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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 75nd Attention-Hungry Games
/caco/ - Azarath Metrion Zinthos

March 2019 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 1bb76e15018ecd8⋯.jpg (8.72 KB, 219x230, 219:230, peoe excited.jpg)


We(really I, im using the royal we) have discovered the highest secret of money magic;giving(tithing to church+giving to charity) this double-fold investment(biblical "contract with God" trough the tithe + law of tenfold return )will, is going to, SHALL, make me rich within a few years.

I was born in a middle class house so i dunno how to insert myself among the rich.

so, let's discuss secret socities,places,habits and meet-ups relating to the world of wealth.

can you be a rich average joe like warren buffet?? can I make connections if im autistic?

I just know how to make my dollars go up but dunno how to strike a conversations with someone who was born rich.


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Greed is the reason we are in this shit to begin with

You are going to fly too close to the sun if you continue this path. Aim lower. The rich life is not yours to possess. You


money isn't that important. just accumulate worth.



resurrection is going to burn a hole in this world. Debts paid. Checks come due.

Ego walks a thin line of disbelief. Hiding inside a mirror. Darkness stalks.

Burning a whole. Deep and wide. You don't want to be caught clinging to a boat anchor for safety when this storm hits. Solid land will be the stuff of dreams.

Choked. Swollen. Crimson. Calls.

…if it were not so, not a soul would be left a live.

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