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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I have a lot of ideas and projects, many didn't go the way I wanted. Others say I shouldn't be as entrepreneurial and choose the path more followed than less. Let me be honest.

I am working in data science without a degree currently, my math is a little weak, but I've been studying to get better. I've had a few internships, and I did fail some coding interviews.

I had some book ideas, great ideas but again my writing isn't as strong as it should be.

I have some startup ideas…we will see what happens.

There are some benefits to going the general route(school) but there's something inside of me that rages against the generic path.

Here's where I talk magically.

How do you validate your intuition how can I be sure the path I am walking isn't a deluded one when it comes to walking in spaces far less traveled? How can one ground themselves on nonlinear pathways in life?

And narcissism. I feel like I destined for greatness, I constantly try and keep going in order to prove that to myself. I would have a happier and peaceful life if I gave up, but again my soul would die if did so.

How can I make sure my cycle of trying and failing is spiraling upwards towards betterment and not a simple circle?

I'm sorry if this is out of the norm for the general mood of the group. but I seek novelty in my answers something the mages of /Fringe/ has in spades.

Thank you for any help.


Commit to a goal

know what you want

if you are walking a less traveled path you will feel emotions

that can influence your decisions

trying is failing and succeeding it does not matter what happens as long as you always move towards your goal

you feeling like you are destined for greatness is normal just follow the path and stay strong

everything you just read means nothing unless you make it mean something you need to uncover everything yourself or with like minded individuals not everybody will understand you


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Pic related. At least read through to chapter 5. You can find the PDF inside the fringe library. You wouldn't need to ask such a simple question if you spent some time studying.


File: 086989585a12a0e⋯.webm (7.31 MB, 420x236, 105:59, just do it song.webm)



Sorry but someone needs to grab hold of this. I have to go.

Indiana Jones Ark of the covenant

Cover eyes

Faces melt those who did not

Coming censorship or something truly unspeakable?

Warning or threat?

Follow the connections

Bird Box (2018) sight/sight covering


A Quiet Place (2018) hearing speaking


The Silence (2019) hearing speaking


The Bye Bye Man (2017) "dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it" virulent idea spread


Pontypool (2008) hearing speaking/silencing of voice to prevent virulent idea spread


Don't Breathe (2016) sight/blindness hearing speaking


Hush (2016) hearing deafness


The Mist (2007) and tv series (2017) Take note how the characters interact with each other inside supermarket area.



See No Evil

Hear No Evil (1982)

See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989)







It Follows (2014) virulent spread of idea virus spread by "adult" touch that can kill those infected and can only be percieved by those infected.



My brethren, life is not all about feeling happy and good. Life is pain and sadness too. don't stress too hard on the feeling good part. If you know it will come then stay strong and do what you must now. These struggles will be just as rewarding, no one can know where their path takes them.

We sound similar. Just keep going, a new day is coming.


I've had this feeling too. Ever since I was little.

It's a heavy thing to carry with you but a grand one at the same time.

As much as it might sometimes limit you from experiencing your happiness, which by the way, I think is just so overrated and completely messes with ones point of view - it's a good reminder that keeps you going.

I've had issues with this feeling that I am destined to succeed. That I am destined for good things in life and wealth. It might sound narcissitic but let me break it down for you.

What I've been experiencing in the past years is actually a mixture of perfectionism and self doubt at the same time.

I've left school and decided not to continue my studies as I have such a strong intuition that I will do great in life - and that comes with great responsibility, especially if you don't want to be stuck in a dump, working 8+ h a day for a minimal wage.

But how to actually succeed and justify your intuition is a lot of hardwork. Myself - I am an artist. I paint, write and do music.

I chose to be good at those things, I was never talented. I wasn't priveleged yet some might think so.

It's a lot of hard work and skill. Skill.

I think the only way in life to fully fullfill yourself is by skill.

To constantly improve yourself, improve what you have chosen to be your talents, improve your daily habits and commit.

For example, I decided to write a novel this year. I commited. I write everyday and the improvement and growth of my work is amazing.

Same goes for painting…

You just have to figure out, what is the thing you are destined to do. What is the thing that makes your soul tingle when you think about it. I know it's complex and you might end up with 500 unfinished projects but pick the one that's the closest to your heart and drill it.

Work on it everyday. And don't strive to be good, strive to be the best at what you do.

Those book ideas that you had? Just do it. Sit down and just write. And remember you don't have to be good at what you do in order for the finished project to be great. Especially when it comes to writing.

Just write for now, get the ideas out. You have to be constant thought and the issue with me was my perfectionism would always interfere with my projects - oh this is garbage, this is so bad, no one can ever see this.

Change your mentality and do things for yourself.

Start writing your book, with time you will improve your writing, read.

Read a lot to get the hang of sentence structures, read about novel writings, guides…. Or just trust your gut - it knows best.

But whatever you do - stick with it and the results will follow.

The feeling of being destineed for greatness can benifit you in so many ways. Believe, work, achieve and the rest will follow.

Good luck fella!

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