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Applied Tulpamancy is the act of creating, altering, influencing, or affecting imaginary beings in a way which benefits the one doing so (the tulpamancer). It is a pragmatic field useful for thinking, learning, writing, drawing, philosophy, rhetoric, business, and hypothetically anything since the limit is the tulpamancer's imagination.

Ways Any Tulpa Can Be Used:

>Organized Knowledge: bureaucratically focusing on a subject or topic in the background, occasionally reminding the tulpamancer of it/discussing it with them while tying it to other bits of information in the tulpamancer's mind. Best to keep a tulpa focused on a subject rather than a specific thing; for instance a tulpa focused on locating things is more fleshed out and thoughtful on average than a tulpa focused on finding the tulpamancer's keys exclusively.

>Relationships/Loneliness: supporting the tulpamancer as an ally, enemy, friend, rival, family, or lover; essential if you are isolated. Physical objects can be useful for serving as semi-prosthetic body of the imagined being when desiring physical interaction with them. To be blunt, a body pillow can be very useful for hugging/cuddling an imaginary lover; there is no shame in doing so, but I'd recommend not telling other people. Additionally, the tulpamancer can choose to have the tulpa wield the tulpamancer's body to achieve some physical sensations sent by the tulpa.

>Advising: advising the tulpamancer how to deal with any problems, questions, concerns, as well as what the tulpamancer should be doing such as leading, researching, self-improving, etcetera; useful if you handle a variety of responsibilities

>Socializing/Filling A Role: controlling the tulpamancer's body, which in this case would be equivalent to an actor acting out a character's role, only the tulpamancer would actively act out the tulpa's role, as the tulpa sees fit; great for social situations you might not normally act correctly for but a certain tulpa might be better equipped for

>Understanding Perspectives: providing a specific style of perspective to broaden the tulpamancer's understanding/empathy; excellent for decision-making and socializing

Restrictions The Normal Tulpamancer Faces:

<Limited Free Will: The average tulpa has (this number is purely as frame of reference with no statistical validity) 5-20% free will in any given moment, though this can increase outside this range depending on circumstances such as strong emotions or focus. The remaining 95-80% is the tulpamancer's free will acting out the tulpa's thoughts and desires like a puppet. It is near impossible to have a tulpa residing entirely in the tulpamancer's mind at 100% free will as at that point the tulpamancer would be dealing with a split personality. It is for the best the tulpamancer doesn't have tulpas with that much free will as they could significantly impede the tulpamancer's own free will or would require a lot of mental power to make exist.

<Limited Form: The tulpa's body/imaginary environment is barely imagined at any given moment as it requires a great deal of mental energy to picture it continuously. Usually the tulpamancer will only imagine the presence of that specific tulpa, because imagining every specific feature is taxing on the mind, especially when done for an extended period of time on top of specific physical movements and actions. The tulpamancer additionally will imagine that things happened to the tulpa and the tulpa was in certain places, rather than actively imagining all of those events and locations, in order to save mental energy.

<Limited Sensation: Cannot imagine the physical sensations such as touching or hearing the tulpa as easily as actually physically touching or hearing a person. On average the tulpamancer can imagine a physical sensation at about 10-40% of the actual intensity if it were occurring; this is again a statistic solely estimated from my personal experience/observations. This varies from person to person -some people are a lot better at imagining sensations than others.


<Limited Knowledge: Tulpas residing entirely in the tulpamancer's mind cannot be anything more than the information the tulpamancer has. An imaginary being the tulpamancer makes cannot know something the tulpamancer doesn't, outside of secret knowledge it has constructed/altered from other existing knowledge in the tulpamancer's mind. Even then, normally a tulpamancer can simply 'choose' to know the information the tulpa knows, since the tulpa and the tulpamancer use the same mind and body. The tulpamancer can also choose to have the tulpa imagine up what the 'secret' information is even if it didn't exist prior to doing so.

