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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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A CURSE IS THE USE OF A VERBAL AFFIRMATION TO INFLICT DAMAGE UPON AN ENEMY, it is the use of words to cause destruction. Evidence that words contain power is found in Genesis 24:60 where the pagan family of Rebekah, who was marrying into the Jewish nation, blessed Rebekah saying "may your offspring possess the gate of their enemies" https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+24%3A60&version=KJV

Rebekah is a mother of the jewish nation. She was blessed saying that her offspring, the jews, would possess the gate of their enemies. This was over 2000 years ago this blessing was given. TODAY THE JEWS POSSESS THE GATES OF THEIR ENEMIES AND HAVE OPENED THE GATES TO THE THIRD WORLD.

This is proof of the power of words. Just as we can bless with our words so can we curse. Imagine what may have happened if it had been said "may your offspring encounter misfortunes" etc. Psalm 109 is an example of curses https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psalm_109 but curses don't have to invoke God, the blessing given to Rebekah invoked no god.

So I advocate that people curse their enemies. ONE OF THE REASONS WHITE PEOPLE VENT SO MUCH ANGER ONLINE AND WITHIN FAMILIES IS BECAUSE CIVILIZATION PREVENTS AGGRESSION TO BE ACTED AGAINST THOSE WHO HAVE ACTUALLY WRONGED AN INDIVIDUAL, and this is due to laws preventing physical action. So these laws are good to follow but they do create a lot of pent up anger.

Cursing is a legal way of venting that anger, and it allows one to vent anger against enemies so that you don't end up venting anger towards loved ones. It's better to vent anger legally through curse rituals rather than vent anger online at innocent strangers or vent anger towards family members. If someone has wronged you it is important to curse them so that you don't end up venting anger at loved ones or innocent people online. The only people who a person should avoid cursing even if they did do a wrong would be family and friends, forgiveness should be granted ones kinsfolk.

Some people in the black magick community advocate for animal sacrifice. I AM AGAINST ANIMAL SACRIFICE. Words themselves are powerful enough to plant the seeds of physical change in the world. People who abuse animals in the course of doing a black magick ritual are just being stupid and cruel. Abusing an animal does not strengthen the magick, the magick itself is a product of the words.

It is not only possible to curse and bless individuals. It is also possible to curse and bless entire ethnic groups. Just as it is important to curse enemies, those who have done one wrong, it is also important to bless those who have shown kindness to ones self. I have blessed non-white people before who have done me kindness. Also evil doesn't only involve what people do or say. A person can also do evil through the evil eye, through a evil glare at someone or simply through evil thoughts or emotions, love too is a good deed even though it doesn't involve "action".


If you bless your enemies instead of cursing them, you will likely still have pent up anger inside and you risk this being vented on loved ones. Cursing enemies is part of emotional healing. It can be part of that.

I AM ADVOCATING PEOPLE BE LAW ABIDING AND PEACEFUL, to say a curse is a law abiding and peaceful act.

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