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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Why do almost all Tarot decks suck nigger cock?

It's unbelievable the pile of shit that one has to dig through, resulting in still finding nothing valuable.

I maintain that the only two interesting Tarot decks are Marseille (specifically, under Camoin-Jodorowsky's restoration) and Crowley's.

The first is undoubtedly a hyper-complex traditional book of meaning, yet always remaining consistent in its basic rules: left/right orientation, colours, aiming of the sights… most of which even Crowley failed to grasp.

If one wants to venture out of these safe grounds, he'll find countless of extremely low-effort decks, most likely traced on Rider-Waite's one, whose ubiquitous popularity is a clear sign of the Kali Yuga -as with its disgustingly explicit symbols and switching places of the Major Arcana to fit bizarre astological theories, it's clearly one of the worst decks out there.

/fringe/, there must be something I am blind to: which Deck do you personally use? Which ones do you recommend?

Do you use it for readings or just for visualization?

Did you remember to have it gifted to you and not buy it yourself?

How did you consecrate it before starting to use it?


Mod note: deleted your duplicate thread.



Yup, had trouble posting this all afternoon.



Deleted your third duplicate thread… sigh.

Try posting from Tor? Although then you can't post files since the globals aren't letting images be posted through Tor, sigh.



Nope, just trying to post and progression getting stuck at 100%.

Try to post again, and get flood-blocked.

Then all of the threads appear at the same time on hour later and can't delete them since password has changed.

Anyway, past is past. Let's allow people to respond to OP.



>OP bitches and moans about tarot card aesthetics like an occult consumerist

>Uses the term Kali Yuga unironically


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I use (used) Marseille. Didn't use it in a while cause didn't need it. I use it in a simple, "anti-formalist" manner. Simply clear my mind, mix the deck, extract the cards, see and go to the first impression that comes to mind. No prejudice, expectation, or wishful thinking. It is what it is.

The cards are a means for the subjective mind to access the Objective Mind. Both the medium/act (cards) and the subjective mind are required, tough neither alone is sufficient. Nor is the process merely the sum of these two parts.

I was thinking of designing my own personal deck to better suit me (then printing it on one of those sites that make custom cards), but I never got round to it.



I sometimes formulate a question/goal before doing the above tough. No point in profaning the act by doing it for shits and giggles.


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If you don't condone the old GD tampering with the order of the trumps for astrological reasons, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you regarding Crowley's Thoth deck…


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>mfw the only deck I ever used was Jodorowsky-Camoin

>mfw I just picked up the Thoth deck today on a whim and it was the last one they had in stock

Hmm, I like you, OP. Good taste!



That type of reading works, and nobody who has experience in this will doubt that it does. A read by a first-timer with zero experience will still give broad-stroke right-enough information, and it's important to do this to see how the meaning of the cards is not inherent in them but in the interaction between the perceived and the perceiver at that level (yes, Buddhists, I know these are false categories, don't jump down my dick about this please. Read later Wittgenstein).

However, to avoid learning the patterns that were deliberately placed into the tarot is to seriously hamper your ability to read the cards successfully, hence why it is of importance to people who plan on making a real go of tarot to get a deck which retains as much as possible these lessons. You are quite free to make an oracle deck of your own (such as the Thoth tarot), and it will give reads as accurate as can be expected from a deck of whatever complexity you desire, but please note that there are established patterns in tarot that you may find useful, beyond the recognition of broad archetypes.

As it happens, Marseilles decks are indeed likelier to give good reads, but only to the extent that the reader invests some time into understanding the relationship of the various elements of the deck and why small details become big deals further on down the line.

Rider-Waite and related decks might be a great introduction to the notion of tarot and cartomancy generally, but the loss of fine details means that further extrapolation past a certain point must be wholly a matter of the reader, because the relations between the cards will have been scrambled. In other words, is actually harder to give useful reads using more modern decks unless you are particularly adept at divination and have some pretty finely tuned intuition. It's possible to get great at divination with Rider-Waite, etc, and it happens, but the closer to the originals, the easier a time you will have. Any high school algebra student can tell you that the more you round your numbers at the start of a problem, the less accurate your final result will be.



Crowley's Thoth deck really deserves to be treated more like an oracle deck than a tarot deck for this exact reason. With most people, their changes are additions or shortcuts for them only, and subtractions for the rest of those who would use it, unless it's a learning deck, and even then, it's questionable if that's useful. Crowley is a special case. Even his worst critics must admit that whether he was right or wrong, he went hard with it and he meant what he was doing.

The Thoth deck has real merits and his changes are meaningful, but they are so extensive as to place it in a separate category from tarot broadly. Those decks which are paint jobs over the originals without any changes beyond shortcuts are really just dead ends, and students of tarot should avoid making their own decks if they're still in the process of learning, and should avoid using designer decks of others unless those others in some way merit emulation or have made quite sure to include the elements and patterns of the originals.


I've used Lenormand more than tarot. When I want to cast tarot, I use a standard deck of playing cards.



The best deck I've ever used is called "The Eternal Tarot". It uses the true order of the Tarot which is the Fool as the 21st, Strength as 11 and Justice at 8, as Eliphas Levi secretly revealed. Readings should be done at an altar with lit candles, an upright pentagram, and the seal of the sign of the cross.

Next best deck is Thoth deck but be careful with it as its easily turned into black magic.



I suppose that makes my progresses with the Rider-Waite as a beginner with accuracy from the first reading something worth looking back on. I haven't interacted with any cartomancy in a while.

I post because I originally thought that the Rider-Waite was as close as I could get to the old stuff while using money. I suggest that the perspective of the user also has an impact on the readings - the person who expects to have a less accurate reading will get that additional inaccuracy. Before even starting with the Tarot in a first reading by that deck, I invested time meditating with individual cards, and researching the meaning of the symbolisms that were present. I think I spent a few weeks doing this before diving in.

This being said, I'm more inclined to experiment with both before drawing any conclusions for my personal means.

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