius_Agrippa]_….pdf)

Better than all of the 19/20th century new age fluff that gets promoted here imho.

If you're into hermetics and western occultism it's a must.

Make of it what you will.



According to the biography I read about him, Agrippa had a falling out with the occult after writing those books, embraced Catholicism, and refuted his former magical beliefs in several works, principally in the treatise On the Uncertainty and Vanity of Sciences, although it seems like he was ambivalent enough about the wisdom of the pagan philosophers to publish the books decades later before his death. According to his preamble, he edited the work in places prior to publishing to conform with his more "mature" outlook, definitely something the serious occult reader should keep in mind. The impression I get is that of a Renaissance man with great knowledge on philosophy and theory, but only a dabbler when it came to practice, and not a true adept, but the book is still a valuable resource for the dedicated student. Mind you, these are just my impressions, so if I'm coming to the wrong conclusion about Agrippa, feel free to correct me.

On related note, according to the introduction to Introduction to Magic by Julius Evola and the Ur Group, one of the contributors, a certain Arturo Reghini, who was a Pythagorean and Mason, wrote an exceptional essay as an introduction to his Italian translation of the Occult Philosophy. I'm quiet interested in reading it if anyone has an English translation available.


I've read it before and didn't find it particularly comprehensible or useful.

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