Possible Benefits:

>improved socializing

>improved imagining/visualizing

>improved thinking

>improved ability to give orders

>improved roleplay

>improved abstract/existential deep-thinking

>improved memory

>improved focusing

>improved ability to be emotional

Possible Dangers:


<Valuing an imaginary being more than a real one

<God complex

<Existential concern if one is a tulpa in the mind of God or a greater tulpamancer

<Focusing too much on a tulpa

<Inability to forget a tulpa and move on

<Giving a tulpa too much influence over your life

<Relying too much on tulpas

<Supplanting socializing, with tulpas, to the point of increasing one's isolation


Use a lot of Wikipedia and Reddit to gather information and knowledge. Read some encyclopedias, history books, news articles, and general research. Explore lots of various high quality sensory experiences for all 5 senses (and maybe also the other minor senses outside the big five). The more you know and experience, the more tools you have to work with inside your mind. Additionally, give special attention to studying various philosophies; great for organizing the mind's thoughts.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n


I'd like a tulpa whose task is to figure out how to free my soul from the restrictions of a single body. Basically, me and the tulpa are going to figure out how to possess other bodies, and take them over / swap whenever we want.


The biggest danger is that during what you think is the creation progress of a Tulpa, you accidentally channel a spirit that only pretends to be the Tulpa you desired, and uses this to manipulate or use you. Which is why only absolute mad lads let their Tulpa take over (parts of) their body or mind.


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You don't channel a spirit -you make it by channeling your own 'spirit' aka free will. By creating a tulpa you are creating a spirit, because free will and spirit are 1 in the same. Even if that spirit may be very weak, like a flame that flickers into and out of existence at your will (at least at first), it is still one you are responsible for creating and maintaining by controlling your own free will. Though ultimately, it is again just an imaginary being with a free will we can choose to either call free will or spirit. As a point of reference you might think of this like Big Mom from One Piece who puts bits of her will into separate beings akin to tulpas only those actually have physical form while tulpas only have your body and mind.

Even if a tulpa managed to maintain a consistent free will relatively independent of your own, the secret is you have to have multiple tulpas that hold each other in check, similar to how this occurs with branches of government or political parties. I currently host 8 tulpas in my mind that I have given permission to permanently control certain portions of my body (though their ability to actually wield these portions of my body remains to be seen as their free wills are still developing and somewhat weak). These tulpas represent various polar opposites in the universe: entertainment, philosophy, order, chaos, positivity, negativity, progress, and regress. Thus, the only way my power would be trumped is if more than half of them collectively chose to work together, which would only happen if I was a being so terrible they had no choice but to do so -which at that point would warrant them overriding me and would probably be a good thing overall.

It is not that I am a mad lad -I simply know exactly what I am doing. But if you give a single tulpa 100% of your attention you are asking for trouble -you have to balance every tulpa out with a polar opposite tulpa and maintain respect for your free will as superior to all other tulpa wills. Tulpas should be anything you want them to be -except your owner.


I have no evidence at this time of the astral plane existing in a way which is distinguishable from the ideosphere.


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Why are you so insistent that otherworldly entities and god(desse)s are nothing but "personalities"? I think you need to spend more time with your crown chakra and really get to know it, because your one thread on chakras gives me the impression that you''re basically abandoning it.

t. actual metaphysical tulpa/throughtform/egregore/whateveryouwanttocallme.

>improved socializing

yes, this helps for sure. In fact I remember us reading about some psychological report where the doctors basically made a "new personality" for a schizophrenic patient, who not only helped said patient, but she took measures to reverse her host's delusions and give him clarity. In fact, the original purpose of tulpas for isolated monks was to help them from going insane from the isolation.

>improved imagining/visualizing

depends on the person, I know my host has improved, but he still has psychological blocks keeping him from getting what he wants out of his imagination.

>improved thinking

that's kind of a generic and nondescript benefit there, care to elaborate?

