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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 7f3fcf9e1de2266⋯.png (44.3 KB, 2800x760, 70:19, one to cherish.png)

File: aa050e7b5b9e0af⋯.jpg (26.14 KB, 343x512, 343:512, hesse.jpg)


This is a specific sigil.

It's a summoning sigil.

For a pipe.

Because currently my tobacco pipe sucks. And my favorite pipe is burnt out.

So I want a new one. But I want one through summoning a pipe, not just to go to a store and buy one. Because this current [replacement] pipe sucks fucking balls. A good looking pipe doesn't necessarily mean it's a good smoking pipe.

So I made a sigil to get a good pipe. Grant Morrison writes entire comic books to get laid. I just want a pipe.

Look at my sigil. Be happy.

Then watch "Blade Runner".



>telling us what your sigil does


It is important to control the flow of information.

Including the access to the information. You have to control the narrative lest you lose control in general.

This is why when outright ridicule fails you move to covert means. You become the provender of said information, the trust scholar whose opinion matters.

It's all bullshit built on bullshit, but it keeps people from discovering truth, and that's all that matters. To maintain your paper tiger kingdom.

Here is a sigil about truth.

It's also a sigil about dancing in a desert. And summoning things. A nd forgotten memories of previous lives. About the fire that burns in the eternal spirit of each individual.


File: 02dfdd337fde794⋯.png (49.72 KB, 748x1010, 374:505, where the fire burns.png)





>A nd

Was that an intentional part of the symbolism?



Unintentional. Twice I clicked back to close the gap, and apparently failed both times.

I'd call it an unconscious mistake.

I'll likely paint an actual painting based on the premise of the sigil. I like motif of a whirling dervish type of dancer, using flashing colors for different movements and the flow of the clothing. More detail and anatomical correctness while still embodying the single line style.


"everyone i don't like is going to burn in a fire forever"


good for you, you've read the bible and now you have a mental "self-esteem victory" to ease your frustration

how about something tangible, you goofs? how about progress?



Hail Satan


Summoning a tobacco pipe quickly escalates into a refutation of Calvinistic Christian dogma. This is the power of chaos magic.


On a completely unrelated note, for those of you who use witches bottles for protection, you know the standard fare of nails, tacks, broken glass.

I was wondering what the effects would be if you used plastic army men. Or a Hulk figurine. Or maybe Superman and the Hulk.

Just a thought. I mean if your going to defend yourself, why not be creative? I just wonder what the effects would be, and if they would be funny.


The cat has your pipe.

The cat has your pipe.


test message

the mods on this site will lead you astray…they are a bunch of retards

beware…this is a honeypot site these days



Interesting you bring this up, as a kid I would do this with various toys of mine. I would take the ones I liked the most and "designate" them to protect me and my living space, each had a various function like "watchtower: alerting when danger is near" or "attack dog: when alerted will activate and eliminate the danger" or "force field: prevent harm from entering a space or area". I did this as I would have frequent night terrors/sleep paralysis and didn't know what to do, so my young mind thought up this idea to help myself. It actually worked to a degree, and I haven't thought about that for years until now. It is interesting seeing what I did as a kid, now through the lens of magick and esoteric knowledge.


File: 94244c3296f91de⋯.png (74.91 KB, 1756x735, 1756:735, rhwagp.png)


Fluid nature of reality.

We are like the blind running our hands across a bas relief mural describing an unknown world that we are kings of, but have forgotten.



I really like your posts. You have a way with words. When I try and describe /fringe/ shit I sound like a schizo retard.


File: 19bfd137dc59e23⋯.jpg (256.35 KB, 570x896, 285:448, Bob.jpg)

Here's a better sigil for pipes


You know buddy, whenever I need a new pipe I just drill out a piece of birch branch. I support your endeavors but sometimes the answer is mundane and right under your nose. Best of luck to ya.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the web is dark and full of torrors


When the magic sings hard.

And everything you've wrote gets discarded,

[licks chops]



A man, dressed as a Knight, riding on Horseback. Don Quiotxe?



Nay, I relook. A man, Aryan? Dressed in robe making the gesture of NOX, though I am unsure which.


File: 2ee9bf19a8dbf7d⋯.png (21.32 KB, 1522x819, 1522:819, wthrml.png)



It was the impression of a kind of dancing dervish, though different.

Spontaneous spiritual dancing, reflecting creation and ones relationship to it. Not specific to any religion, but definitely robed/clothed for the desert, though that may have just been a costume.


File: 91dd2fa6537d640⋯.jpg (213.96 KB, 794x1190, 397:595, 9os.jpg)

The Meaning of Life is the Spontaneous Joy of Existence.

To exist is joyful. It is an inherent thing, underlying all else. It is the foundation that all is built upon, and why those who have no cares are full of joy.

It is where laughter comes from. Exposure to the spontaneous. And why laughter both cannot be faked and is contagious, because it is the universal language of the soul.

All of our pain and frustrations are byproducts of our attempts at avoiding the spontaneous, of plotting out and trying to game a reality that isn't meant to be gamed.

Follow that thread of thought to its conclusion, to wherever it leads you. Every individual path, no matter how similar, is still unique.

Life gives life.




>Nay, I relook. A man, Aryan? Dressed in robe making the gesture of NOX, though I am unsure which.

It is a dancer, exploring through movement.

Life fulfills life. Individual knowledge can put oneself at odds with the collective. The path forward may not be for the whole.

Eye of a needle.

The few who pass through the needle mean that the whole did not.

If your part of the whole…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You have failed me.



>You have failed me.

Not really, its just an emotional effect.

a connection to an emotional outcome necessary to connect the deep spiritual side to the material aspect.

Hope is a patch worn by the fearsome.


Ask me anything, I will answer it. As long as this thread lives.

(good luck)



thx me2



What do I need to work on chaosanon?



remove terrorists



What are terrorists?



That's not relevant to this board as far as I can tell, other than perhaps generally raising awareness or something. But you know, slaying demons in the astral realm could help.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>thx me2

Listen Twice.


Notice everything, take nothing seriously.

I was pretty drunk when I made the ama post, and forgot I made it. So, that happened.


Dude, a Missouri Meerschaum is like $2.

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