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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 6a026845dd83d91⋯.png (48.77 KB, 1102x436, 551:218, Screenshot from 2019-03-28….png)


Declaration of Principles:

1. We affirm God as Mind, Infinite Being, Spirit, and Ultimate Reality.

2. We affirm that God, the Good, is supreme, universal, and everlasting.

3. We affirm the unity of God and humanity, in that the divine nature dwells within and expresses through each of us, by means of our acceptance of it, as health, supply, wisdom, love, life, truth, power, beauty, and peace.

4. We affirm the power of prayer and the capacity of each person to have mystical experience with God, and to enjoy the grace of God.

5. We affirm the freedom of all persons as to beliefs, and we honor the diversity of humanity by being open and affirming of all persons, affirming the dignity of human beings as founded on the presence of God within them–, and, therefore, the principle of democracy.–

6. We affirm that we are all spiritual beings, dwelling in a spiritual universe that is governed by spiritual law, and that in alignment with spiritual law, we can heal, prosper, and harmonize.

7. We affirm that our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living.

8. We affirm the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven here and now.

9. We affirm expression of the highest spiritual principle in loving one another unconditionally, promoting the highest good for all, teaching and healing one another, ministering to one another, and living together in peace, in accordance with the teachings of Jesus and other enlightened teachers.

10. We affirm our evolving awareness of the nature of reality and our willingness to refine our beliefs accordingly.


Who slipped that democracy crap in?


File: ed2cb1b8abdd5de⋯.png (263.04 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-we-strive-to-form-a-….png)

Made up by a jew, or an egomaniac. Either way, take your proposal and shove it. I'm perfectly fine thinking for myself, without someone's personal standards and beliefs being imposed on me.

Your kike magic has no power here.


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New Thought literally involves each person having a subjective, personal relationship with the divine, its the antithesis to Judaism, and religion in general

t. hylic /pol/ack


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>describing your beliefs in /pol/isms

>actually arguing with /pol/tards instead of telling them to fuck off

That's gonna be a big cringe from me.


File: 5b5d02be1dbac64⋯.jpg (310.54 KB, 1576x2358, 788:1179, guido_reni_Michael.jpg)



>God as Mind

Reeks of gnosticism gone faul.

God is beyond mind, and from His energy was made and sustains matter as well. Man himself is not a soul without a body, nor a body without a soul, but a single being of which they both are aspects. To reject one or the other is failure to see God.

>We affirm the unity of God and humanity

Humanity is, for the most part, fallen. Capacity for redemption is not the same as redemption. There is a path, most people do not follow it. Maybe some are incapable of walking it, this is not ours to say.

> 4. We affirm the power of prayer and the capacity of each person to have mystical experience with God,

That's hard to achieve. Most people don't even know how to pray.



>We affirm the freedom of all persons as to beliefs,

Welp, my "beliefs" disagree with that. There is Truth and there is falsehood. There is Order and the is chaos. There is Power and there is emptiness. These is superior and there is inferior. This is the axiom from which any spiritual path starts. We must learn to see the world with more clarity and discrimination, not less. Only to a blind man are all stones black.

>We affirm that we are all spiritual …

An empty mantra indicative of a cult.

>7. We affirm that our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living.

Well, some of them are. I'm "mentaling" the movement of my fingers that types out this message. This is a brainwashing technique to disconnect you from perceiving the the outside world and God, and make you focus only on your own thoughts. Because your thoughts are much more "malleable" than the world. "Wouldn't it be nice if the world or God was just an object of your thought? If you can think it you can have it" .Solipsism. Brainwashing 101.

>We affirm the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven here and now.

The kingdom of heaven is but a mustard seed in the hearts of men. God always shines as the sun, so whether the seed grows depends on the men themselves.

>We affirm expression of the highest spiritual principle …

Collective solipsism is still solipsism. We should fight evil without being tainted by it. Whether as poets, priests, warriors or craftsmen. The worship of God may sometimes be done trough the swinging of a sword. "The blood of the heroes is closer to God than the ink of the philosophers and the prayers of the faithful."

> We affirm our evolving awareness of the nature of reality and our willingness to refine our beliefs accordingly.

Well, you have a lot of beliefs to refine.



>spoilered text

kek I was about to fucking comment about that fucking word.

a: "political correctness" pressure, perhaps?



Yes, it's better if you believe in God and read the Bible.

If something goes against the teachings of Jesus, don't do it.



>Humanity is, for the most part, fallen

Through very little fault of their own. Original sin is bullshit. What could a baby possibly have done to deserve leukemia or the like? Too much darkness for God to be all light. Or is God that good that he "allows" the darkness a chance? Et revertetur ad tenebras.

>most people do not follow it

Who are you to make that judgment? Okay, that's cheap of me. I'll rephrase: The fastest way to travel in space is a curve and not a direct line. All paradoxes may be reconciled. Therefore, is it not possible, through the infinity of existence to travel in seemingly exactly opposite directions and still end up at the same place? For socialists and capitalists to fight together against totalitarians? The earth being round says yes.

>Only to a blind man are all stones black

And if they're all white? That's enlightenment? Can you not go blind through light?

Is evil synonymous with darkness? Is yin energy (female) lesser? Subservient?

People like you manage to accept slavery by calling it freedom to serve. To be free to do only as you are told by others is no freedom at all. No honestly, God creates all, puts himself on one side, chooses specific people to be on that side, and tells both sides to have at it because "if the other ones would just shut up and acquiesce all would be perfect"? Sounds really fucking sadistic.

>Well, you have a lot of beliefs to refine.

Logs and splinters. I'm no exception I know



How is it being "imposed" on you?



Pretty sure this declaration has been around and existed way before /pol/ has been a thing.



I've never heard of a theism that doesn't recognize god as mind.



>Welp, my "beliefs" disagree with that. There is Truth and there is falsehood. There is Order and the is chaos. There is Power and there is emptiness. These is superior and there is inferior. This is the axiom from which any spiritual path starts. We must learn to see the world with more clarity and discrimination, not less. Only to a blind man are all stones black.

Are you intentionally misunderstanding? They are saying people have the freedom to believe what they will and not be forced to believe other than what their own consciousness dictates. They also say in the last point "We affirm our evolving awareness of the nature of reality and our willingness to refine our beliefs accordingly."

This does not imply any belief is equally valid in terms of truth.



I think I can answer the baby question with the fact they're not in time so it doesn't matter. The exact age one enters into time varies but it could be as early as 1 years old but more like 4 or 5 years old. Until that has happened there are no experiences and the human is just a complex animal running on instinct, no driver behind the wheels, no spirit. The baby is morally irrelevant.

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