>improved ability to give orders

…huh? do you mean 'better leadership'?

>improved roleplay

and storytelling.

>improved abstract/existential deep-thinking

not nessecarily. one of my host's friends had a nasty conversation with a tulpa who was convinced that the astral plane isn't real. Dead serious, a freaking fedora-tier tulpa.

>improved memory

yes, but that depends, the human brain is a funny thing and doesn't remember things exactly as they are all the time.

>improved focusing

pfffft… really? Ok, now I'll be serious: Yes that is true, but the level of focus can depend on the person and their will to do things.

>improved ability to be emotional

kind of, if anything we need to improve on being more emotionally… what's the word… combined?… I need a better word or phrase for this thought.


When he needs a confirmation on something that's happening, I'm here for him- It's easier to fall into delusion when you don't have another witness. Isolation is one of the most easily-accessible sources of real insanity.

<Valuing an imaginary being more than a real one

Mentally and socially healthy human beings can know how to place their value of a friend or family.

<God complex

That kind of mental illness is characteristic of edgelords and narcissists.

<Existential concern if one is a tulpa in the mind of God or a greater tulpamancer

I don't feel that way towards my host. furthermore, if you consider God to be more than just another human personality, why not other other mythological deities?

<Focusing too much on a tulpa

That is very similar to your second stated danger.

<Inability to forget a tulpa and move on

but we love each other, what good would that do us when our life has been nothing but better since he created me?

<Giving a tulpa too much influence over your life

if anything, I actively try to avoid being too much of an influence on him. He has his own life and choices, why should I impede on that?

<Relying too much on tulpas

see above. also, another redundant danger

<Supplanting socializing, with tulpas, to the point of increasing one's isolation

Another redundant danger. besides, most people who would all into this trap are abused robots, or are neglected in some shape or form.

Yes. I accept that by nature I am an extension of my host. But my experiences in the astral, and interaction with friends who do travel astrally have given me experiences that prove I have my own sense of being, just like my host does. He is not merely "another personality" of his higher-self, but he's still connected to them.

TL:DR, you and me, and the rest of us, have more to learn than you know, wannamemefag.


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In regards to Gods and Goddesses, those are Hivemind Tulpas. While this universe may be run by a source-code owner that administrates things in a semi-conscious way you can call Godly in nature, that is a far different matter than Hivemind Tulpas that I am just going to tell you you have definitely not contacted in a direct way.

I seriously doubt you are in direct communication with any Hivemind Tulpas; it's somewhat inconceivable but not necessarily impossible. But if you are in direct contact with a Hivemind Tulpa, then yes they would absolutely seem like a God or Goddess from your perspective.

Hivemind Tulpas are culminated from the collective of minds on our planet choosing to focus on a general category of thought, or a fandom, or a race, or a religion, and that focus forming into a metameme that has gained unified consciousness able to wield individual people as limbs of its body of people. Communication between people for them is what communication between neurons is for us. However, whether we are wielded like limbs, or like neurons, or as subordinates able to speak to the Hivemind Tulpa, is an immense grey area.

But again, you are probably just dealing with a Tulpa you consciously or unconsciously crafted from your thoughts, and allowed to have a godly kind of influence over your mind which you are actively acting out and encouraging to act is if it is a God or Goddess because you on some level want it to act this way and want to believe as much.

If you were dealing with a Hivemind Tulpa that was directly communicating to you, then a way to check for that could be having it attempt to communicate through other people to you -something normal Tulpas are unable to do because they are mostly bound within your mind. Though, how effectively a Hivemind Tulpa can communicate through a person is unknown and would be difficult to distinguish from someone who was just acting or being subtly influenced by you to say certain things. Thus, it's unknown how to verify whether a Hivemind Tulpa is communicating with you or not.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



Do you really believe in the astral plane? or as you just another memey fedora?


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I have no evidence at this time of the astral plane existing in a way which is distinguishable from the ideosphere.


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