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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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>It's all about activating schizophrenia with fear of impending death, and then immediately thinking about something that would save you from that death. This will activate your pineal gland and your subconscious will turn into a biological supercomputer. The Illuminati all have schizophrenia essentially, their pineal glands are activated to give them amazing athletic ability. The guys on Dude Perfect that make those trick shots? Yeah, they make them the first time, every time, simply because their subconscious is calculating and performing the shot with 100% accurate muscle control based on its calculations from previous handling of the objects.

>If you've never had a fear of impending death in your life. You can be programmed to turn your mind into a bio supercomputer and use your subconscious to do mad trick shots like Dude Perfect and be an untrained world-class fighter from just watching fight moves. Simply, the never-death-feared initiate is threatened by someone and they say "If you don't get God powers, I'll kill you". And then boom, the initiate instantly gets schizophrenia (activated pineal gland) and his subconscious becomes a supercomputer slave to him. He simply has to say to himself in his mind "get me this shot" or "beat this guy", and he'll be turned into an aimbot or an expert fighter until the command is fulfilled.

>The pyramids were built by the Illuminati. Basically the chief architect was a never-death-feared, and he was threatened by someone with "If you don't get the great pyramid built perfectly within 20 years, I'll kill you". And immediately his pineal gland would have activated, and would have trained his IQ and charisma very high and made him the most efficient boss.

>All the workers also would have been programmed by "do your job perfectly, or you will die".


The whole thread is a good read and if there's anyone here who has a decent grasp on what kind of modifications they'd want to make to their consciousness you can definitely use the methods talked about in that thread to affect radical change in the consciousness.


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Thread: /pol/res/13044040.html

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



reading this made me realise my own sense of will is so loose and flabby it feels like it's diffused all across the room. Like a jellyfish that's been taken out of the water and flopped onto a table. Thanks for the thread it's got me thinking.


If someone said do this or die I would just die




>unironically calling gnosis "Schizophrenia".

How the hell is a state of one-pointedness that is common among several schools of faith (both gnostic and agnostic) equal to a mental illness associated with brain imbalance, waking dreams, and paranoia?

That thread feels like a bunch of teenagers who've just discovered a leatherman, and they insist on calling it a switchblade.

Really, what they've discovered is the connection of strong emotions and how they can be used as a conduit for several magickal tools, not just gnosis.



This triggered occultist is right.



On what scale can magick be applied?

What were to happen if someone attempted & successfully cast a spell with intent to split the universe into an alternate, better one?



I don’t know, but I’ll give you some data that might be relevant to you.

I once read someone who casted a spell to live in a world where pokemon were real, people traded with them, chase them on the streets, etc. It wasn’t a particularly strong magician or spell. Just a kid who wanted to “jump into another universe”. The spell consisted of prolonged meditation and visualization only.

Some months later pokemon go came out.



They're pretty fucking uneducated in general and lack the proper terminology.


On another note, how can I trigger this "gnosis" to boost my drawfaggotry, and potentially link my art autism with programming autism?



…jesus. I will work on being less trigger from now on.


that's why I made my triggered post.


A way to mentally link your creative interests, once you've entered gnosis, is by mentally speaking (or through literal talking) to your brain, that your creative sparks are now linked, that your will to make better art is now the same as your will to do better programming.

That's just one example, the best thing is to experiment; that's modern occult schools borrow from the religions of different countries.

welcome to the ride, take it one step at a time, and enjoy it.



Are there any other ways to enter gnosis that don't involve the fear of death? Internally speaking is the way to communicate with the brain during a state of gnosis, is it not?




did CWC type the OP?



Sounds cool, but how do I make use of this without actually risking death?


Gorgive me for no sources, but werent the first baptisims borderline drownings? This is mostly the same idea but they dont hit you with the big jesus jargon stick when you come up for air.


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Not sure, wouldn't doubt it, but you don't need to drown yourself or actually put your life in danger to do it. They probably did it that way because most people back then didn't know how to actually use their imagination.

>>129999 (Damage-Cap Quads Checked)


You can enter a state of gnosis using super-strong amounts of any human emotion, but for someone who has no idea what the fuck they're doing, they should stick to stuff like Love and Happiness. Imagine something you love like really strongly and how nice it is to be with it/him/her. Imagine that someone comes up to you and gives you something really fucking awesome, like amazingly unbelievably awesome. Imagine that moment when you hit a casino jackpot, or win the lottery. Keep mentally hyping yourself up, like "Oh my god, this is happening, this is really happening!" until you hit gnosis.

