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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Gangstalking? Targeting Individuals? I know I am going to sound crazy but I am thoroughly convinced that there are children (which I am one) who are bred specifically to be programmed as sleeper agents. Many of these are used in orchestrated 'events' (i.e. shootings, etc).

We are put through immense amounts of psychological, physical, sexual, emotional and spiritual trauma..most of which with heavy occult and religious themes/programming/scripts.

I want to make this post in case there are others who feel that they may be involved and I hope that together we can figure out what we are, why we are and where we are so that we can overcome these insidious ties.


Of course. See: Cathy O'Brien


my family often lie to me, and try to gaslight me into suicide, I wonder what I did wrong to deserve this.




I was born in a poor country with Muslims toxic and abusive parents was beaten all the time as a kid,I can't really remember ever being happy, everything was designed to make me suffer.

I always knew that something was "wrong" with this religion thus wasn't brainwashed but I am still in danger and can't really protect myself efficiently.



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I realized something today which was the whole time right in front of my eyes but i didnt want to believe it.

We are living in War. Everday. 24/4 but there are different battlefields in different reality layers. some people only recognize the war in the physical world.

I always hoped like the naive guy i am that someday in the near future things will become magically better and that humanity as a whole shifts into a better

But thats an illusion absolute illusion the war will only have an ending and "peace" ( when i am (or you) are dead or earth is cleaned from all evil forever which includes the evil intelligences operating from the spiritual world.

death is no option. giving up would be too boring and easy. do you know who you are?

im a fucking angry warrior and it doesnt matter how much i fell to the ground, how many people betray me, how often i get wounded its about how often i return to the battlefield and show them my presence.

i will not give up until my mission is finished. their attacks will just make you stronger when you trust the big plan.

when you start to work against the kingdom of this world the fun ends really fast and you begin to understand the real horror of our reality most people are unaware about.

my fellow anons i dont know you in the physical world but the our spirits seeking for truth light and a change brought us together to that strange place. seek god the father and ask for his protection and guidance






The third Sinister Forces book (The Manson Secret) deals heavily with stuff like the CIA collusion/protection of stuff like The Finders cult.

Suggest you read that trilogy

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