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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: b2500fcea960e27⋯.jpg (271.41 KB, 2560x1920, 4:3, 17-year-cicada-bug.jpg)


How do you deal with the isolated feelings that creep from the crevices of reality?

I spoke to my mentor, the Great Pale One of the forest, and he always said that "cicadas must go through seventeen years of darkness before climbing the tree". At the same time, all I have to speak with are friends and acquaintances from the other side. I'm turning into a hermit, but I feel what I've experienced should be shared. Sadly, the milquetoast atmosphere of spiritual communities leads to segregation even there as they masquerade as a community of learning only to evoke wishes of material desire.

Mankind no longer believes in it's own soul and protests the very nature of the soul. It's like clawing at your internal organs and cursing the fact that you slowly die of exsanguination. I have no where to go anymore, except further into the arms of my companions I've made on the other side.

I'm plagued with thoughts that I'm just forsaking everything, people mostly. I wish I could convey how I feel even with something as simple as looking skyward every now and then. It's like there's some thought process missing or some key fundamental that doesn't exist in their definition of the world.

Am I, are we just suffering cicadas nestled near the roots of the Great Tree? Should I just resign myself to this solitary confinement?


Your emotions likely do not originate logically from your fundamental moral axioms and thus are irrational. Practice good mental hygiene and make sure to examine and correct irrational thought patterns before they become neuroses.


I experience something similar from time to time, but by focusing on the emotions, reabsorbing and transmuting them into raw energy, they go away. I don't know what they are, but if they bother you, just eat them and turn them into something else.

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