Does it sound crazy? yeah, but here's the thing, your subconscious can't tell the difference between reality and imagination.

You'll know what gnosis is when you feel it. I really want to avoid "pre-loading" into your brain what you think gnosis should feel like, but know that it will be a bit weird, but interesting. That point on, you can do all the brain-hacking you want: just be sure to aim for a "good enough" result, or you can autistically ask every single little detail so you can be sure you get the result you absolutely want.

Another method that you can use or supplement the above with, is meditation. Get comfy, and literally imagine nothing. If you find that not working, then imagine a white dot inside a white circle over a background of pure black. Augment this by Imagining that picture being square in your head- behind your eyes. If your head is noisy with thoughts, just let that be, keep going back to nothingness, or the picture of the white circle with the dot in the middle.

Love and happiness aren't the only emotions you can hype yourself up with to, but they are by far, the safest of them. If you want, you could try the other spectrum of emotions, Sexual Desire is another one that should be relatively safe to use, provided you can keep desire for release under control just long enough. Alternatively, Anger, Fear, Sadness. But be sure you're emotionally sound and this doesn't trigger an old memory that's hurt you before: lingering negative emotions attract low-tier entities that feed off that shit.

File related, some occult postings from a /fringe/ user named Khan, lots of agnostic and useful information in there but ignore his attitude towards sex/fapping: it's just straight up hateful, you should enjoy sexual release, rather than be shamed for it.. If you want a more esoteric approach, look up "The Kali Kaula, by Jan Fries", it gets wordy at times, but it's organized enough to where you don't have to fucking comb through chapters to look for a single sentence of good info.

Welcome to the ride, bros.



>I really want to avoid "pre-loading" into your brain what you think gnosis should feel like

Oh, no, it's alright. I think it's what people call "the zone", but I want to know if gnosis is a super-charged "variant" of it. I want my old, childlike passion to breech the "icky" barrier on not drawing stuff I don't like and seeping back into my art where it used to belong, i.e I'm so drawn towards cuteness that I can't even do shitposty/cartoony stuff because I feel it's all crass and cheapens everything.

I want to not only feel the joy of creation, but achieve gnosis with it.



Serious disinfo. Being able to make use of synchronicity and being able to think laterally isn't schizophrenia, that's a phase that total neophytes go through right at the beginning when they're still hemorrhaging their old programming. Lacking the fear of death is a result of the process, rather than a prerequisite. This post is saying "all you have to do to be really good at math is to have never made a mistake in math and also to be a math teacher."



It's /pol/ - they're probably not as educated or don't know any better words to convey their message with.



That's a fair point to take into consideration. When I was a neophyte I also thought I was willingly succumbing to some kind of aberrant mental break, so in that sense I sympathize.

With that said, I feel sorry for /pol/ since most of its regulars have infodumped themselves into a delirium and are not in a position to easily discern useful material from a kind of data salad of half-truths. It isn't like we aren't used to that on other boards and certainly on here, but /pol/ is caught in a self-defeating narrative loop, and I fear that most of the exits out for them are going to be rejected out of hand. It's a shame since their energies reach such a fever pitch that they would make for fantastic initiates if they hadn't already uncritically fallen prey to a series of paranoia complexes.

Who knows, though? If this sparks something, there might be hope for them.



I think all the /pol/acks with any potential already broke out years ago heh



I kept lingering around them because I still fell for the idea that they were just like any other anons - oldfigs and anons from other boards - and not the mess that they still are.



>You can enter a state of gnosis using super-strong amounts of any human emotion, but for someone who has no idea what the fuck they're doing, they should stick to stuff like Love and Happiness. Imagine something you love like really strongly and how nice it is to be with it/him/her. Imagine that someone comes up to you and gives you something really fucking awesome, like amazingly unbelievably awesome. Imagine that moment when you hit a casino jackpot, or win the lottery. Keep mentally hyping yourself up, like "Oh my god, this is happening, this is really happening!" until you hit gnosis.

I believe I've hit that kind of potent, power emotion when I got scared shitless over some mystery figure stalking me over the internet and hijacking my stuff. It's fairly recent, and it's more of a desperate "shock to action" than a negative emotion.

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